Getting Married--No Problem

Monday, April 11, 2011

Tighten up all your Trouble Spots for Your Big Day!

Making sure your wedding is absolutely perfect takes a lot of time and planning. You are meticulous right down to your thank yous. Since you've taken a lot of time to pick out the best dress, you definitely want to look your best in the dress, so what do you do now....

Since time is of the essence, you give yourself the best most effective workout in the least amount of time. Unfortunately you can't spot reduce, what that means is that if you want to lose some inches off your triceps or trim up your tummy and legs, you can't simply do 1000 sit ups every day or hundreds of tricep push downs and expect the inches to disappear. You will need to work your entire body to get you in wedding perfect shape!

Here is a sample workout to get you started. The trick is to keep your heart rate up and do exercises that use lots of muscles at once.

Do a warm up for about 5 minutes before hand to make sure your muscles are warm and then begin your workout.

Start out with 30 seconds of each of the next 7 exercises. Move from one to the other with no rest.
1. Jumping Jacks
2. High Knees (run on the spot lifting your knees as high as you can)
3. Push ups (on your knees)
4. Mountain Climbers (go into a plank position and drive your knees into your chest quickly)
5. Crunches
6. Bicycle
7. Plank

Squat with a Shoulder Press- 1 min
Be sure to hold your belly button in and exhale as you come up and press up.

Twists- 1 min (keep your belly button pulled in)
Rotate to each side

Lunge with a Bicep Curl- 1 min
Be sure to press up through the heel of
the front leg, and keep the pressure off the back leg.

Push Ups- 1 min
If you are just starting out, start on your knees. Keep your belly button
pulled in. This helps to protect your back.

Tricep Overhead Extension

The trick is to use a weight that is heavy enough for you to really feel your shoulders, biceps and triceps. Push yourself hard and you will get awesome results. You are going to repeat starting with the jacks at least three times. Don't rest until you finish your triceps, then take a drink and little break and get right back into round number 2:)

Of course with any program, if you want to see the best results, make sure you are eating well. You can't work out hard and eat crap and expect a great looking body. Take out the refined sugar, processed foods and you are off to a good start.

Add some interval training 2-3 times a week with this weight workout 3 times a week and you will be smoking hot in your beautiful dress.

Committed to your fitness success,

Kelly Parker



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