How to: Color Your Hair at Home

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I started this post looking for pictures of myself with different hair colors. Turns out, there was roughly a million. I guess I like to color my hair. But my big secret is that 9 times out of 10, I do it myself. And, thus far, I've only had two mishaps.

The first was during my second pregnancy. I'd received pretty much horrific news about what the rest of the pregnancy was going to be like and I had an appointment with a very important specialist the next day. To keep myself busy and to stop myself from having a nervous breakdown, I decided to color my hair. A dark, chocolatey brown. Yeah, it turned BLACK. Like, black as night. Like, black as the soul of Kim Kardashian. I panicked and made my little brother go to the drugstore for Color Oops while I hid and cried in the bathroom.

The second time was after I dyed my hair blonde the first time. I had it professionally done the first round because I'm smart and know that drastic changes should be left to your hairstylist. BUT I thought I was qualified to do the roots myself. They turned orange. Again, I cried in the bathroom and then called my hairdresser for an emergency appointment.

But other than those two times, I've always been able to color my own hair. And actually do a pretty good job. And I've learned some seriously awesome tips from my adventures and misadventures in self color, so I thought I'd pass them onto you.I'll just tell you how I do it. That way, if you color your hair and totally screw it up, I can be like "That was the instructions for ME!"

Step One: First, the most important thing is to get the color right. BE SMART or end up crying in the bathroom. If you want to color at home, stick to one or two shades lighter or darker than your current color. Anything more and you need to see a pro, STAT. My favorite at-home brands are: L'Oreal Preference for all-over color and a bigger change, Clairol Nice n' Easy for roots and touchups and Garnier Olia for freshening up your color each month. I'm using Olia right now and I'm a fan -- it doesn't smell AT ALL and it makes my hair uber-shiny. And, just as an aside, both times I botched my hair color, I was using Feria. Just sayin'.

Step Two: Once you've got your pretty little box, grab out the instructions and you know, READ THEM. Each brand of color is slightly different, so don't skip it because you've done it before. Also, that's when you get to find your snazzy gloves. Find one of your husband's old T-shirts and put it on. Then be prepared for him to give you a mean look when he realizes that his disgusting hunting shirt is finally destined for the trash. Huzzah.

Step  Three: Grab some Vaseline or lotion and put it around your hairline, your ears and your neck and literally anywhere else that you're prone to sloppage. Otherwise you're going to be left with some seriously gross stained skin afterward and it TOTALLY spoils the effect.

Step Four: Start with your roots. I use a gross old comb for this part. Some use brushes (my mom swears by a kitchen silicone brush for coloring her hair... uh, not that she colors her hair or anything). Start with your hair in a normal part. Now, here's where I go off the rails from the instructions. If I botch the color and it gets blotchy, I'd rather it happen where you can't see it. So instead of sectioning off my hair and doing all the roots first, I color my hair in my normal style first. Does that make sense? Like, I brush it out and cover all of the area of my normal hairstyle BEFORE sectioning with my gross comb. Don't be bashful with that color! Use it up!

If you're doing all-over color, do all of your hair at once. If you're touching up your roots, do them first and let it sit the prescribed amount of time, using up the rest of the color  on your other hair only when you have about 5 or 10 minutes left on processing. 

Step Five: OK, so you know when you have your hair colored in a salon and they pop you under the dryer? Do this at home! Your hair will take the color better, which is especially important if you want results like the box. I just stick my diffuser attachment on my hair dryer (that way you get heat without blow-age) and use that while I'm processing. Flip your head upside down and just make sure all of the sections get equal attention.

Step Six: After your iPhone timer goes off -- because that's the only way to time things -- it's time to rinse out. Now, you're inevitably going to look in the mirror. DON'T PANIC. Your hair probably doesn't look like its final color. Give it a few minutes before the crying starts.

Step Seven: Rinsed it out? Good girl. Now you can blowdry it. I always style my hair after coloring so I can get the full picture of how the color looks when it's styled AND to see if I missed any spots. If spots have been missed, wait a day and color again. Don't use the leftover stuff in the bottle.

Step Eight: Bait your husband and see if he notices anything different. When he gets it wrong, sigh loudly and make him feel bad.

Seriously, I color my hair every six weeks or so. And I've been doing it since I was 14. That's 14 years of color, people. And my hair is still healthy and a natural color, so I win!

So to break it down:
Good color
Lotion on skin
Color your hairstyle first

... and you should have a color that you love.

Alright, two things: Do you have a hair coloring genius tip that you want to share. Or even better, do you have an awful but hilarious after the fact hair coloring story to tell? AND... GO!

What I Wore: Solid Choice

Monday, March 18, 2013

Can we just take a moment to talk about how horrible my 7-year-old is as a photographer? Because these pictures suck more than usual. Probably because my husband was outside waiting to go somewhere and I made her covertly take pictures before we left while he sighed loud enough to alert the entire neighborhood that yes, his wife is high maintenance. Geez.

And before you get mad at me for saying mean things about my daughter on the Internet, you should know that I also told her to her face and she was totally OK with it. Mine and my husband's greatest parenting feat has been to raise children who are OK with making fun of themselves. That's it. I don't care what they do as long as I can call them "dorks" and they think it's funny.

I'll be teaching parenting classes one day, I just know it. 

 Yeah it's blurry oh well.
Top: I have no earthly idea.
Jacket: Pacsun
Pants: Local boutique
Boots: MIA
Bracelet: Would you laugh if I told you it was a Goody hairband? Then prepare to laaaaaugh.
Locket: Antique

Here's where I'm really glad that I just decided to wear all solids that day. Because my daughter's photography skills would have made a pattern look like an acid trip. She's fired.

Just kidding she's not. Who else would take my pictures?

 Yellow + navy + olive = love forever.

Another reason my daughter stinks at photography? 
Because she constantly wants me to pose like this:


And guess what you guys? I'm totally not going to whine that it's a Monday. Even though my brain woke me up at 4:30 this morning and I wanted to stab it with a Q-Tip. Nosiree. I'm cranking up this song, getting my work done and planning for a very important 1:30 pm nap. 

And then finding a new photographer.

Freaky Friday

Friday, March 15, 2013

It is crazy gorgeous outside today. Like, the kind of day that restores your faith in humanity. And THEN as I was dropping my kids off for a play date after workout (check and check) "What's My Name?" by Snoop Dogg came on the radio. Awww yeah everything's comin' up Jae!

And, it feels like I haven't done a Freaky Friday in forever. Probably because I actually haven't done one in forever. And all this time, bad fashion was just out there, going un-made-fun-of. And that is unacceptable on a glorious day like today.

 Pinterest, why? Why would you do this. Like, you could make your husband's tie into a bib. Technically there is nothing stopping you. Except for like, self respect and stuff.

 Oh, good. I was looking for something slightly more ewok-y. 
Neeeeerd joke.

 For those days you want to add a few inches, but also go on a challenging hike. 

 "You have my sword."
"And my axe."
"OMG are you guys like, going on a quest or something? ROAD TRIP!"

I am really revealing a high level of nerdiness with the LOTR and  Star Wars jokes today, aren't I?

 This is a shift dress. 
"Dress." Here's a handy tip: If I can see your babymaker, it's too short.

 Bermuda shorts = GOOD.
Spicy little pantaloons = BAD.

 This was in InStyle this month on a feature about cut-outs and how to exercise to wear them properly. Yes, I'm deeply concerned about exercising my clavicle so I can wear shirts that Regina George enjoys. PLEASE TELL ME MORE oh fashion magazine gods. 

 How to wear leather hammer pants.
Step One: Pick them up.
Step Two: Place them in the garbage.
Step Three: Feel ashamed that you owned a pair at all.

That is A LOT of inner thigh. And you guys know how I feel about inner thigh. It is vile. 

Alright, I am going to make the most of this day by doing things like 1) eating food that totally contradicts all the hard work I did during workout today, 2) wearing sunscreen and 3) ignoring the fact that my house is messy. AND.... break!

Spring Trends and How to Wear 'Em 2013

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I feel like a little powerhouse this morning. You know those days when you get up and you're just like, an efficient machine all day? Oh yeah. After this I have very important business-y phone calls to make, stuff to do at the city office, grocery shopping to do and I might even squeeze in some sock matching. I mean, is there anything more fulfilling? OK fine, being the pope MAYBE but sock matching is a close second.

Anyway, it's spring and beautiful here. This morning, I realized that I was out of my beloved Crystal Light and remembered that I had a secret stash in my car (such is the nature of my insane addiction) so I went running out there at 6 a.m. in my pajamas and it wasn't even cold. Mind you, it was supremely creepy, but not cold. My town is inherently creepy in the dark. We don't have streetlights and there's just like, wild animals waiting to eat my innards.

But where was I? Yes, spring. Which means it's time for spring fashion treeeeeeends (pretend I said that like Oprah, k?) I thought I'd break it down with some normal-people style, because let's face it, I'm never going to have the time, place or wherewithal to wear a pair of thigh-high gladiator sandals or a sheer neon mini dress. Instead, let's wear this instead!

Leather Love


Object Collectors Item pullover sweater, $48 / H&M , $37 / Accessorize ballerina flat / A|Wear roca wear handbag, $45 / Fun jewelry, $41 / Retro jewelry

Yes, I own a pair of leather pants. And also a leather skirt. And eight leather jackets (I seriously almost bought one on Monday too but I abstained). So naturally, I like me some leather. Which is grrrrreat because leather is big this spring. The trick to doing 2013 Spring leather is to soften it up. A long, loose-weave sweater and flats make these pants less "do me" and more "do me a solid and join this book club with me." Aw, sweet. I wore my leather pants over the weekend to see a matinee showing of Oz (loooooove) and I didn't even feel like I was going to a biker bar. Small victories, people.

Neutral Neon

James Perse v neck tee / Skinny leg jeans / American Eagle Outfitters neon flip flops / Neon messenger bag / Style tryst / Dorothy Perkins stretch bracelet / Loop scarve

You guys, I am seeing a lot of baaaaaad neon this spring. Last year's neon was really juvenile and this year's neon is a little more neutral. And I am aware that doesn't make sense. What I'm saying is that new neon is less Cyndi Lauper and more tropical this year, especially when you pair it with seriously neutral clothes or another big trend -- camo. So cute without being like "YAYY I went to a Tiffany concert once!" You may have seen people matching neon with neon. It is terrifying. Avoid.

PS I also like neon in accessory form if wearing a day-glo mini skirt has you seeing flashbacks. Scarf and flip flops -- adorable!

Black and White All Over

Jane Norman scoop neck t shirt, $12 / Jane Norman , $45 / Michael Antonio sparkly heels / Oasis handbag, $45 / Amrita Singh / Statement necklace, $24

The big color combo du jour is all black and white, all the time. Which isn't exactly inspired but hey, it's easy and it looks good. To make your black and white look more interesting, start mixing up patterns. It's OK because you're only doing two colors. And because I said so. I love florals with stripes. It's OK to team up an abstract print with something more graphic like so. And the best part is that you probably have a ton of black and white in your wardrobe already. Score!

Railroad Stripes

Wet Seal striped top / Uniqlo super skinny jeans / Kelly & Katie straw beach tote / Coach jewelry

I almost made a joke about how you should "choo-choose" stripes but this is a very serious fashion blog, people. But how cute is this? This year's stripes are awesome-sauce because they're railroad stripes and railroad stripes are vertical. Remember that time you asked your friends if horizontal stripes made you look fat and she said no, but deep down you know she was lying? You don't have to worry about that anymore! Just make sure you break up the look by adding in some cute wedges or tons of color, because you're not actually working on a railroad.

Tailored Shorts

YAY! My beloved bermies are back in action and this year, they're getting a makeover. New bermuda shorts are structured and tailored enough to wear with blazers and heels, because they're practically a trouser. Look for cuffed hems and tailored pockets in luxe-y fabrics like pinstripe. Adorable and crazy leg-lengthening when worn with wedges. This may prompt me to refer to your legs as gams. And make you feel uncomfortable.

So, love or hate? Wear or don't wear? Eat a donut or don't eat a donut? Sorry, that last one is my tortured breakfast choice.

What I Wore: Rhinestone Cowboy

Monday, March 11, 2013

 So, once upon a time I had a boyfriend when I was a teenager. And we were talking about the future as stupid teenagers do. And he mentioned that he wanted to live in the city -- I grew up just outside of Toronto -- and when I didn't agree, he said in disgust "Wait.. are you a country girl?"

Needless to say, it didn't work out.

And wouldn't you know it; I moved to a small town. And people sometimes ride their horses down my street. And there are lots of baby cows. And once, a bat flew in my house.

And sometimes, I wear cowboy boots.

And I often think about how I am a little bit of a country girl at heart. I like my space. Of course, I also like my sparkle, my stilettos, my ballerina-wear and my leopard, too. So there you go.

 Tank: Rue21
Cardi: c/o modbod
Skirt: Olsenboye
Boots: Soda
Earrings: f21

I'm just a walking paradox. I can wear sequins with cowboy boots, right? I also listen to rap in my SUV (two of my favorites here and here), but listen to angry girl country music when I'm cooking (here, here and here) and inexplicably, folk rock when I'm working (here and here). So basically what I'm saying is I make no sense as a person.

Also, boots come in handy when you're tromping around in post-melt Utah. Word on the street is that it's actually spring here now, so everything is covered in mud yaaaaay. And, since the sun was shining, this shirt made pretty sparkle reflections all over my car and if I said I didn't drive around whilst shimmying my torso to see them, I'd be lying and also a real adult.

So yeah. Basically: Tutu + sequined shirt + leopard + cowboy boots = no categorized style whatsoever. I WILL NOT BE LABELED. Country girl, city girl, respecter of sequins, hider of sun. Your friendly neighborhood Jae!

Ask Jae!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Yay! Ask Jae posts are my fave and I haven't done one in eons. PS I use the term "eons" way too much for it to be feasible. Just a note.

Anyway, thanks to all who sent over their questions. I try to answer them personally via email, but when they stack up I start to get overwhelmed and it's easier to do them all in one shot. So let's do it. But not "it" it. Get your mind out of the gutter.

Loni asked "I have two navy skirts that I love. Both of these skirts were originally part of nautical- inspired Spring/Summer collections. I have grown tired of the nautical look. What else can I wear with a navy skirt?"

OK, I am a lover of all things nautical, but I can see how a navy skirt could get boring if that's the only way you've worn it. So I've created three looks with nary a stripe in sight. Here's how I'd style a navy pencil skirt.

Navy skirt

VILA all over print shirt, $38 / H&M top, $23 / Top, $36 / Mango knee length pencil skirt, $35 / Patent leather peep toe pumps / Shoe Republic pointed toe shoes / Multi strand gold necklace / Dorothy Perkins gold cuff bracelet / Fantasy Jewelry Box yellow earrings / Amrita Singh jewelry / Oasis scarve, $33 / Forever New waist belt, $17 / Stone slant keeper skinny

First, how about a monochromatic thing? I like monochromatic looks because nothing really has to match. It's like, they're all blue so they can get along regardless. Or, I really like gray and mustard as accent colors to make the navy pop. Finally, florals look really fresh when paired with navy instead of black, since black can be a bit harsh. Note that all of the accessories are gold, nude or white. That's because summer is coming and you want crisp lines... perfect for work. Does that help?

Wendy asked: "I'm 41, have dark circles under my eyes (always), and I'm noticing that instead of being "puffy" under the eyes (like most eye creams are made for), my skin looks to be sinking in a bit...and of course, it's thin and delicate."

Oh, Wendy, I feel your pain. I too don't get puffy eyes, I get shadowy eyes. And it suuuucks to look tired all the time. I also can tell that my skin is changing with age because it doesn't perk right up like it used to. I know you're using concealer, but are you using the right color? For shadows, you definitely want something yellow-toned. I used a yellow concealer and literally paint it on with a concealer brush. Then, use a champagne-colored eyeshadow rather than a white to dot the tear ducts to help them look brighter.

I also use apple cider vinegar (I KNOW) to help brighten up dull skin. I pour equal parts of water and unfiltered ACV in a spray bottle and then use it as a toner at night. Because of its acid content, it works like a mini peel and I've seen a huge difference in fine lines and brighter eyes in the morning. Plus, it's cheap and you get it at the grocery store. How awesome is that?

Megan asked: "I know you color your hair. I do mine darker, but it seems to fade really fast after I color it and it's so frustrating! How the heck do I keep it looking nice?"

Well, when I went from light to dark for the first time ever, I noticed that my hair color was fading wayyyy faster than when I was a true brunette. And you know what? My shampoo was the culprit. It was stripping my hair. So I do a couple of things now. First, I switched to a sulfate-free shampoo. I like the EverStrong collection from L'Oreal. Then -- and this might sound gross -- but I wash my hair way less than before. I work out almost every day, which means a daily shower and what used to be a daily hair washing. Now, I thankfully -- I almost wrote "stankfully" ahahahah -- I still shower every day, but I keep my hair in a tight bun and then use dry shampoo afterward. I really scrub my hair two or three times per week and that keeps my color looking pretty darn good.

Jamie wrote: "How old is too old to pull off the colored jean? Talking fun pastels that I see everywhere right now."

Here's the thing, Jamie. I dislike when someone doesn't try something because they're afraid they can't pull it off or they're too old. THAT'S LAME. Unless it's a butt-caressing mini-skirt, you should give it a try. However, I will give you the same advice that I gave my sister-in-law when she tried colored jeans for the first time. She's a few years older than me and we started gently with almost-neutrals for the first time, like a rusty orange instead of like, neon pink. You can then ease into it. As for pastels, I really like aqua blue and mint green, even if you're a bit older. You can pair them with nudes and it looks more mature and less like you bought them at Claires. 

This, from Marilda:  "How to dress stylish and comfortable when travelling. Think airport security hassle, taking shoes off, etc... No more sweat pants or leggings that ARE NOT PANTS!"

(my perf travel outfit)

I travel a lot... usually three or four times a year. With two small children. And getting through security is THE WORST. And, thank you for acknowledging that leggings are indeed, not pants. Would you hate me if I told you that I usually travel in maxi dresses? Don't think that I'm high maintenance -- just think about it. They don't have belts. They're flowy and comfortable. I can wear them with flats that slip on and off at security. They look cute at your destination. Seriously, it's my fave way to travel. And at least it doesn't have "Juicy" written on the bum.

Rachelle (who is another one of my sisters-in-law and who I shop with regularly lol) asked: "How to find jeans (skinny and regular) for the not so very tall person. What are some brands that last? Where are some good stores?"

(my favorite straight skinnies)

Before I recommend brands and stores, can I expound upon the difference between a skinny straight and a skinny tapered jean? Because that's where the difference comes in. If you're tall and leggy, by all means, go for that skin-tight skinny jean that tapers at the end. I shall not be joining you. I Have long legs and a laughably short torso, which puts me at a whopping 5'4". I always ALWAYS look for a skinny straight jean, where the knee and the hen are roughly the same width. These will look better on shorter people because they elongate rather than stumpifying. If you can't tell by looking, fold the jean up at the knee. You want the hems and the knees to match up width-wise.

And honestly (and I'm not just saying this because they've sponsored my blog in the past) I love my Liverpool Abby jeans. They're straight without being tapered but aren't baggy around the angle. I love 'em. If you're looking for cheaper, Refuge jeans -- sold at Charlotte Russe -- has a solid skinny jean that doesn't taper and I've had mine since the start of this blog. Also, dark colors are your friends. I love black, dark denim and even dark colors, like red, for making the leg look longer and taller. 

One more thing: If you want to try skinnies but aren't sure about it, wear them with knee-high boots. It's universally flattering and less scary.  Or, try cuffing them and wearing them with heels rather than flats, like so: 


What I'm saying is that after fit and structure, the way you style your skinnies will make a ha-yuge difference in what they do for your bod.

Amy asked me to "Do a how to use make-up brushes such as a fan brush."

Your wish is my command, Amy. At least it was in the past. Check out these makeup tutorials that can help you figure out what the heck to use your brushes for:

Beauty 101: Makeup Brushes
Jae's Guide to Corrective Coloring

How to Hide a Superhonkingirnormous Zit
How to Contour Your Face with Makeup

Let me know if you're still stumped! 

And last, but not least, Jared requested -- on my fan page, natch: "
How to convince your man that shorts in the winter is not cool. I tried searching for an ehow article to no avail."

Let me point out a few things. Jared is my brother-in-law and thinks he's soooo funny. Jared also, for reasons that are unknown to me, likes wearing shorts all winter long. Like, I will see him trudging through three feet of snow in cargo shorts. I have tried and tried to convince him -- along with his wife -- that wearing shorts during the winter isn't smart. But, since it has yet to work, I suggest a) moving to Arizona or b) divorce. It's tough love to stop the madness. 

Alright, that's it for this edition of "Ask Jae." Thanks to everyone who sent along questions, except for Jared, who I know is sitting somewhere laughing and laughing at his own cleverness right now. 

What I Wore: Party Pooper

Monday, March 4, 2013

OK, so I didn't make it around to a post on Friday. I shall apologize by performing a massive pic dump today so you know what I was up to around here. My daughter turned 7 last week, as my Facebook friendsies know, and remember when I said I was prone to indulgence? Yeah, I pretty much kill myself over birthday parties. I figure with only two kids, I might as well. Addie's birthday lasted like, four days and I'm pretty much dead. Seriously, I'm posting from beyond the grave. I'm just a really dedicated blogger like that.

First, we kicked it off with a trip to the aquarium. And I wore this:

 Top: Downeast Basics
Tank: Charlotte Russ (I've literally had this since my first year of marriage)
Skinnies: Ardene (Canada)
Boots: Breckelle's
Jacket: Steve Madden
Earrings, ring: F21
Watch: XOXO

 I wear my hair like this five out of seven days and I don't caaaaaare.

I'm an "outings mom," which means I'm only good at going places with my kids. At our own house I have no idea what to do with them. My son will ask me to play cars and I start acting like I don't remember childhood. BUT! At the aquarium, there was a petting pool and there was a shark who loved to be petted so much that she would literally jump out of the water. At least, I think it's because she wanted to be petted. It might have been bloodlust. Whatever, it was adorable slash horrifying.

The next day was her actual birthday. She had asked for an American Girl and I kept playing like they were too expensive (which they actually are) and that I didn't have time to order one, even though it was safely stowed in my guest room closet for weeks. PS buying one literally made me want to vomit a little. It's an exorbitant amount for a doll.

But then, when she opened it I got this reaction: 

And it was worth every penny. She is SO my child.

Also, that is me yelling at my daughter to pen the red one first and then calling her a dork. Mom of the Yeeear! 

My life the past four days has been nothing but finding accessories for that doll. We are not the proud owners of a tiny wrought-iron bed, a small set of mittens and a little beret and matching coat along with a plethora of clothes. Siiiiiiiiiiigh.

The day after, it was party time. I don't know why I kill myself over kid's parties. I don't even like them. But alas, I have major mom guilt the rest of the year and this is how I make up for the fact that I don't know how to play with my children.

My house was awash in pink and purple.

And nail polish.

And giant ponies. If you guessed that we had a pony party, you're very good at stating the obvious. Bravo! 

Anyway, we had seven kids and set up a station at each pony for an activity, like dress up, nail painting, art and a magic show, put on by my daughter who is obsessed with weird things like magic, dinosaurs and zombies. Also, American Ninja Warrior. JUST LIKE NORMAL THINGS PLEASE.

We also had a family party yesterday, with my husband's side and my momma, who flew down for the festivities. Addie has a cousin with a birthday the day before hers and it's magical because there's someone to share the cake with. Hallelujah and thank you for large fams. 

SO yeah. That was my last four days. I am super tired now. Luckily, my internal clock woke me at 5:30 this morning. Thanks, internal clock. You're a real freakin' gem. 

Oh, also, a housekeeping note. I've been getting questions via email in the last week and thought I'd do another "Ask Jae" post on Wednesday. If you have any fashion-y, style, hair or makeup q's that have been burning deep inside your heart, submit them via email (see the sidebar) or Facebook (see the link at the start of this post). I'll get to them on Wednesday and it will be fantastic. 


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