How SMART Are You??
Sunday, January 2, 2011
As the New Year begins, it's a great time to reflect on the previous year. How did you do? Did you improve yourself? Whether it is in work, family, or fitness and health goals, it's a great time to look back over the year and see how you did.
Believe it or not most people who go to the gym look exactly the same as the day they signed up! Why is that? They make the effort to get there, they put the time in doing their exercise, why do they not see any significant changes?
I will tell you why.....
Most people don't have a solid plan. They just show up, do some random exercise or follow someone else around and leave. Don't get me wrong, any exercise is better than no exercise but if you are going to put in the time and hard work, why not make it effective and get some pretty awesome results?
Every successful person whether in business or not has set goals. And they have even taken certain steps for each of their goals. I'm going to show you how to make goals and how to be smart about it.
Specific- the f
irst thing you need to do is be specific. Don't tell yourself you are going lose 20 lbs. Tell yourself you are going to lose 20 lbs, by a certain date and even how you are going to do it.

Measureable-make sure your goal is measureable. Break your big overall goal into weekly goals. Take monthly or bi-weekly measurements and track your progress.
Attainable-you want to make your goals attainable. When you come up with your most important goals and begin to develop your plan, you will soon come up with ways to accomplish your goals.
Realistic- I think any goal is achievable, it just depends on you. How willing and able are you to accomplish your goal. If you want to lose 100 pounds, you can do it. I wouldn't recommend a 3 month time frame but work towards 2 pounds a week. Don't be afraid to set high goals. It's often those that push us and make us better.
Time-bound-set a time frame that you want to reach your goal. Do you want to lose 10 pounds in 4 weeks, 2 pounds a week etc. Set a date when you want to finish by. It will help to keep you focused and stay on track.
Use these SMART principles to plan your goals and you will much more successful. Don't be afraid to tell your friends and family as well. They will help motivate you and encourage you when things get tough.
Committed to your fitness success,
Kelly Parker
Great! I teach those principles in my finance classes using the same technique.
It really works!
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