Freaky Friday: Halloween Edition 2011

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

It's that time again! I know you've been waiting for it! Time to scour the Web to find the sketchiest sexy costumes EVER. This is probably my favorite HNTDLAM feature. Because nothing says "I have low self esteem" like fishnets on Halloween.

"Sexy Anorexia": Maggie

We should probably just start with a bang and do the most offensive first. This is "Sexy Anorexia." She likes long walks on the beach, obsessively counting calories and apparently, measuring her waist.

Like... really? I don't believe in the human race anymore.

"Sexy Hotdog": Rachelle
My sister-in-law texted my about this late last night, so I'm giving her credit as a last minute submission. Because I could not pass up the opportunity to post a sexy hotdog.
"Amber D'Alessio made out with a hot dog? OMG THAT WAS ONE TIME!"
Name that movie!!
But seriously. This gives the term "street meat" new meaning, amiright?

"Sexy Sea Turtle": Lindsay
This has got to be one of my favorite in the "make cute animals pornographic" category. I would actually like to know how this is a turtle in any way. They have flippers, not Madonna Half Gloves.

"Sexy Shark" - Angela
On the Yandy website they called this a "Man Eater" HAHAHAHA kill me. I really love how the bottom of the skirt is all jagged and ripped... because.... the shark was eating herself?

"Sexy Unicorn": Lindsay

Lindsay also sent over this total stretch of a costume, the sexy unicorn. Most of the costumes at that site are lingerie or tiny dresses with huge boots. Can we just do that instead?
"What are you going to be for Halloween?"
"Oh, a dirty whore with fuzzy boots."

"Sexy Lloyd and Harry" - Nicole

Yeah, you read this right. These girls managed to defile all that is holy in the world and make "Dumb and Dumber" into sexy Halloween costumes. See, you know they're sexy because they're the loosest interpretation ever paired with tights and underpants. STOP IT. Don't you ruin Lloyd Christmas for me!

"Sexy Hamster": Valeria
Rodents. So hot right now. Also, please note this is the rodent from the Kia commercial, like that makes dressing like what is essentially a sexy rat any better.

Again with the furry boots!

"Sexy House": Janelle

Janelle sent me a whole collection of bad costumes, but this was my favorite BY FAR. Let's guess what pickup lines this girl will get when she goes to her trashtastic Halloween party.
-Can I peek through your windows?
-Nice cat (prepubescent man giggles ensue)
-How much to rent?

"Sexy Hulk Hogan.... or Ronald McDonald, I can't decide.": Carrie
What says sexy more than a mustachioed lady in latex? I dare you to come up with something sexier.

"Sexy Pikachus" 1: Ashley 2: Megan
It's clash of the low self esteem teens! When I first conjured this contest, I jokingly asked all of you to go find a sexy Pikachu costume, because at the time, it was the most ridiculous costume i could think of. Then two readers sent me some and I stood corrected. The best part is that in both costumes, the only thing that resembles an animated space hamster are the ears. Pretty sure there was not 6" heels in Pokemon.

"Sexy CSI": Nicole
She's here to collect some samples.

EWW. Did I just say that?

"Sexy Etch a Sketch": Danielle
This was my favorite submissing that Danielle sent me. I will never look at my kids' Etch a Sketch the same. Sketchy Sally, indeed.

I am convinced you could make literally any object into a sexy costumes. Sexy lamp? Sexy scissors? Sexy garbage can? All totally plausible.

"Sexy Optimus Prime": Natalie

My favorite part about this costume was BY FAR the reviews it got. One enthusiastically proclaimed "It didn't rip when I sat down!" Dream big, skanky Halloween girl. You keep those standards high.

Alright, that's the group. Remember... post the title or the name of the submitter to cast your vote. Let's see which is the worst of the worst.... of the WORST.

Also, stay tuned for What I Wore on Monday, when you'll get to see my (non-slutty) Halloween costume! It's gonna be epic.

Vote away!


Emily said...

Let me be an overachiever and post the title AND the name!!! But really, I vote for the "Sexy House" by Janelle.

Natalie said...

Angela -- really? a fuzzy rabbit tail on the "fintail" of a shark?

Angela from what would angela do? said...

Sexy house by far!! Most original, and shocked me the most, haha!!! Ewwww....

Beth said...

Another vote for the sexy house. WHY?

Anonymous said...

Gotta vote for Sexy Anorexia. It made me laugh and cry.

Morgan Hagey said...

Um, I'm going to vote for "sexy" hamster because it's disgusting.

Rachel Dawn said...

My Oh My! I am having a hard time deciding.... that furry tail on the shark is so hilarious. However, I am going to have to go with the "Sexy Unicorn" as the most hideous of all.

Jae said...

Wait... are you saying that sharks DON'T have fuzzy tails? Well, that just shatters my entire universe.

Keep 'em coming! I'm still pondering my vote! lol.

Deveny said...

Apparently is a treasure trove of all things skanky. I know where I'm shopping next year - yesssssssssssss!

This is super tough but I'm going to have to go with 'Sexy House'. The big boobed weight watcher almost got my vote though....

Maggie said...

I have to say, "Sexy Lloyd and Harry" from Nicole.

That is just an abomination. How dare they do that to Harry and Lloyd!

Nathaly Blalock said...

Oh man, the anorexia one is pretty bad, but I'm going to have to go with Sexy House. A cat in the strategically placed doorway? Really??

Misfit said...

Wow! What a horde of horrible. Anway, it's difficult to choose, but I'll have to go with Sexy House.

Tishka said...

They are all atrocious. But I think "Sexy Lloyd and Harry" are probably the very worst. I gag.

Jae said...

Maggie - I KNOW. Don't taint my Dumb and Dumber.

Seriously though, if you have like, five hours to kill, head over to Yandy and watch the videos describing the costumes. They are unintentionally hilarious.

Lauren said...

Sexy House. The cat in the open doorway just pushes this one over the edge for me. lol

Amy said...

this is so tough! I'm going to have to go with the Sexy house. If the front is that bad what does the back look like? Give a whole new meaning to "back door". Oh the crude commentary from the guys at the party would never stop.

Anonymous said...

Oh, come on! Sexy Anorexia it is! Next year I'm going as Sexy Schizophrenia, or Sexy STD, or Sexy Cancer Patient, it has to be a disease... hmmm leprosy??? Just thinking out loud

Lisa-Lou-Who said...

The house wins hands down.

Jae said...

Sexy herpes! Hahahaha.

brielle? said...

sexy unicorn! i think sexy house is amazing but i feel like they didn't even try with sexy unicorn. fuzzy boots and a slut dress? really? almost ruined unicorns for me.

Ashley said...

Each costume was even more ridiculous than the last! I'm having a hard time deciding between the hamster and the house... I'm gonna go with hamster because it's just so bizarre.

Sara said...

I may be alone in this, but my vote is for the sexy Hulk Hogan... because my idea of sexy is DEFINITELY a giant fake mustache.

Anonymous said...

I vote for "Sexy House" because nothing says trashy, needs attention, and clueless to the offense to women like drawing specific attention to your naughty bits. Showing them is one thing (not a good one but still) but highlighting them in an "inviting" fashion? Get some professional help!

Amy said...

Sexy house. Those were all just trash-tastic. I had a hard time deciding.

Jennifer Wells said...

How does one choose??

Sexy Lloyd and Harry.

Anonymous said...

Sexy House...the door with the kitty behind it definitely put this one on the top of the Wow that's awful! list.

Krista said...

Sexy CSI, merely because of Jae's comment! EWWW is right!

Meleah said...

I have to vote for the My Little Pony. I LOVED these as a child and that just about ruined me! Plus who needs a small rainbow on their rear? Wouldn't that just make you feel like your rear end was even larger!?

Jae said...

Oh the comments are killing me!
I honestly think my favorite is sexy Hulk Hogan, mostly because I've never seen a mustache and latex boots together before. The effect makes me feel awkward and uncomfortable.

Jenna said...

Definitely Sexy Pikachu #1 from Ashley. Thanks for ruining my childhood.

fluffyattackify said...

I know most everyone is going with the house, but seriously, a bra, a belt, a "skirt", a Brazilian wax and viola!..You have a costume. I'd say that girl is very frugal. Going with Pikachu #1

Anonymous said...

Even though I'd like to vote for myself, I'm going to have to vote for Hulk Hogan (Sexy Anorexia is my second choice)


Anonymous said...

I vote for the hot dog


Beth said...

Can't stop laughing.


Heather said...

OMG! I'm going with "sexy Hulk Hogan." Who on earth thought that would be sexy! Fail!

Missionista said...

Sexy Anorexia for the win (or lose, in this case).

Anonymous said...

I'm totally voting for myself, which is so easy, as you don't have "Sexy Bulimia"- M

Alisa said...

OH man it's a toss up between the Delicious sexy hot dog and the Unicorn. I think Unicorn wins!!

Unknown said...

I gotta vote for Sexy House. It still makes my jaw drop.

Peter and Lindsay said...

I'm gonna vote for myself and go with the Unicorn. I loved unicorns as a kid. I used to imagine them before I went to bed so I wouldn't have nightmares. I felt like crying and jabbing my eyes out with a spoon after seeing this!!

Jae said...

Voting is closed!! Although if you still want to make fun of these awful costumes, be my guest!!

kursty13 said...

I love your blog. This is my all time favorite post and here's why:

#1 - Mean Girls quote (only the best movie ever - so fetch!).

#2 - Last night my cousin posted her Halloween pics... Guess what she dressed up as?! ...Sexy Hulk Hogan!! I'm so glad I'm not the only person thoroughly disturbed by this costume.

p.s. I think my 2nd favorite post was FF Maternity picture edition. My husband and I are still laughing.

Sydney said...

Sexy house for sure! The cat? Seriously?

Jae said...

Kursty, you are telling me that sexy Hulk Hogan exists outside the realm of this blog? Mind. Is. Blown. I hope you took a secret camera phone picture of her!

zelbess said...

This post reeks of slut-shaming... kind of disappointing.

Jae said...

Yeah, because sexy Halloween costumes are usually worn as a sign of feminist pride.

Sarah said...

My vote is for Sexy Lloyd and Harry. It was a tough one, but that's pretty nasty!

Unknown said...

"Sexy Hotdog": Rachelle!!!!!!

I work with meat and there is NOT ONE THING sexy about it.
Plus mean girl quotes will always win my heart... I think that line on a reg base since im surrounded by sausages at work.
just kill me.

Unknown said...

OR "Sexy Lloyd and Harry" from Nicole.

Just everything.
The girl in the orange's undies wouldn't fit a 5 year old. Im offended.

Heather said...

I'm so confused Jae! This post says 2011 and the other one says 2010?!?! I could swear you had Sexy House last year, but I've been searching the archives and I can't find last year's Halloween stuff. I'm so confused! Is this a repost from last year?

Heather said...

Okay, I think I get it. It's a roundup leading up to this year's posts? I'm waiting patiently!

Jae said...

Heather, you've got it! Check back in an hour... 2012 is coming up!

taotao said...

Hey guys, so I just went to my first fashion show of this season and it was INSANE! herve leger dress Backstage my sister, Elle, and I got to interview a herve leger bandage dress makeup artist named Gigi (part of Charlotte Willer for Maybelline New York's team) to talk about the look for the show, BCBG dress which was fresh and pretty. After, we found our way through the crowd to our seats - passing Ashlee Simpson on the way!
Read more: BCBG Spring 2011 Show Review - BCBG at New York Fashion Week - Marie Claire

Unknown said...

Ha Ha This is so funny. Everyone want Halloween Dresses to looks different, these dresses are really funny.


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