Freaky Friday

Friday, April 19, 2013

So, how did everyone like Cheap Tricks week? Something you want to see again or no? Because I have roughly a bazillion cheap tricks up my proverbial sleeves. And also my literal sleeves.

But now it's time for Friday and further prove that "expensive" doesn't automatically mean "good." Here are some of the most heinous pricey finds I've seen.

 This is my favorite. It's a "maxi skirt" (heavy emphasis on those quotation marks) that Amy sent over. My favorite are the "skirt" details: 
"no pockets, unlined, rear slit"

no pockets

no pockets 


 PS it's $585 I'm dead.

 Sara sent me this skirt that is a relative steal at $60. On the bright side? It's cheaper than an x-ray AND it helps remind you to take your vitamin D. 

 If Jerry Seinfeld had a less-attractive, colorblind twin sister. And had $1,260 to spend on ugly dresses.

 Oh REALLY Marc Jacobs!? We're selling sweatshirts from my childhood at $1,300 are we? Because I probably have like, 6 in storage.

 This is either a shrug or something your cat barfed onto your carpet. I can't tell. 

 For when you feel peskily small around your midsection and want to add about 10 lbs and what appear to be harlequin elephant legs for the tidy sum of $1,825.

 You guys. This is a $1,700 Cosby sweater.

Stoppit, fashion. 

For when you want to look like a slightly more masculine Michael Jackson. It's $2,390 which is probably what he spent on waffles so it's really a steal when you think about it. 

Oh fashion, you so crazy. Always proving that it takes a lot of money to look really cheap.



Nora Bradshaw said...

Yes, cheap tricks, please.

I read a perfume blog, and the woman who runs it describes the fragrance industry as "cynical" for peddling stuff that isn't especially good, thinking nobody will notice.

Looks like the fashion industry does, too!

Sara @ Our Best Bites said...

Oh my gosh, I can't wait to show off my femur bones in that skirt, bahaha


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