Showing posts with label what I wore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label what I wore. Show all posts

What I Wore: Cleaned Up

Monday, September 22, 2014

My weekend ended up being bananas. Purchasing appliances has somehow turned into a minor kitchen reno (let's add pendant lights! and a new hood! and new decor!), so my house has been a total construction zone. Luckily, everything is now in its place and we're just waiting for the range hood to show up and get installed and we should be done with it.

It's been eight years since we built our home (seriously, we were baby fetuses when we built and had no idea what we were getting ourselves into) and we've always talked about doing it again, but in a dishwasher-ignited rage, I reminded my husband that we are never, EVER building again. Ugh, I'll put up with anything if it means I don't have to go searching for a screwdriver again. Our house is very quirky (thanks, logs) and nothing is standard, so we spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to make things work. Yesterday, all the guys in my husbands family had to come over and lift our new fridge over our bar because the honkin' huge load-bearing log by the kitchen meant we couldn't just roll it in. I thought I was going to have a heart attack.

After a weekend spent covered in dust and impatience, it's nice to see myself all cleaned up, even if it's just a super simple outfit. I have, however, been rocking my specs all weekend as well. Sometimes, contacts (or in my case, a contact) just isn't in the cards.

Shirt: Calvin Klein - (They don't have this print anymore, but this is the fit. (Similar) (love this)
Skirt: Calvin Klein ugh I need to stop shopping CK this is getting ridiculous. (Here) (OMG they have it in pleated) (Cheap!)
Shoes: MIA (here) (similar) (in red? I die) These shoes have been so versatile it's not even funny.
Watch: (here)

Now it's time to dig my poor house out of this haze of dust and broken glass shards. So it's back to messy clothes and an artfully arranged bun. At least until tomorrow anyway. Ah, the life of chronic DIYer's wife. 

What I Wore: Critical Mass

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

So the next couple of weeks will be super spotty posting-wise. We're about to embark on a couple weeks of traveling and between prepping for that and wrangling two kids solo while making the regular trek up to Canada, posting about clothes is kind of low on the priority list. I'm kind of at critical mass trying to get everything ready in time.

I'm typing up this post while on a conference call, I kid you not.

So uh, here's something I wore. And honestly, I can't even remember what it was for. But I liked it! So really, three cheers to me for being the best style blogger ever. It was last week. I can't remember something that happened six days ago and for which my hair looked really nice.

Top: Calvin Klein (here) Ugh I can't find it in this color! I found it in store. Here it is in (plus)
Jeans: Also Calvin Klein I'm so sorry they were having a sale: (here)
Shoes: F21 (similar) (love the toe on these) These shoes are super uncomfortable, FYI.
Watch: Same old 

Funny story! I used my fantastic magical blue shampoo twice in a row and there were streaks that were exactly the color of this shirt. I pretended like I did it on purpose. Then I went and bought a good clarifying shampoo. Back to once a week with blue shampoo I go! 

Well, my conference call is over and my to do list is growing, so I'd better take off. Remind me again why I do this to myself? 

What I Wore: Sneaky Lazy

Monday, August 25, 2014

 Sometimes, when I don't want to get all dressed up and just be lazy, I use this sneaky trick: Wear normal, lazy clothes with pattern and texture. Like, a T-shirt and jeans is pretty lame, but add some leopard and leather and then I'm like "Hey everyone I got dressed today!"

This is totally a "Shopping around on a Saturday" outfit. Nothing too special, but adding some texture and pattern makes it a little more wear-worthy, right? Also, I don't wear a lot of makeup and jewelry on lazy Saturdays, so leopard loafters make it all better (I bought them at K-Mart when I went in to get my kids' school supplies because I am a gem).

Shorts: Let's not get too excited I cut them off of an old pair of F21s (but I really like these)
Shoes: Bongo (here) Seriously, don't spend a ton on something as silly as leopard sneakers. 

Andrew loves to sneak into pictures. I'll bet 65 percent of all pictures I take look like this. 

Honestly, when it's still hot, boring, lazy outfits with zero layering are my favorite ever. And, since those days are numbered, I'll probably just soak up until I have to wear complicated outfits again. Today's outfit might end up being a swimsuit. Don't worry, I'll add a pattern. So fashion! 

What I Wore: Calming Blue

Monday, August 18, 2014

 We spent all weekend celebrating the beginning of school. I took the kids out for lunch and to the arcade on Friday (where my daughter won this huge, embarrassing jackpot on one of the games so we came home with like, 6 new stuffed animals and a raging gambling addiction) and then headed out on the lake on Saturday for some tubing and wakeboarding.

Now I'm just sore and anxious because I get anxious about everything and meet-the-teacher day and the first day of school are no exceptions to that rule. I need to remember to add money to lunch accounts, wash backpacks and charm my children's teachers so they're OK with the fact that we're going on vacation in the next couple of weeks. Ugh.

 Top: a.n.a. (similar) (also pretty close
Skirt and belt: modbod (super cute alternative) (similar and cheap)
Shoes: Steve Madden Xfoliate (here) (almost a carbon copy)
 I love these shoes. I was afraid I was going to fall the entire time I wore them, but I love them just the same. So be advised accordingly. 

This is my fave pic from that day.

Isn't blue supposed to be a calming color? I'm going to go put it on from head to toe and I'll get through the next couple of days. I think. 

What I Wore: Newlywed Game

Monday, August 11, 2014

On Friday we went out with some of our oldest friends and had so much fun (and I wore this). We grabbed some BBQ and then saw Guardians of the Galaxy and could not stop talking until I got shushed from my husband when the move started. Hey, I was catching up! We even drove my husband's old Jeep, which was our only car when we got married. So basically I felt like a baby newlywed all night long and it was awesome.

Top: BKE Boutique (gift from husband - he has good taste, right?) (similar) (super cute) (embellished collar)
Jeans: Calvin Klein because I have like four pairs now (here as per usual)
Shoes: Top Moda (similar) (similar)
Watch, bracelet: Gucci, Marc Jacobs
Earrings: Just some hoops from F21

This is actually my favorite picture that we took. I was yelling at Justin because he was taking pictures too fast and then I spend like, nine hours deleting shots of me blinking. I'm much better looking with my mouth closed. This is me saying "Staaaaaahp you're taking them too fast!" And apparently waving my hand weirdly. 

Speaking of newlyweds, on Saturday, we went and bought an entire new appliance package for our kitchen. We've been functioning with the same appliances we bought at like, garage sales when we first moved into our house eight years ago, so it was time. I am TOO excited to have a range that doesn't set off the smoke alarm every time I boil water.

Of course, after blowing that money, I feel like we're as poor as newlyweds. I might have to restrict my shopping to recover. It's a small price to pay for a better dishwasher, right?

What I Wore: Rainy Days

Monday, August 4, 2014

 We've had a slew of rainy days this past week and it has been glorious. Cooler temps plus me not having to take my kids to the pool every day is perfection. Although one day we did pack up a picnic and go to the park only to have the sky dump on us like, three minutes into it. Utah LOVES a surprise rainstorm when everything is sunny.

So, this outfit is not seasonably appropriate for summer. It was cold and wet and puddle-y, even though it was still July. Thank goodness for layering: I wore this to work at the hospital, which means it's simultaneously freezing and boiling hot, depending on which floor you're on. I just shucked the sweater when I got hot.

I also dropped an entire large raspberry Diet Coke like, five minutes after I set foot in the hospital, so I was glad for the tall, indestructible boots. It looked like a freakin' crime scene.

 Tee: Victoria's Secret (sold out online boo) (similar)
Sweater: Calvin Klein (here) (similar) (plus)
Jeans: Calvin Klein (here)
Boots: Frye (here) (similar) (wide calf)
Watch: XOXO (similar)
Cuff: Buckle (similar)
Necklaces: craft fair, stolen from my 8 year old daughter. 

You can tell it's rainy in this picture because it's all shadowy in my house. This picture was taken at like 4 in the afternoon. Gone is my glorious picture-taking light. Also this picture reminds me I need to color my roots tonight. Life is hard.

Aaaaand my kids just asked what fun activity we were doing today. Uh... what do you guys do when its's rainy? 

What I Wore: Conversations About Food

Monday, July 28, 2014

Our little weekend away was a success, if only for the fact that I got to eat a very large fruit and cheese Danish and that's really all I look for in a getaway. My little brother (who is currently living in Burundi) and I spent this afternoon talking about all the foods that we'd like to eat the next time we're home in Canada. Things on the list: Schnitzel from our old neighborhood deli, snack cakes (he likes Hostess, I prefer Ah Caramel, both are trashy and gross) and baguettes torn up into pieces and eaten with spinach dip from the grocery store on our street, with pieces covertly fed to my parent's dog. I'll be heading up North in a month or two and it's only a successful trip if I get all of my favorite foods in.

Also, I maintain that if you have nothing to talk about in a large group of people, start talking about food. It wins always. I could talk about food all day, every day.

This outfit has nothing to do with food, except for the fact that the kimono would work well if you ate too much schnitzel and had to hide a food baby. Not that it every happens to me or anything *cough*

Tank: Maurices (similar)
Kimono: Max and Riley (similar) (love the leather) (cute!)
Skirt: c/o modbod (similar) (if you're into brocade)
Necklace: Aldo (hello, cheap!) (super classic)

Seriously, all I can think about is food right now. But in the meantime, I'm loving this kimono. I bought it on the cheap because I wasn't sure if I'd like it, and I'm a fan. It worked with this outfit, but I've mostly been wearing it with skinny jeans and flats for a super easy date night outfit. Moral of the story: I like food and buying cheap trendy items to make sure they work. I've already got my eye on another and I'm willing to spend a bit more because I know that I like this style. 

I mean, like, not as much as I like schnitzel and trashy Canadian snack cakes, but it's up there. 

What I Wore: Andrew's Mom

Monday, July 21, 2014

Lest you think I'm just some weirdo glamazon who stomps around in heels all summer long, I give you an accurate representation of what I look like on a daily basis. I hate blow drying in the summer and reserve it for Sundays, so every other day it's in a braid, bun or air dried. I wear like, mascara and some bronzer and gaze at my heels wistfully while slipping on flats.

On this day, my youngest was having a play date with a little girl whom he refers to as his "girlfriend," so I was playing the part of "Andrew's mom." You know, it's when the kid who comes to play with yours only refers to you as your child's mom, and never your actual name? Andrew's mom was setting up the slip and slide and doling out PB&Js all day, so Andrew's mom wore a T-shirt and jeans.

T-shirt: Victoria's Secret (here) I am not joking when I say I bought four of these shirts in the last week - I also got the same as above in pink, and this one and this one. Love that they fit a little big and are super easy for every day without being sloppy. They do fit big though, so I ordered a size down (xs) 
Pants: Gap (similar) These have a zebra pattern and I can't find them anywhere :( I bought them in store though, so you might have more luck there. 
Shoes: Roxy (here) (similar) (cheap!)
Watch: Gucci (here)
Earrings: My nanny's (similar) I just wear plain Jane studs on most weekdays.

I will also point out that Goldfish were on the menu this day, as referenced by the piece on the floor between my feet. You'll be happy to know that my house got a top-to-bottom cleaning right after this and that Goldfish cracker is now safely ensconced in my Dyson. 

Anyway, there's nothing wrong with a tee and jeans. I definitely veer more toward casual clothes, especially during the summer when it's one layer or bust. Today Andrew's mom will be wearing something along the lines of shorts, a T-shirt and grocery shopping so you know, things are getting pretty glam around here. 

What I Wore: Birthday Girl

Monday, July 14, 2014

 I'm home and it's amazing! While I'm pretty outgoing, I consider myself to be an introvert, especially when it comes to being around other people. I'll join the group and have fun, but being with others completely drains me and I need to recharge with alone time.

So it only makes sense that I would go and help run a camp for 400 girls for five straight days, right? I shared a cabin with 20 people, taught a workshop, tried to explain to 200 girls at a time how to make a bracelet (which wasn't frustrating AT ALL), forgot matches, and sat out a torrential downpour.

It was totally fun and dirty and exhausting, but what I found to be the most challenging was never being ALONE. When I was finally done and pulled my Jeep off of the mountain where the camp was held, I was literally almost in tears just because for the first time in five days, I was all by myself.

I went home and because my kids were still with their aunt, I enjoyed like, a whole hour of Jae time before my family burst through the door and I was officially recharged. And, since Saturday was my birthday, I didn't have a lot of downtime. We went to my favorite breakfast place first thing and then spent the day shopping for new sunglasses (I could not have been MORE indecisive but ended up with a sweet pair of Wayfarers) and then my husband and I went out for our anniversary dinner (yes, we got married on my birthday) and for a little more shopping. SO basically, it was my perfect day. Shopping + Food = Happy Jae.

On the way home, we stopped to grab a cake for my family birthday dinner, and ended up with this giant hamburger, which I couldn't stop laughing at. My kids basically thought it was the best thing ever.

So yeah. Lots of camping, a seriously well-deserved nap, almost crying from relief, hamburger cake, 11th anniversary, and turning 30. That's what I did last week.

Oh. I also wore this:

Top: American Eagle (similar)
Skirt (Arden B) (similar) (also pretty close!) (plus)
Shoes: Nine West (similar) (these are adorable) (sassypants)
Earrings: F21 (here)

I'm totally craving my routine again, which always happens when I'm away. It felt sooo good to fire up my computer and eat toast while checking my email this morning. YES I am aware of how sad that sounds. What can I say? After 30 years, old habits die hard. 

What I Wore: Making Hay

Monday, June 30, 2014

I'm feeling a little frazzled today. I did that thing where you feel stressed about your to-do list and so you write down everything you need to get done so you feel better. But it just made me more stressed. I'm helping to run a girl's camp for 400 teenagers next week and I woke up in a cold sweat at 6 a.m. thinking about tents and what I did with my sleeping bag and how I needed to buy peanut butter to bring with me because I can't live without peanut butter.

Deep breaths. I do have some awesome friends who are helping out, to whom I am eternally grateful and very sorry. But I think I'm going to need a tranquilizer to get through the next week.

Here's one more thing to check off my list:

Skirt: Urban Wear (similar)
Jacket: H&M (this season's) (very similar)
Belt: ASOS (similar)
Shoes: Charlotte Russe (similar)
Earrings: F21 (so cheap!)

I'd stay and write something great about this outfit, but right now my kids are still asleep and I have to make hay while the sun shines. Or actually design graphics and invoice clients while the sun shines. Either way. 

What I Wore: GWO

Monday, June 23, 2014

Monday, Monday. After a girl's weekend out with my friends, I feel like my internal clock is having a meltdown. We didn't get to bed until after 2 a.m. both nights, but my brain likes to wake me up at 6 a.m. ALWAYS. I seriously pine for the days when I could sleep until noon. Teenagers have a pretty sweet setup.

But I did have a good time and I definitely did some major shopping, so I'm happy. I also ate a crapload of food and was introduced to the Whole Foods cookie bar so yeah. That happened.

It was still a little chilly on Thursday when we headed out on our adventure, and we were supposed to spend the night in the city, so I layered up accordingly:

Jacket: Calvin Klein (here and 50 percent off) Not only did I wear this again, but I completely badgered my friend Ellen into buying it too. Everyone needs it. Also, I bought this jacket, without realizing that I totally listed it as an option for jackets last week. I got home and was looking at my blog stats and was like "Hey, that's the jacket I bought on Thursday night!" I'm amazing.... ly oblivious.
Holy crap this explanation got really long.
Shirt: Gap (here)
Jeans: Calvin Klein (here as per usual and they are 40 percent off right now ahh!)
Boots: Call it Spring Milada (also on sale)
Scarf: H&M (my brother bought it for me) (similar) (so cheap)

Of course, by the time I'd tried on like, 9,000 things, I ditched the jacket and got tangled in the scarf. But it started out looking super cute, right? Also, my beloved boots are the best shopping shoes. I wore them for two days of marathon shopping and my feet only got sore around like, 6 p.m. the second day. That's gotta be a record.

Now I have some time to play dress-up -- er, I mean catch up on work. My room is currently just a mess of bags and tags so I should probably do something about that too. 


What I Wore: Unseasonable

Monday, June 16, 2014

Ah, relaxed weekends are the best. I got a migraine Friday afternoon (they always start with my seeing flashing lights and it always takes me like, 10 minutes to realize what's happening. I also sent a client an invoice and a completely nonsensical email while in the "aura" of the migraine and read it back later and nothing made sense. So he also got an apology email). After downing some caffeine and medicating myself, we took the kids to see the new Dragons movie. I didn't cry.

JK I totally cried.

On Saturday we did some chores around the house and then my kids wanted to go to the Disney Store because they had allowance money and they're my children and as such, are spenders. I also happened upon an H&M sale. So I guess I'm living my life right.

It's been cool here the last few days, but I'm excited because it means I get to wear cute cotton jackets again. I totally wore this out and around on Saturday. Unseasonable temps for the win!

 Jacket: Calvin Klein (my mama bought it for me as an early bday present) (here and 40 percent off yessss) (similar) (similar)
Shirt: Gap (here) I buy these like they're going out of style but they aren't haaaa I'm funny.
Jeans: Calvin Klein (you know the drill)
Shoes: Bamboo (similar) (why are these called geek shoes? I take issue with that)

 I had to have this jacket because it's a moto style, but a really light cotton material, so I can wear it without dying in the summer. This absolutely does not count toward my leather jacket collection, right? 

Am I afraid of getting it dirty? Absolutely. But I LIVE MY LIFE. 

I do love these tees for the perfect amount of slouch. I've been living in them lately and want to buy more on my girl's trip this weekend. Also: Tee+jeans+cute flats= Saturday uniform forever. 

It's still pretty cool, so I'm going to soak up as much of it until it becomes blazing hot again. Last week, my husband's boss let my kids collect some eggs from his chicken coop (totally normal) and they were convinced that it was so hot, if they left them in my car, they would hatch.

Instead, my son accidentally stepped on his while getting in the car and I had egg in my center console. Luckily, it was hot, so it fried up nicely.

So yeah, I think I'm going to enjoy this while it lasts. 

What I Wore: Triumphant Return

Monday, June 9, 2014

I told you I'd be back! Things are starting to calm down around here: I handed in the majority of that big work project, my mom is here shuttling my kids around to swim lessons and feeding them breakfast, and I even had time to go sob with my friends over "The Fault in Our Stars" and then wonder what it would be like if grown men attended sad movies in groups like women do.

And, since my mom has been here, we've done a little shopping, so I have lots of fun things to show you. I also have a shopping-related girls trip next week so brace yourselves, people. Things are gonna get extreme and I don't just mean my carbohydrate intake.

Tank: Ali and Chris (similar) (similar) (cheaper!)
Cardi: Gap (similar) (cheap!)
Skirt: Calvin Klein (here - you have to see it up close!) (similar)
Shoes: Top Moda
Necklace: Plunder 

I saw this skirt and knew it had to be mine. It's perforated, so it's actually really flowy, despite being leather and the lining is just a smidge shorter than the overlay which is SO. PRETTY. I expect to have many happy years together. I will say that if you do think about grabbing this one, to size down. This was a 2 and there is no way on God's green earth that I'm actually a size 2. I'm usually a 4 or 6. So keep that in mind if you're in the market for, you know, a perforated dotted leather a-line summer skirt. 

Like so many people are. 

Hopefully I'll be back to posting regularly this week, especially because I have a zillion Freaky Friday pictures just waiting for angry sarcasm. I've already been like, superhumanly productive today so I'm feeling pretty optimistic. 

What I Wore: American Hipster

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

I am inexplicably attracted to Americana, which is ironic because I'm not American at all. Wait, if I wear Americana ironically, does that make me a hipster? CRAP.


Top: Just Ginger (that's a stupid name) (similar) (maternity) (want!)
Jeans: Maurice's (similar) (similar)
Boots: Call it Spring (here
Necklace: Craft fair. It's literally just a letter pendant on a leather cord. See also: Things I could have made myself but instead purchased from other people. 

I wore this on one of those multipurpose days when I was hauling kids to baseball practice and grocery shopping but also having dinner with friends. Skinny jeans and booties forevaaaar. 

Sorry if none of this makes sense. The last two days have been very warm and I'm still acclimating and I feel sunburned and a little sundrunk. I need a nap. Like I'm literally just waiting around for my daughter to get home to be in charge so I can sleep. 

Ooh, I can hear her! Mom of the year, basically. 

What I Wore: Two Trick Pony

Monday, May 19, 2014

So I bought this cardigan last September, thinking it would be my favorite cardi in the world because it had leather inserts and we all know how much I enjoy leather. When I got it, I realized that literally the only thing it really went with was a white tank top. So I wore it like that all winter long and last week I went to pull it out of my closet and was like "NO I SHALL NOT WEAR YOU WITH A TANK  TOP TODAY!"

Commence musical montage where I try it on with every piece of clothing I own.

I finally found a match with my favorite camp shirt, so hallelujah, my leather cardigan is a one trick pony no more.

Also this is what I do with my time.

Shirt: H&M (similar) (cheap!) (plus)
Cardigan: Target and I can't find it anywhere. Enjoy these other cardigans with leather accents here, here, here, and here.
Jeans: Calvin Klein Powerstretch (here and there is nothing similar because these are the best)
Boots: Frye (here) (similar)
Bracelets/Watch: Local boutique, Gucci, Marc Jacobs and my mama

I'm feeling so accomplished for finally finding another way to wear my cardigan. I should pretty much just take the day off, right? 

What I Wore: Mother's Day

Monday, May 12, 2014

We were at church yesterday and the woman speaking said something along the lines of "I've heard that some people don't like Mother's Day" and my husband shot me a very obvious look. I swear I don't hate it, it's just a lot for someone like me who is very uncomfortable accepting compliments. Also, I feel like more often than not, you end up doing everything a mom does on a regular day, but you have to slap on a smile because you're supposed to love it more than usual.

Whatever. I'm just in it for the presents. My daughter wrote a hilarious book about me and how I love to watch Shark Tank and eat shrimp from Costco, both of which are completely accurate. And my son made me a picture frame, and in addition to my beloved Naked 3, my other half got me a shower speaker so I can blast "Fancy" by Iggy Azalea while washing my hair and a pair of leopard print Reefs because I never shut up about how much I love my Reefs.

I also ate pie and got a three-hour (!!!) nap, so I'd say it was pretty successful. How did you guys do?

I felt like I should have worn something flowy and serene to show everyone what a sweet mom I was, but in the end I was like screw it, I wanna wear a pencil skirt. And very high heels.

Shirt: Calvin Klein - I worship the fit on these shirts (here) (love giraffe in pink!)
Skirt: Tailor and Stylist - no longer available (similar) (plus)
Belt: I have wracked my brain and I have no idea where this came from. My hunch is mod bod, but don't quote me on it (similar) (cute and cheap!)
Necklace: F21 (here)

I guess it's back to normal life now. Hope you guys all felt loved and well-rested and amazing yesterday. I know that 24 hours definitely isn't enough to thank moms for all they do, but maybe it's enough to wrangle like, at least a week of good behavior from your kids.

OK, maybe a day. Or a couple of an hours. We'll take what we can get. 

What I Wore: Baby Talk

Monday, May 5, 2014

Ahhh I'm excited because it's actually warm and sunny (like, laying out on the grass while my kids run through the sprinkler times) so I'm planning to stay outside as much as possible. Well, after I hit the library and the grocery store MY LIFE IS GLAM OK?

So, in short, I wore this outfit to go see my cute friend and her equally cute new babe in the hospital the other day. I never ever get baby hungry but I'm so glad my friends are still procreating so I can hold and baby talk to something other than my parent's dog. I also am SO much more excited when my friends have babies. Back when mine were little, I was no enthused. If I wanted to look at a baby, I'd just hang out with my own. Now my kids are older I love being the designated baby holder.

Top: H&M here (I swear, all of my friends have this shirt in various colors and patterns. It's super flattering and true to size and $10) 
Patterned skinnies: Iris Jeans (similar) (ankle length) (maternity!)
Boots: Call it Spring (here)
Cuff: Marc Jacobs (similar) (love!)
Necklace: I'm not even gonna lie, this is my daughter's. I'm wearing an 8-year-old's jewelry. She has excellent taste. 
Nothing screams "Congrats on your baby" quite like star-patterned skinny jeans and ankle boots, amiright?

Now, I've already checked preschool and a heinous butt workout off my list, so I must keep up this momentum. And by that, of course, I mean act productive until I remember I have an episode of "My Five Wives" saved on my DVR.

What I Wore: Double Duty

Monday, April 28, 2014

I think one of the biggest challenges in getting dressed when you have a bunch of kids is the fact that you do so much in one day – and your usual gear isn't always appropriate for all of it.

Take Friday, for example (and no, this isn't a "woe is me I do so much" tale). In one day, I had a video call for work, my usual workout, that awful preschool field trip, running errands through the afternoon and then date night with my husband (finally saw Divergent). And all of those things required different types of clothes. If I'm not careful, I find myself changing three times a day or just saying "Screw it" and wearing my workout clothes to the grocery store.

To remedy my out-of-control laundry, I try getting dressed in a versatile base layer and then change it up through the day according to whatever I'm doing. This basic tee and jeans (worn with a scarf) was perfect for a casual business call, then dressed down with my fave hoodie for preschool happy times and dressed up for date night. Totally easy, right?

 Tee: Abound - I practically buy these in bulk but I'm pretty sure they're only at Nordstrom Rack. I also like buying v-necks at like, Ross and TJ Maxx because they're uber cheap and I can toss 'em when they get gross. White tees are not forever.
Hoodie: Fox Blockout (I am struggling to find it in this color on line. Here it is in black but mine is called "orange flame" or some such?) 
Jeans: Maurices (similar) (similar) (plus)
Boots: Call it Spring Milada (my preeeecious) (very similar) (love these)

Add a blazer, cute shoes and some jewelry and it's hello to Sour Punch Straws and popcorn all night long. 
Jeans, tee: Same as above.
Blazer: H&M (similar) (omg love) (love this price) (plus)
Shoes: Charlotte Russe (similar) (love these peep toes too)
Bracelet: Buckle (similar)
Ring: c/o Inspired Silver 

Doable, right? Just goes to show that buying up solid basics will probably serve you better than going crazy with a million trendy pieces, especially when it comes to laundry. And after spending a couple hours on laundry on Saturday, I'm ready to swear off getting dressed altogether, so this is a step up.

On today's docket: Work, driving to preschool, workout, library, Bath and Body Works because I'm out of Wallflowers and I might actually die if my house doesn't smell like fresh lilacs and vanilla at all times.

Hello, jeans.

What I Wore: Remix

Monday, April 21, 2014

How was everyone's Easter weekend? I would like to point out that growing up in Canada, Easter constituted a four-day weekend. Here in the States, it's a measly two. I mean, I'm not saying Canada's a better country but it is.

(Said the person who is right in the middle of filling out her U.S. citizen paperwork ugh)

We had an awesome weekend where we just loafed around and went out to brunch and saw a movie and hung out and that's exactly what I want out of my weekends. And I made a delicious ham for dinner last night and the leftovers are calling to me. Don't worry, my pretties. You will be in an omelet soon.

And sorry that my last FOUR outfits have been skirt-based. That's all I've been wearing with the weather so nice!

 Skirt: Old Navy yes I'm wearing it again (here) (plus)
Tank: Gap - I own like, 6 of these (here)
Chambray: Gap (similar) (similar) (plus)
Shoes: Roxy (here
Watch, bracelets: XOXO (how fun is this!?), gift, Buckle (similar)
Earrings: F21

I'm super into the big shirt/skirt combo right now and have been living in it while I still can. Because summers here are hot and I'll be strictly one layer then. I wore this when I had to take my kids to the mall and then run some various errands. And NO I didn't shop for myself, yeesh. 

Also, I'm super glad I bought a couple of these skirts because they've been very versatile. There was some questions among my friends on fit and length. This is a regular small, but some of my friends preferred a tall for longer length, so there's something to consider if you're thinking of grabbing a couple for summer. Which I recommend you do.

 Shoe shot!! Everyone should have a pair of casual shoes that work as flip flop alternatives. I've been wearing these with shorts and Bermudas.

This chambray has a railroad stripe that makes it ah-mah-zing for pattern mixing, since it's not like, totally in your face. 

OK, I've got to get a kid to preschool so I have to get a move on. And it's supposed to be 80 today so I don't expect to be back at my computer any time soon. Monday, I'll take it!

What I Wore: Easter Ballet

Monday, April 14, 2014

I totally jinxed myself by complaining about Spring Break, because I got sick on Monday and it stuck around until Thursday. I did get my kids out to do some fun stuff, but only with copious naps and a very messy house. I am please to report, however, that after a post-sickness burst of energy, my house is now clean and my garden is weeded -- and my kids are back to school.

I even had some time to get dressed up yesterday. I am aware I should have saved this outfit for Easter, but whatevs, I was excited. I felt like I should be in an Easter-themed ballet where there was a lot of spinning.

 Cardigan: Maurices (here) (similar) (so pretty!!)
Skirt: Olsenboye (similar) (love this print)
Shoes: Michael Antonio and on sale! (here) (in black) I died over the teeny ankle strap.
Rings, earrings: Coach, F21

 Also, I can't wear this skirt without doing this as well:

It's been gorgeous here, so I've been in skirts a lot lately. My apologies to firm pants-wearers. But these legs seriously need some sun and skirts are my friends.

Also, I was shopping with a couple of friends and two of us bought this cardigan. Ugh, it's prettiness I just can't even handle it. I can't wait to wear it more casually, like with jeans and flats or with leather pants on date night.

Yes, I look for many excuses to wear leather pants.


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