What I Wore: The Mr.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Alright guys, this week is going to pretty post-heavy, so I hope you're ready for alllll this jelly comin' atcha. (Kill me for typing that) Between Halloween and my own costume and WHY does every child's class need you to bring in treats, I'm running crazy this week. But I definitely won't miss out on our costume contest. I'm just putting the final touches on my own costume. Are you excited? YOU SHOULD BE.

But for now, let's get an outfit post out of the way. I'm dedicating this one to my husband. That's because if you ask him what his favorite color is, he'll say "neutral." And he's not being facetious. In fact, his favorite color combination of life is black and tan -- the color of our boat. So basically what I'm saying is that when I wear black and tan he finds me as attractive as our boat, which means he finds me very attractive.

 Anyway, poor Justin is constantly stuck behind the camera, so he's getting kudos today because I wore his favorite colors and he put up with my major meltdown when I couldn't find the camera. I swear, my camera has legs and delights in scurrying around to different locations at precisely the moment I'm late and need it.

Top: Gap
Skirt: Urban Wear
Shoes: Steve Madden
Belt: asos
Bracelet: Inspired Silver
Necklace: local craft fair
Cami/slip: Kingdom and State (K&S sent me an amazing slip that is super silky and actually stayed put all day. I am a huuuge fan! Check out their brand-new line.)

He also had to put up with me saying things like "Do my shoes look blue enough in this light??" 

 "NOW do they look blue?"

After all, this outfit is a lot like me and my husband. Pretty neutral, but with a teensy bit of crazy -- that's me! 

So a big thanks to The Mr., who patiently takes pictures and deals with my intense camera-related mood swings.  He's the best.

There he is! xoxoxo.

Alright, party people. Get ready for some major postage this week and I don't mean the kind that costs $0.45. Oh I am so funny.


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