What I Wore: April Roundup

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Hey girls hey.

Time for a roundup of all the outfits I wore the last month, especially for those of you who don't follow me on Instagram (which you totally should, you're missing out on stuff like Cool Runnings cocktail dresses and I feel like you can't afford to miss that) or you do follow me on IG and wanted outfit deets.

Also, does anyone else feel like the month of May is brutal when you have elementary-aged kids? We've had two field trips, a track meet yesterday, another field trip tomorrow, and like 9,000 kindergarten graduation dealies which, let's face it, was fun for your first child and a chore for your second.

Especially since my second child could not care less about school. When he comes home every day and I ask him how it went, he will a) shrug or b) make up some lie about how there was a rhinoceros on the playground.

We have communication issues.

ANYWAY. I'm now in weird limbo where I want school to be over but I know that will last approximately five minutes into summer break.

I also have some product posts for you because I've used some awesome products and some that were laughably bad. And I feel like it's my responsibility to share.


Top: Vince Camuto (here and on sale!) (3/4 length sleeve)
Skirt: Freebird (got mine through zulily) (similar)
Necklace: Bella Ella (similar)

This was for sure my favorite outfit of the month. It came out unintentionally Jessica Rabbit-ish and I'm not mad about it. Also, these are like, top 10 favorite shoes I own, so anytime I can pull 'em out, I'm happy. Also, it was super stretchy and Jae in spandex is a happy Jae indeed. Especially because Jae has to walk to church because it's across the street and Jae complains loudly every Sunday because it puts a reeeeeal cramp in her style when she has to trudge up the hill to church instead of getting to drive like normal people. 

Dress: local boutique (Last worn here and omg I look different) (how pretty is this dress?) (love this one too)
Blazer: F21 (similar) (love this one)
Boots: Ardene - Canada (similar)
Earrings: F21 (pretty!) (come to mama)

I wore this when my family and I got to tour the new Payson Temple, which was super awesome. I specifically wanted to wear something super comfortable because there was a lot of walking involved. Also, we had to wear like, indoor booties to protect the new floors and I'm vain and wanted my dress to cover them. 

Feel free to judge me. 

Top: Buckle (here) (similar) (similar)
Jeans: Calvin Klein (here
Boots: Frye (here and on sale!) Seriously, these are a staple for me. Pricey, but just get better with age and wear. (similar)
Ring: Express (similar)

In a perfect world, I would have worn this outfit with heels, but it was on a date with my husband and we were doing a fair amount of walking. From restaurant to restaurant. We went for Italian and then wandered to get frozen yogurt and then did a little shopping. So you know, priorities.

Also, we conversed on IG about how Buckle is a weird store. Nine times out of ten I'll go in there and walk out empty handed, but every so often I land a gem like this top, which I found hidden behind the Steven Tyler-esque clothes at the front of the store. Get your act together, Buckle. 

Tank: c/o modbod
Jacket: Maurice's (here) (similar)
Jeans: Calvin Klein (here)
Booties: Refresh (obsessed with these) (so cute) (moto style)
Watch: Gucci (I'm having trouble finding it nowadays - it's the Twirl)

Fun fact: I wore this to a meeting that happened to be in my husband's office building. I was in the all-glass board room when I saw him go rushing by and the first thing I thought was "Way to say 'hi' to your wife, jerk." But when he came back in, he asked for my Tahoe keys and I was like "Uh, why?" and he informed me that a woman had just totaled her car into my parked SUV. And it was BAD. She had to be taken away on a stretcher and her car was wedged underneath my back bumper. Ultimately, she was OK. But I still apologized profusely to her, despite the fact that my car was parked. Like, I felt bad that my car was so strong and totaled her car? I'm so Canadian sometimes it hurts. 

Even funner fact: My husband (the same one whom I considered a jerk) ordered a new car for me back in like, January and that was the same day it was supposed to be delivered. They had to postpone the delivery one more day, but can you imagine if I had my brand-new car wrecked into on the first day I owned it? Ohhhh small mercies. 

Also, never fear: My Tahoe is in the shop and only had some minor bumper work to be done. It will now be put to pasture, and by "put to pasture" I mean parked in my driveway and only used for boating adventures and taking the dog to groomer because that stinky dog is not allowed in my new car.  So yeah, the smile in this picture is uber-fake. It was like, the second I drove home with a gimpy Tahoe. I was glad, however, that being in a creative position means I get to dress pretty casually and didn't have to deal with a smashed Tahoe in business formal. 

Top: Arizona (here) I bought like, six of these t-shirts for summer.
Jeans: Calvin Klein (hey! at least they're a different jean than my usual ones, right? These have ZIPPERS. (here) Also they're very soft. 
Shoes: Bamboo (I think) (similar) These remind me of the latest Great Gatsby movie and I'm super white girl basic when it comes to my love for that movie. I've watched it seven times. 
Bag: Coach (here but wahh, mine's Chalk and they're sold out of that color. This thing's a friggin' workhorse though.)
Cuff: Buckle (ooh I like this one)

I wore this on an afternoon of Saturday furniture shopping. I HAAAATE furniture shopping for real, you guys. I can't stand the indecision and the back-and-forth. We've been trying to buy a new bedroom set for eons, but we have very specific tastes and measurements, so we had gone like, three times before and never found anything. This day we found something, but it had to be special ordered and I'm still waiting for it. Le sigh. I honestly forget what it looks like. I'm only kind of sure that it has a leather headboard. And maybe some night stands? I don't know. It was a blur. 

ANYWAY, sometimes I just wear a T-shirt and jeans. Especially when arguing over furniture with my husbands. Gotta be comfortable for that. 

Button-down: Gap (similar, since mine has a teeny stripe)
Skirt: Old Navy and literally the only thing I've bought from Old Navy that didn't become a weird square after washing. I have it in polka dot, too. I haven't been in an ON this season... can anyone confirm if these stretch pencil skirts are back?)
Shoes: Roxy (similar) In my house we refer to these as the "Steve Buscemi shoes" because they're so ugly it makes them cute. 
Watch: XOXO (similar)

I felt super prep in this outfit, which is incidentally one of my favorite books (by Curtis Sittenfeld seriously it's such a solid beach/vacation read it's obscene). I basically wanted to get on a sailboat and like, eat oysters all day. I don't know, is that even what preppy kids do? I'm so middle class it hurts. 

Top: Victoria's Secret (here) I buy a couple every time I'm in VS. Size down, peeps!) 
Blazer: Madison and Sixth (similar) (similar)
Jeans: You guessed it (here)
Shoes: Wild Diva (similar) (these are adorable in red)

I wore this on a day when I had mucho running around to do: A couple of video calls, helping in my son's kindy class, a play date, and dinner with friends. I just ditched the blazer for the more casual stuff, which is a trick I use all the time. Put a blazer on it!! 

Extremely bright neon top: Victoria's Secret (here
Pants: Calvin Klein (here although I totally bought mine at Costco booyah I mean honestly people still say booyah?)
Boots: Frye (here) Also, just FYI the 12Rs I have are also on sale)
Also, I'm ever-so-casually holding my Calvin Klein jacket (here's a similar one if you feel like you really love the black blob by my knee)

Every time my kids' school does a book sale, it also means they do "Parents and Pastries" which means I have to go in and watch my kids eat donuts before they drag me into the gym to buy overpriced guilt-induced books. And honestly, it's like, 8:30 am and I don't feel like talking to anyone but my BFFs and so sometimes I dress like I have a huge "F off" stamp on my head because really, only my BFFs know that it really just means that I can be highly introverted at 8 am. This outfit helped to accomplish that goal. Praise be to moto jacket, which make that head stamp so much more prevalent. 

I'm an awful human being. 

Holy crap, this took me forever to write. Mostly because I kept finding things I wanted to buy while hunting down links. It's a dirty job, folks. It was fun though! Lately, my life has revolved around things like market research and educational technology which, don't get me wrong, totally blows my skirt up if you know what I mean. But it's still fun to be frivolous sometimes.

Alright, I'm off to finish work and have a way-too-long lunch with friends. It's been real! Check back for some product reviews soon!

What I Wore: March Madness

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

I actually feel like blogging today! I blame it on the light workload and beautiful almost-80 weather and the fact that I got new speakers for my computer so I can jam out to B.O.B. like it's my j.o.b. (see what I did there man I am clever you guys).

I thought I'd do a roundup of my March outfits, as posted on Instagram, just in case you missed it or you saw it and wanted the deets. Is it still cool to say deets?

In personal stuff news, I'm finally catching up to my work, but also we bought a dog. Her name is Penelope Jane. Yes I am aware that it's weird to give your dog a formal name, but if you could hear my 6-year-old shouting "Penelope JANE!" when she eats his shoes, you'd understand. When she's not in trouble, she's just Penny.

I'm the most emotionally awkward person in the world, so I feel like I project onto dogs. Poor Penny is smothered daily. She's a springer spaniel and has already grown to the point that having her on my lap while I work is a feat of aerodynamics and not especially comfortable. We got her for my daughter's birthday and the reaction was perfection. Addie is like, heartbreakingly sweet and I apologize to her daily for having such an emotionally stunted mother. 

My mom and my aunt (aka second mom) are flying in today and I need to do boring stuff like vacuum and wash sheets (wait I think I just identified my motivation for blogging instead). Here are March's greatest hits: 

Worn to: A marketing seminar I taught for a friend. It was fun but most importantly, I unwound afterward by talking my husband into see The DUFF. He was really super happy about it. 
Top: Calvin Klein (I own like four of these no-iron essential shirts) (here) (similar)
Jacket: zaza (I'm obsessed with this one) (great price)
Jeans: Calvin Klein (here) (Also they now come in curvy praise all)
Boots: Refresh (similar) (these are boss)
Watch: Gucci (here)
Glasses: Ray Ban and honestly they changed my life in a way that only foldable polarized sunglasses can (here

Worn to: Church. Also briefly considered flamenco dancing. Decided I was too old. 
Top: Vince Camuto (here)
Skirt: Ambiance (same one, different pattern) (brighter colors ,would still look amazing with this top)
Shoes: Nine West (similar)
Necklace: Aldo (similar)

Yeah just ignore the posing here. 
Worn to: Shopping with one of my friends. I felt very '70s in this. 
Top: Vince Camuto (here)
Jeans: Calvin Klein (here)
Necklace: Nordstrom (similar)
Bracelet: F21 (similar)
Boots: Ardene (Canada) (similar) (similar)
Bag: Coach (here, in chalk) Also, for those who are scared of cream leather bags, Magic Erasers work wonders. 

Penny makes her first cameo. 
Worn to: Running errands and lunch with my husband.
Shirt: Infamous and still my favorite T-shirt (they still have it in XS!
Jeans: You guessed it. (here)
Necklace: Cara (sold out) (similar) (similar) When I bought this necklace I didn't realize how much I'd actually wear it. Turns out, tassels look good with everything. I even bought one for my mom. 
Jacket: Calvin Klein (wahhh it's sold out) (similar)
Boots: White Mountain (here)

Aaaand she shows up again. 
Worn to: Lunch on a rainy day. 
Jeans: Calvin Klein (I bought them at Costco) (I have a problem) (here)
Jacket: Hurley (here) I bought it after we had a little cold snap and was so glad. 
Boots: White Mountain (here)

Check out the Instagram for a few others that I haven't posted here. I like IG for outfit posts because it's so much faster, but I do miss posting here too! I'll do something and be like oh yeah, I should blog that... oh wait. So yeah, I need to get back at it. I miss you guys, too. So stay tuned, I have some posts in the works. Important stuff like how I feel uninspired because everything in stores is boho and I'm not, as well as how I finally learned to tame my psychotic eyebrows into some semblance of submission. 

Jerk eyebrows, why you gotta play me like that?

What I Wore: Check-In

Monday, February 23, 2015

Hey everyone!

Thanks for your kind words and support from the last post. As usual, the entire month of February is kicking my butt, so we've been busy birthday-ing, taking a blink-and-you'll-miss-it getaway, and tons of other stuff. I still have another birthday this week. Help me.

But I still thought I'd check in. If you're not following on IG, please do, because I'm still posting outfits and weird stuff I find while shopping over there. And if you don't have IG, might I submit this opinion: While I learn to hate people on Facebook, I learn to love them on IG. It's so much nicer when people can't post and argue about politics and vaccines. It's just pretty pictures. Seriously, I resisted IG for so long and now it's my faaaaavorite.

I wore this yesterday: 
Top: H&M (here) I have this top in two different patterns and one solid and they are fantastic. Fit very true to size and just airy while still being a smidgen structured. Wrap tops 4 lyfe. 
Skirt c/o modbod eons ago (here's an uber cheap one) (textured like mine) (this one's also pretty)
Shoes: F21 and they hurt like a mother (here but you've been warned)
Rings: Coach (similar)

I had to leave church because I had a migraine so I ran home for some Imitrex and spent the rest of the time in a drug-induced fog. And yet, I still managed to stay upright in these shoes, which I feel like is a huge accomplishment. 

This was last week, where I decided that an all-lace dress was a little sweet. This oversized moto jacket has been, hands-down, one of my fave purchases of the year so far (YES I AM AWARE it's only February).
Dress: Dorothy Perkins (this one is super pretty) (and this would look so cute with a jacket too)
Jacket: Calvin Klein (here)
Boots: Dollhouse (here)

I also realized that I had a version of this dress when I was in high school. My mom told me I couldn't wear it to a dance because it was too short, so I packed it in my bag and changed at my friend Graham's house like I was on a friggin' episode of Full House. 

That's me in the white, obviously. And now I look at that dress and am like seriously how was that too short I mean honestly. 

Also, my friends are the most adorable. 

Besides taking pictures of myself and hosting birthday parties, we ran down to St. George for a couple of days to get warm. My relaxation level was at a 1000, clearly:

My cup of Crystal Light and my Kindle. That's all I'll ever need. 

I got through three books. My husband told me that my biggest problem is that to relax, I need to physically leave the house, otherwise I'll just work. 
Also, if you're looking for a recommendation and happen to be a massive Margaret Atwood fan like myself, Station Eleven was superb. Seriously, I'm not a post-apocalyptic doomsdayer AT ALL but I'm still thinking about it. 

While in St. George, I went shopping and found things like this, which made me wonder if I had stumbled upon a clown colony.  

On Saturday night, you could totally find me doing this. Because I could. 

I'll be playing catch up for another week or so, after which I might be able to return a pseudo normal posting schedule. I'm hoping that, at the very least, we sneak in an outfit post and a Freaky Friday each week. 

Again, you guys are the totally the best ever for putting up with me!

What I Wore: Meaning Business

Monday, February 9, 2015

You guys, I really feel like I mean business when I wear power dresses like this one. 

I saw this dress and had to have it, but couldn't bear to pay full price (it was around $100 and I don't wear dresses enough to justify that). So imagine my smugness when I realized it was on sale for $29 and only available in my size. 

That means you've been living your life right, my friends. 

Dress: Paper Dolls via Dorothy Perkins (Of course it's sold out now, but I have a few Paper Doll dresses and they are so fun. I totally love this one and this one and this amazingness for plus sizes. Pencil dresses with a sleeve are my jam/unicorn, so when I find a brand that does them consistently, I become a psychotic groupie. 
Shoes: Windsor and a gift from my husband who enables me (similar and so pretty) (similar)
Earrings: Seriously, from a TJ Maxx or something in San Diego. (similar) (pretty and cheap just the way I like it heh heh heh.

Speaking of meaning business, you guys, I have a conundrum here and looking for some input. 

I'm self-employed and work in what mostly amounts to marketing. I'm a marketing writer, and companies hire me to do things like blogs, press releases, ebooks, articles, and other things that make them look fancy. I just finished rewriting an entire company's onboarding manual, which sounds boring to other people, but fills me with actual glee. GLEE. I love using my writing skillz (yes, with a 'z') but still getting to be an active participant in the corporate world. 

I LOVE my job. Love like you would not believe. I meet the most amazing people and get to be part of really great, young, hip teams (I work with a lot of startups who aren't ready to hire a full-time creative writer) and so I'm never willing to scale back. I'm busy all the time and deadlines rule my life, and I love every second of it.

When I started freelancing for work, I had no idea how things would snowball from being a little hobby business that brought in a little side money to an actual, viable career that takes up most of my time and energy.

That being said, some things have to slide when my work schedule is packed. Honestly, I use a paper planner and have deadlines scheduled out two weeks in advance and you've probably noticed that my blog has suffered a little bit.

But here's the thing. This blog is a hobby. It's a vanity project. I put up pictures of myself and write funny things and everyone pats me on the head and believe me, that's definitely fun. But when I started this blog, it was a creative outlet for when I was working in another part of marketing and not getting to write as much as I do now. In fact, I was on the training side of things and had to be on-call and at my computer all the time, so sure, a blog was a no brainer. I was bored and in front of a screen all day. But nowadays, sometimes posting just feels like another item on my to-do list and that's kind of an icky feeling. 

I'm not saying I'm scrapping this thing altogether. I love the visitors that come to the site and those who comment frequently are like, the lifeblood of a little blog like this (and you know who you are!) I do, however, need to lighten up the posting schedule a little bit, though. From now on, I'll be posting when I actually have something to say, which might not be three times a week, you know?

You can't be too sad. There's eleventy billion other fashion bloggers who do it better than I do. 

Instead of posting as regularly as before to this blog, I'll be opening a fashion-only Instagram account @nomoremomjeans and upload pics, outfits, snippets, and snark over there. You can always follow me @jae.curtis, but that's my personal account and you're more liable to get pictures of my kids and dog as you are shoes. I never post outfit pics to my personal account, but plan on doing that over @nomoremomjeans. So it's a start, right?

What do you guys think? Good compromise from now? I feel like I'll be able to post waaaaay more on IG since it takes two seconds. Also, every time I'm out shopping and see ugly things I feel like I want to share that special moment with you. So this should work. 

Again, you guys are the best readers evaaaaaar and I plan on doin' what I do, just not as frequently. That was a weird sentence to type. 


Sweatshirt Chic

Thursday, February 5, 2015

My family in Toronto is digging out of a snowstorm and I feel awful because it's been beautiful here. Like, the high is 60 today. And I know that's freakish and we are going to be hearing nonstop about a drought come June, but for now I choose to enjoy it.

Yesterday I took my kids to the park to play a game of 500 and I was so glad that a) it was warm and b) that sweatshirts are kind of having a moment right now. My tomboy heart just loves that it's OK to wear warm sweatshirts all the time, so I was running around the park in my Creme de la Creme shirt and leopard sneakers and didn't feel horribly sloppy or way overdressed, either.

But, there's a huge difference between your husband's school sweatshirt and something presentable to wear outside of the house. This spring's sweatshirts are hoodless and super cute, so there's something for everyone. Here are some of my faves!



I love that sweatshirts can be really girly. How friggin' cute are these floral ones? They would look crazy bananas adorable with a pair of flats and skinnies, right? Add a cute topknot and you're ready in five minutes. 



The trick to making solid sweatshirts look "on purpose" is to look for interesting colors and textures. When there's a change in texture, it just elevates the entire look. I love the idea of these with a pair of short booties while running errands for the day. If it's cold, add a military jacket. Ugh so cute. 



I actually LOVE a graphic sweatshirts, but they can look a little little kiddish if you're not careful. I like to stick with black and white or gray patterns, and go for bold stuff, like dots, stripes. I even love that little bat sweater because it's not cutesy. My son would think I was legit if I had that one. These with a pair of knee-high boots would be amazing. I would even tuck the front just a little to make sure the shape was on point, too. 



Finally, a tomboy sweatshirt is all about fit. It's OK to have masculine styling, like raglan or sports brands, but make sure that thing fits like a glove. I would totally wear these with cuffed jeans and my high tops. Seriously, I am crushing on all of these.

Time to sound off: How do you feel about sweatshirts as a trend? 

What I Wore: Something Old, Something New

Monday, February 2, 2015

I was looking at this outfit and I realized that all the pieces I'm wearing are very old – except for the jacket, which is a new addition. And I bought a small and when I got home I realized it was a little oversized, so I endured an internal struggle over whether or not to send it back for a smaller size, but in the end, I decided I actually loved the oversized fit. As one of my friends pointed out, it's very Tori from Saved by the Bell and I'm not hatin' it. 

I've been wearing it and pushing people into lockers evvvvvverywhere lately. 

The other stuff though? They're just basics that made it through my latest round of closet purging. 

Jacket: Calvin Klein (here and on sale!)
Tee: Abound (here and still my favorite basic v-necks)
Skirt: F21 many moons ago. I can't remember the last time I shopped there. (similar and super cheap) (this might be this season's incarnation of mine)
Shoes: Steve Madden (similar)
Necklace: Cara via Nordstrom (mine is sold out but here's a pretty close dupe) (cheaper)

I cycle through clothes pretty fast (I know, you're shocked) so it's nice to have some old favorites still making the cut. It makes me feel good about my clothes-buying abilities. 

Deep Thoughts on Jamberry Nails

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Since I was confined to my bed with a sore throat and super stiff neck yesterday, I decided to pull out some Jamberry nails that super awesome reader Lindsay sent me.

It was actually really funny, because a couple of weeks ago, I was hanging out with some friends. We ordered in Thai food (pumpkin curry get in my belly) and everyone brought their Jamberry stuff to do nails while we ate and gossiped. And I'm always in for food and gossip, but I've never even bothered with Jamberry nails because I actually have no nails. Like, I have the hands of a small growth-stunted child. It's ridiculous. Also, I bite my nails when I drive, so there's that too.

So I told the girls that I'd come and eat and opt out of the nail stuff. And everyone was like "You should totally get some" and I was like "Guys, remember how I'm a child and can't be trusted with fancy things like nail wraps?" And I went home. Nailess.

But lo and behold, the very next day there was a big package of Jamberry nail stuff at my door and oh, the irony! Lindsay sent me the works: A few sheets of wraps, a heater, the manicure set, etc. And I decided I would try them, but I had to let my nails grow for a week.

So, fast-forward to yesterday, where I was working from my bed and binge-watching Scandal and feeling sorry for myself when I realized that my nails were probably long enough to bust out the Jamberry stuff. Here's what I started with:

I definitely had to YouTube an application video because I have tried to use nail stickers before and they SUCKED. Or maybe I SUCKED. 

Sally Hansen in 2013. Never forget.

But these are not the same. So, here's the gist: You push down your cuticles, try and find a good match from the nail sticker sheet and then peel it up. Then, you use a heat source (I had the fancy dancy heater) to warm up the wraps before you stick 'em on your nails.

There's a lot of rubbing.

That's what she said.

It took one episode of Scandal for me to do both hands, but I was going super slow so as not to screw the entire process up and make Lindsay disappointed in my abilities. 

Here's the finished product: 

Ignore my sleep-legging bedecked thigh in the background there. I can see the spots in this pic where I screwed up, but they're passable and I know what not to do next time. 

Some tips I learned from my hour-long foray into Jamberry nails:

  • The video I watched said err on the side of smaller when you're choosing the wrap size and I wish I had listened. Instead I was like "Gurl whatchyou talkin' bout" and went too big and sure enough, those were the ones with ripples in them. Like my pointer finger up there. 
  • Heating helps, so don't be bashful. I the wraps before I put them on, as soon as I got them on, and again while I was smoothing them out to make sure they really got the point. 
  • I kind of wish I had chosen a non French tip pattern. These look cool, but because my nails are so disproportionate and weird, a couple of nails had a smaller strip of silver than the others and it drives. me. crazy. Next time I'll just buy a random pattern. I'm eyeing these right now. 
  • They were really hard at first, but by the time I got to my right hand, the process was easy. Plus, Scandal was on so it was actually kind of enjoyable. I felt like a real, live girl who does her nails and watches dishy dramas with hot presidents (I don't know what's wrong with me, I've had a massive crush on Tony Goldwyn since he was the bad guy in Ghost and spent like, every casual scene just wandering around without a shirt on and he awakened feelings in my 14-year-old self I didn't know existed. 
  • I'm super glad Lindsay sent me the whole manicure set, because the scissors and cuticle pusher backer thingy were lifesavers. I know you could probably skip the heater if you wanted, because all my friends used blowdryers. But I still thought the heater was super handy to have. 
  • I really have no earthly idea how long they'll stay on. It's been 24 hours and I've clipped a few shorter to get rid of some excess but so far, so good. They stay on for two weeks, according to Jamberry, but I'm really hard on my hands so we'll see. I'll keep you updated. 
  • Also, if you have creepy baby hands like myself, the kids' wraps will fit. Lindsay sent me these babies for Addison and I'm not gonna lie, I'm probably going to steal some for myself. 
  • Each sheet is $15, but I only used the four smallest on the sheet (and probably shouldn't have used the big one on my pointer finger ugh) so I still have enough for two more applications. If you were really handy with the scissors you could totally cut up the big toe ones and use them on your fingers if you were so inclined. 

Aw baby mustaches and bows, you will be mine. 

All in all, my friends will probably say "I told you so" when I see them tonight. Because I was so against them and now I'm like "OK, I can see where these would be handy." 

Really, my only complaints would be 1) That I'm an idiot and didn't choose smaller wraps when I should have and 2) They're a little shinier than I would normally choose for my nails. I think using them only for a feature nail here or there would make more sense for someone like me.  But that's fairly subjective and coming from someone who maybe does her nails like, twice a year. 

If these stay on for longer than a week, I might have to reevaluate my choices in life. 

Therefore, if you're interested in these and don't want to do the whole home party scene (which gives me like, heart palpitations because sales pressure makes me very nervous), you can buy from my girl Lindsay. She will not give you heart palpitations. Unless the nail wrap you choose is named Heart Palpitations. But I checked and there's none named that, so it's a moot point.

This is how I actually talk, guys. I'm SO bad at staying on topic. Ask my husband: It took me 10 minutes to tell him my friend's husband is a cop, because I spent most of the time retracing my entire history with said friend and that she used to have an above-ground pool and lived near the grocery store in my hometown, you know the grocery store that has the lobsters? 

So sorry. Moral of the story, my experience with Jamberry was mostly positive and you absolutely will see me with mustaches on my nails in the near future. 


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