Fashion Whining: I Have Nowhere to Go!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

On with my crusade to wipe out all of the fashion related whining and excuses possible for not looking like a presentable human being.

My next problem is with people who ignore or opt out of fashion because they have nowhere to go and no one to impress. They head off to a meeting in their sweats thinking, "Oh well, I'm not trying to impress anyone, am I?"

Uh-uh. That does not fly with. If the only time you think about the way you look is when you're trying to impress someone or have somewhere special to go, then I am going to break it down for you right now. As a mom, you probably RARELY have anywhere special to go, and unless you count your slobbering nine month old, will not have anyone to impress. Which means you'll never put any effort into the way that you look and end up sloppy.

I want to know when, as mothers, we lose our will to have some pride in the way that we look? I mean really, I know we're busy people and all, but why discount YOURSELF as being the reason that you give a little time to your appearance? I'm not talking about spending hours to get ready each day, either. I'm talking about choosing well fitting clothes carefully, and basically being in a state where you wouldn't be mildly horrified if you ran into an ex-boyfriend.

I would be SUPER offended if the general public thought that I put on PANTS just because I was hoping to catch someone's eye. Unless I am getting dressed up for a hot date, I get dressed, do my hair and makeup, etc, because I like the way that I feel when I look good. Simple as that. No alterior motives.

So, at the risk of sounding like Tony Robbins/a L'oreal commercial, why not put some effort into yourself because you deserve to be impressed with yourself. You deserve to not have to avoid the mirror at the mall because you feel haggy. You deserve to have someone tell you that you look good, but not even care because it's not about that. And most of all, you deserve to feel a little like your old self, the self that wasn't attached to a nursing baby and a scary diaper bag and cookie crumbs.

I don't care if your only errand for the day takes you to the post office, for heavens sakes. PUT. SOME. PANTS. ON.

SO! Challenge time. Try, just one day this week, to put an extra ten minutes of effort into your clothes, hair, whatever, on a day where you have no one to see. Just give it a shot. If it doesn't brighten your day considerably, if you don't LOOK for a reason to get out of the house, and if you don't act just a little differently, you have my blessing to wear elastic pants for the rest of your life. I swear. No judgments.

But if you do... you owe me $500, or whatever Tony Robbins is charging.


Anna said...

I happen to be one of those people who does not feel the need to impress with the way I dress. I am not a slob, I do not wear sweats in public, but frankly I have better things to think about than how "this season" my wardrobe is and I really COULD give a damn about crap like this. Except in extreme cases, i.e. the people on What Not to Wear, better fashion does not make a better life.

Jae said...

Anna, as long as YOU feel good about the way that you dress, that should be all that matters! Dressing to impress other people is L-A-M-E.

Shop Girl* said...

I started doing fun things to my hair again, thanks to you. And I like it.

P.s. Go check out the awesome contest I found--free Ugg boots on the line! Eee!!

Jenna said...

I totally agree!!! Even on days when I know I'm not going to leave the house, I still at least put on some concealer and blush and real clothes, even if they're just jeans. It truly makes me feel a million times better. Plus, it's not like my husband won't appreciate it when he comes home! My Granny always says if you don't fix up for your man, he'll leave ya. I don't know if I necessarily believe that, but hey, I can see why his eye might wander if I start to look like the bag lady every day.

Jeanne said...

Jae I feel inspired by your blog. I actually used it this week to research what kind of jeans I should be looking for!

I have my medium wash jeans for every day and my dark long jeans for date night now! I used to not care about fashion, but you are helping...THANK YOU! :D

Shirley said...

I think my main problem with this is the hair and make up. I don't mind putting on good looking clothes instead of a sweatshirt, but I really HATE to do my hair and make up if I am not really going anywhere. So then if my hair and make up isn't done, the outfit looks really incomplete and bothers me. Do you have any tips on make up?

Mabel And Zora said...

I couldn't agree more! I think just taking some time to look nice for yourself helps so much with the way you feel all day!

Anonymous said...

Well, how about looking good for your husband or significant other if you have one? Especially if you're a stay at home mom, and your SO goes to work everyday to see his/her hot colleagues looking their best and then comes home to you... in your sweats and ratty hair. I'm a married soon-to-be mom and I will not have that! Also, what about modeling behavior for your child? And of course, there is the looking good to feel good, totally agree with that.


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