What I Wore: High-Low

Monday, June 17, 2013

 I'm off to camp for the week so it'll be quiet around here this week. I actually don't mind the actual act of camping, but the prep and aftermath is just so much WORK. But before I go I believe an outfit post is in order. Priorities, people!! 

Usually I'm a staunch believer in the idea that heels make everything look better. And this shirt is my new favorite ever, so wedges would just make it that much better, right? Well, I tried it with my moccasins too and ended up liking it better and now I don't even know who I am anymore.

 Top: American Eagle (similar) I was asked like, 6 billion times where this shirt was from and every time someone asked I'd just go blank and stutter. But yes, it's from American Eagle and I can't find it online but I bought it over Memorial Day so I bet stores still have it.
Shorts: F21(similar)
Wedges: Payless (similar)
Earrings: F21
Bracelets: F21 and Wizards of the West (here and sold out :(

 Aaaand with mocs. I ended up wearing this all day instead. 

Also, when I uploaded pics I found this on my camera. My kids are weird and my son looks like a Batman deer. 

So what do you think? High or low? I think part of my reasons for wearing the flats is sheer laziness -- I had errands to run and didn't want to worry about wedges. Maybe next time?

Alright, I have to go load my car and find something to eat so I don't get the hangries when driving to the campsite. Wish me luck, a lack of mosquitoes and non-leaky tent.


Anonymous said...

I've had a hankerin' for mocs lately. I bet yours are really comfortable.

Jae said...

Yes. Except that you can feel everythinggggg in them. They're like slippers.


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