Freaky Friday

Friday, January 31, 2014

YAY I got better. And cleaned my house. And did laundry. So basically I'm amazing. Now I shall do a Freaky Friday and find something unhealthy to eat.

These C3PO pants were originally $1,400 BUT because they're ugly and no one bought them, they can now be yours for $429. A steal to make your bottom half look like an old timey robot! 
 You know the person who would actually wear this ring is the person who probably has a whole wall of pictures of the person she stalks. 

Also would you not feel weird inserting your finger through a baby?

 I can't even with these pants. I just... can't even. 
I feel like the designer reaaaaally phoned it on this one. Like:
Designer: I really want to do a pair of red plaid pants.
Minion: Like these?
Designer: Err not really but it's Friday and I want to go home. 


Get ready for it!

I am your Grandma

...I'm so sorry. 

 Are these shorts or a chastity belt because no guy is getting near that. 

 Oh, pop your hip back in smug model. You look like hungry Dynasty.
 I know that my favorite way to style my comfy tank is with shorts that literally look like they're hiding a bowling ball/severe hip displacement. 

 If Crocs and  those platform shoes I owned when I was a teenager had a love child.
An ugly love child. 
That no one loved.

 Are they shoes that look like cookies or cookies that look like shoes? (Thanks Brenda)

That reminds me of mine and my little brothers' favorite line from a movie ever "How much about me did you like because I was a ballerina .... *sobs* AND HOW MUCH BECAUSE IT WAS MEEEE?"

I will give two points, some street cred and a chest bump to anyone who can name that movie because it featured some fine acting.

Oh cool so you put your phone in a tiny cage on your belt and stay at home because that's friggin' embarrassing.

Alright, I'm signing off for the weekend. Seriously, I've been good with eating all week, what with me having the flu and only eating crackers and all. So my entire weekend will revolve around looking for something to eat. Preferably with high cholesterol.


Sara said...

Center Stage yo! I still think they could've used someone cuter for Cooper....sigh. Oh well.

Jae said...

YAAAAAAY street cred and chest bump to you.

Also really good: "Whatever you feel... just DANCE it."

And yeah, Cooper was jacked.

Amy said...

The best line from that movie was from Zoe Saldana:
"Yeah but, being nice when you say something pricky is even prickier!"

One of the best movies ever!

The Molcak's said...

I feel like I want to hand the girl in the studded shorts some ointment! Eeek!

Jae said...


Unknown said...

" An ugly love child.
That no one loved." I love you Jae! You make my life worth living.

Allison Hill said...

"And that made me thinkyouknow, because that's not a normal reaction." My husband quotes that line all the time- exactly that way. I've seen that movie probably a hundred times. No judging.

Unknown said...

thanks for interesting post.


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