Sizzling Triceps

Monday, April 18, 2011

I get a lot of questions on how to lose fat on certain body parts and one of the most common questions is how to lose fat on the triceps. I know that women are concerned about the excess flab that hangs under their arms. I have had many clients refer to it as their "bat wings", and "queens wave", but when it comes down to it, it's all excess fat and how do you get rid of it.

Some of my favourite tricep exercises can be done anywhere.

-tricep pushups
-tricep dips
-overhead extensions
-TRX triceps

Tricep Push Ups:

If you are first trying these, start on your knees. Keep your belly button pulled in tight and exhale as you come up. The trick is to keep your elbows glued to your body. Don't let them flare out. This is a challenging exercise, so don't worry if you can't get down all the way. Start even with a little dip in the elbows and work up to getting your nose down to the floor:)

Tricep Dips:

The trick with this exercise is to keep your back close to the bench or chair, and keep the weight off your legs. Use your arms to lift your body and you will definitely feel your triceps.

Overhead Extensions:

Keep a slight bend in your knees and tuck your bum under, this helps to protect your back. Keep your elbows glued to your ears and use a weight heavy enough to feel your triceps.

TRX Tricep Extensions:

If you are lucking enough to have access to this amazing piece of equipment--it is my absolute favourite. Most gyms now have the TRX and if you are looking for a piece to add to your home gym--it's a must:)

As always to lose body fat, you need to tweak the diet. You will not have the sizzling triceps you want while eating fast food and cookies day in and day out, so throw out the junk and load up on your fruits and veggies. Increase your cardio and you are on your way to sexy tri's.

Give this little workout a try:

After you have warmed up for about 4-5 minutes get right into it.
1. Push ups-40 sec to 1 min (it you are just starting begin at 40 sec. If you need a challenge do 1 min.)
2. Bicycle Abs- 1 min
3. Tricep Push ups- 1min

Cardio: 1 1/2 min:
30 sec-mountain climbers
30 sec.-jumping jacks
30 sec- side shuffle

4. Tricep Dips- 1 min
5. Quick Squats- 1 min
6. Over head Tricep Extension- 1min

Repeat Cardio

7. TRX tricep extension (if you have it)- 1min
8. Crunches- 1 min
9. Reverse Curls- 1 min.

Repeat for as long as you want.

Committed to your fitness success,

Kelly Parker



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