Freaky Friday
Friday, February 11, 2011
Happy Friday, all! I've decided to strike while the iron's hot and finally see Harry Potter tonight. Yup, I'm a book nerd in a disguise. So let's get this show on the road so I can go nurse my girl crush on Hermione Granger.
I absolutely had this vest when I was 10. I also had a teal green one-piece jumpsuit covered in rhinestones and sequins, so that doesn't make it OK.
Excuse me miss? Your $500 dress is caught in your underpants. Embarrassing. Wait, it's supposed to be like that? Carry on then.
Did you guys know that Snuffie here was designing?
And skinning himself, apparently.
(The model's face makes me laugh so hard. She's trying her best to look regal. Really she is. I would love to offer a sandwich)
K, couple things here. This shoe definitely looks like a cow hoof. I don't think, at any time, should a woman wear anything reminiscent of a cow. Second. WHY is it falling apart at the back? So not only are you a cow, but you're a sloppy, poor cow.
Hey, my dad from 1985 called. He wants his Seinfeld sweater back. He's also mad you shrunk it in the wash because he was thinking about wearing it again.
This is called the "Military Lace" dress. Bit literal, isn't it? I was totally on board until it hit the knees.
Its like sweatpants for your feet!
This is from Snookie's line of slippers. I can't believe I just typed that. Just kill me immediately. I have a friend who works in marketing and she actually works on some of Snookie's tweets. I think she should tweet, "OMG just designed some slippers while I was WASTED. Will sell them for $29.95 and stuff the money in my poof."
Hey, I love Urban Outfitters as much as the next hipster. But these overalls are not cute. When I was a teenager, one of my best friends had this pair of overalls that I COVETED. Then I realized I was not a train conductor. You are also not a train conductor. Avoid.
s(Thanks, Linda!)
Any awesome plans for the weekend? You guys, I haven't gone shopping in FOREVER. Actually, I went on Saturday but all I bought was a couple of plain pocket t's and where is the fun in that? I would like to purchase something extravagant instead.