How to Wear...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

So, I said in that post where I was like, making fun of every trend I've seen so that I've probably offended like half of you, that I really enjoy summer scarves. Summer scarves have been pretty big, starting in about spring of this year and I still see them all over. Now believe me, I know how ironic it is that I just badmouthed trends and now I am singing the praises of one. But there is a HA-YUGE difference between wearing a trend because everyone else is, and doing it because you really love it. Plus I see this one sticking around for another season at least.

K, here is the thing about summer scarves. Remember this: They are an accessory. Treat them as such. They are not an item to build your outfit around, if you get what I'm saying. They are meant to look a little sloppy, and a little after-thoughty. Like a pair of earrings, you kind of add them to finish off the outfit... (or at least this is how I wear earrings... .except for SE XY ones, which I do in fact plan my outfit around... I wear it with my va-jay-jay hugging stripper dress and my knee high boots, natch. Looks realllllly hot with a 6 month pregnant twin belly OW OW) So when picking out a summer scarf, its best to choose one not overbearing, so it's not like HERE'S MY SCARF!! They are supposed to look easy and whateverish.

Summer scarves are only as cute as how you wear them. You want it to look totally casual and like, whatever, instead of being like HEY I BOUGHT THIS NEW SCARF AND WANTED TO WEAR IT!!! Anywho, I have one, and the way I wear it is not matchy matchy with my outfit. Like, I honestly think the best way to wear it is with jeans and a white tee, because the pattern that close to your face can be overwhelming. Keep it super casual or it will look costumey. And unless you have short hair or are wearing your hair off of your face (read: ponytail) abstain from earrings. It's just a lot around the facial area. But I am totally cool with a sleek ponytail, scarf and some hoop type earrings. Ooh! Hot! What did I do with my hoop type earrings?

Also, I know the typical way to wear it is kind of cowgirly, but that only works if you have a smaller scarf. Again, overwhelming factor. Liiiiike So!
Cute, but thats alotta scarf!

I tend to wear mine like a regular winter scarf... you know like, you toss it back over your neck and pull then ends back around so that it would theoretically keep your neck warm, but then take the piece that is on your neck and pull it down so its more loose and a little easier looking. Here's an example. Side note, I totally just had to DIG this scarf out of my closet where it has been patiently waiting for Saturday's easy breeziness to wear it (YES I plan my clothes in my head, deal with it.) and I'll tell you right now, a foray in my closet is no easy-breeziness. It's a near death experience. I almost got a concussion from falling handbags. SEE WHAT I DO FOR YOU?

My floor is delightfully clean!

See what I did there? Notice that both scarves I chose are super neutral. If you want it to be the casual look you're trying for, make sure you don't have to work your butt off to get it to match anything in your closet. The nice thing about summer scarves is that there's no "wrong" way to tie them. Remember that this trend is supposed to look like you just threw it on and totally casual. Anything that you have to work at is going to look strangely professional, if that makes any sense...

Finally, the piece of advice I always want to give is that if you want to try a trend, then WEAR IT. Don't let it wear you. I don't care if the newest trend is to wear a plastic Timex watch band on your head with ribbon tied to it, if you really like it, don't just meekly "give it a shot". Put it on and work it like you invented it and don't understand why anyone WOULDN'T wear a plastic Timex watch band on your head with ribbon tied to it. It's pretty much the way to wear any fashion. Its clothes! Don't be scared! You can always do what I do and relegate them to the Goodwill box if they're naughty.

Its Your Lucky Day!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

OMG you guys! I was surfing along the internet and lookee what I found on sale!?

YES!! Our favourite earrings from the accessories post! For only $1.99!!!! Listen, I know you're busy during the holiday season and spend all your money on other people, but lets class it up this holiday by spending $1.99 on these puppies. Also, wear them to a work cocktail party and watch all the other wives go positively GREEN with envy.


What I Don't Want You to Wear

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

K, I know it can be confusing. We see new trends rolling out 24/7 and wonder to ourselves, "Hm, I really like that. I wonder if it would work on me!" Again, I like to say to not worry too much about trends. Once you've worked out a personal style, you can add and subtract trendy pieces each season and still look like your classy self. Problem is, what trends are for you? I can guarantee that our favourite designers are not sitting in their workspaces thinking, "Gee I wonder what I can create for the sophisticated mom-on-the-go, who has exactly 3 minutes to get ready in the morning, who a or may not be accessorizing with baby barf today?" So you need to be choosy about what trends you participate in. You could totally end up looking a) weird b) old or c) both.

Again, I will also say that my personal rule on trends is to remember that fashion is cyclical. If you participated in the trend the first time around, you don't get to the second time. I'M SORRY. That's just the rule. You had your chance, now move along.

K, so with saying that, I can give you some quick alternatives to trends that aren't going to work on you. Let me also say that if there is something you LOVE and looks so super fantastic on you that your confidence soars, then buy, regardless of whatever anyone else is saying.

The Legging:
The legging has long been an enemy of mine. WHile I don't mind it on a teenage girl, I can't stand seeing a grown women with like, three kids in tow and a minivan wearing them. Honestly. They are the worrrrrrst for stumpifying your leg. Not to mention I just think it looks ridiculous, like hey! I'm the cool mom! I wear leggings, even though they aren't particularly flattering!!

But I know there are lots of outfits out there that won't work without a legging. THINK AGAIN! Anything that can be done with a legging can be done with an opaque knit tight OR some skinny jeans.



In fact, all those cute long sweaters we're seeing this season? Love it SO MUCH more with a skinny jean and slouchy boot than with a legging. It just looks cozy and totally like "Oh yeah, I totally just threw this on effortlessly to go shopping and such."

The Tapered Jean:
Oh my word I have seen so much of the tapered jean lately I want to throw up. Can we again say there is a massive difference between a tapered jean and a skinny jean? Skinny jeans are straight and cut close through the leg, while tapered jeans narrow as they descend. NARROW! WHY? So gross. I don't like anyone wearing them, ever. Can we just see how much better a standard straight leg or bootcut looks first?

Ugh, its like the tapered jean is on a personal mission to make you look disproportionate. And that's on the model. Now look at the pretty bootcut one below. Look how much better the entire line of leg looks. its long and lean and the butt looks good. LOOK AT IT! Beautiful. Hah! You totally checked out a girls butt today.

The "Pashmina" or Shawl:
K, this one befuddles me because it was made up by old ladies who get cold in church and suddenly everyone has one? Like, what do you sit at home with your cats and drink tea and read Better Homes and Gardens too? It's funny because most trends are made for younger generations, but somehow a septuagenarian snuck in there and got people to think these were a good idea. No. They look old and outdated. I remember back in like, 2001, EVERYONE was buying them. And saying the word pashmina obsessively. PASHMINA. I HAVE A PASHMINA. No, it's still a lame shawl.

Weeeeeird. Plus I don't think a scarf should have this much presence in general. Like, let it go peeps.

However, I love the gauzy summer scarves we see now. They are super versatile and way more fresh feeling than a stuffy old pashmina. And they literally go. with. everything.

Also very good fro detracting from a very pregnant belly. I KNOW! I TRIED IT!

Patterend Hoodies:
This one kind of sucks because I love a cute hoodie, and these ones ave adorable hearts and patterns on them. But be warned. They are made for 17 year olds. Not you. You look silly. Not only are they cut for a teenagers body, but the patterns are just too young to get away wit when you're toting around kids and have a mortgage.

See how short and girly it is? Not good for you. But who doesn't love a hoodie? I think they are awesome and own a ton. Make sure when buying them you are looking at a few things to make them grown up vs high school. The fit. It should be long enough to fit close to your body to your waist or hips. The material. Don't buy giant sweatshirt hoodies that are thick. Yes they are comfy, but they add a ton of bulk that you don't want. This is my current fave by Volcom:

See how it's colours, the fit and the cut are a little more grown up? If you're going to spend all day in a hoodie, let it be this one.

Sweatpants as Normal Clothes OMG IT'S THE APOCALYPSE:

So this is not a trend that I like, nor do I participate in under normal circumstances. But due to my dr's appointments and high likeliness that I will have to get ultrasound goop on my clothes, this has become a reality for me a few days a week. But if you must, must, must, go out and run your errands in sweatpants, so help me god if they have an elastic on the bottom, I will go ballistic.

Oh, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. Nothing in this world makes me angrier than sweatpants with elastics around the bottom at say, the grocery store. Like really? You couldn't be bothered to put some big-girl pants on before you went out into the world? K, fine, wear sweatpants, but wear RESPECTABLE ones.

I will always be okay with a co-ordinated velour set. It says to me, yes, I want to be comfortable, but I also don't want to look homeless, so I match.

Or, my personal choice of sweatpants is the Lululemon. I honestly hesitate to say that name for fear that everyone will want some, because they are the GREATEST. I wear them around all the time because they actually make your butt look so good, that no one is even noticing you're totally wearing sweatpants. I used to wear them to the gym, but since the gym has become a dream for me, often these are my dr's appointment and general running around pants instead.

Scrumptious! Buy some!! And give your elastic sweatpants to your husband. He misses them.

K, so think carefully when pursuing a trend. Am I wanting this because everyone else has it? Or because it will actually look flattering on my body? If you're buying it to just keep up with everyone else, PUT IT BACK. You are better than that. Work instead on cultivating a personal, signature style that lends itself every now and again to trends without looking like a trend whore. Repeat after me. Trends are not my friend. Be discerning!

Jae's Guide to Designer

Thursday, November 20, 2008

So with the big holiday season coming up, some of you may have some designer goods on your list. Quite frankly, Christmas is when I badger my husband into buying me the bigger ticket items that I want through the year.

So you might be surfing around, checking our deals, and you might find some insane ones. Ebay, as well as alot of private sellers have amazing merchandise for well off the designer's purchase price. But beware! There is a reeeeeeally good chance that it's a knock off, and I would hate for you to buy something thinking it's the real thing and then have it be a fake. Especially because there are horrible judgemental people like myself who can spot fakes and then I'll think bad thoughts about you. DON'T JUDGE ME! Just kidding, totally do. I do it all the time.

Anyhow, here's a quick run down of a few popular accessories designers (handbags, watches, belts, sunglasses etc) and how to make sure you don't get duped into buying something from Shanghai, rather than Milan.

Gucci (You knew i'd start with this, didn't you?)
-Is it bought from a Gucci store or reputable dealer? Check where it's coming from. For instance. Neiman Marcus gets to sell Gucci. The guy you found on craiglist does not. Unless you buy from a reputable dealer, you're risking a chance of getting a fake.
-Check the logo. The Gucci logo is two 'g's and some fakes will nudge that 'g' into a lower case 'e' instead.
-Make sure it has three things with it. 1) Dust cover. 2) Gucci tag which will NOT be attached in any way, 3) Controlatto card. All tags will be white, not black, a black tag is a sure sign of a counterfeit.

Louis Vuitton
Louis Vuitton is probably the easiest designer to knock off, there are SO many fakes out there that I usually assume that it's fake if I see a girl carrying one. ANd there's a really good chance she doesn't know it.
-Watch the tag. A fake Louis has a really nice looking tag on string with a small logo on it. LV does not tag it's bags.
-If you can get a picture of the dust bag, take a look at what material it is. If it is a cheap or meshy material, it's fake. LV usually uses canvas.
-Here's the easiest one to spot. LV bag material will ALWAYS line up at the seam. So if you see the seam and the logo or whatever is a little bit off, it's obviously fake. Remember, you pay for these bags for a reason, a designer like LV is not going to skimp on the little details.
-Feel the inside. It should a higher end fabric like suede or micro fibre.

Easily the widest-worn designer over here in North America, it's another easy one to fake because it's so common.
-Check the 'c' pattern. For one, it should be a 'c'. I have seen Gucci/Coach hybrids that we call Goach bags, where they've popped in a 'g' instead. FAKE.
-Also check out where those 'c's are lining up. The should line up perfectly in the center of the bag, even over a seam.
-Make sure it's an actual style they produce. Because the Coach fabric is common, you'll get an array of bags that they would have never made. Try checking their website to make sure it's a style they have.
-Dustbags will ALWAYS be dark brown with a dark red string. Anything else is counterfeit.
-Finally, check the tag inside. The lettering on the leather tag should be in all caps and very straight. A fake will have the words just stamped haphazardly.
Dolce and Gabbana
-I know this sounds stupid, but check and make sure that the tag on the inside is spelled correctly. I know right, like if you're going to knock off a bag, try and make sure you spell the designer name right. But it happens.
-Be wary of things labeled "D&G". It's not as heavily trademarked as the actual Dolce name, so that it gets put on alot of sunglasses, belts, handbags. I wouldn't buy anything D&G unless I had other indications that it was authentic.
-DOes the zipper and the stitching match? A real Dolce will.

-Check the hardware. Prada ONLY uses antique brass, not gold or silver. This one is the easiest to spot.
-Whatever the inside lining of the bag is, it will have the Prada logo printed continuously on it. If you don't see it CONTINUOUSLY, its a falsey.
-The authenticity tag for this one will come in a black envelope. As well as the dustbag will be white with logo printed in black.
-Make sure the tag on the inside says "Prada Made in Italy". That's what you're paying for, folks.

K, so I hope that helps you when you peeking around for your big purchases this year. I have an eye on an oversized bag that is so WAY far out of my price range that it would be tempting to buy a replica. But the thing about designer stuff is that if you can afford it, fantastic. If not, you just look silly. ESPECIALLY if you see me out of the corner of your eye sizing up your new purse to see whether or not it's fake. Spare the wrath of me! Buy genuine designer or don't buy it at all, homegirls.

Oh....MY...Gosh...From My Closet.

Monday, November 17, 2008

So I know it's easily been three weeks since I posted, but I promise I have an excuse. You can check out my personal blog to check out the hairy details. Turns out that I am pregnant with a rare set of twins that require constant medical supervision and so my life as turned into one long doctor's appointment. So other than updating their status, blogging has had to take a backseat. But I thought I'd nip in to see if anyone was still out there, and introduce you to a very special From My Closet.

Yes, there was a time when I wasn't so very fashionable. Before I figured out alot of stuff, like how to walk the fine line between dumpiness and showing too much skin. A time when I owned, like actually OWNED and WORE these shoes:

OMG, to see them in pictures hurts my eyes a little. LOOK AT THAT HEEL! LOOK AT IT!!!!
Can I say in my defense:

1) I thought these shoes were AWESOME when I had them.

2) Even thought I literally would not be caught dead in them now, I can't bring myself to throw them out OR give them away.

3) I keep them only to serve myself the reminder that anything in excess is not good.

See? We all have fashion missteps. The point is to take it, laugh at it, and move on to bigger and better things. There was a point when I wore these shoes because I thought they made my ankles look tiny and dainty. I just didn't realize that they looked like a crazy Japanese cartoon character's shoes.

And look, proof of me actually wearing them.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. That's my friend Jarom struggling under the combined weight of me and my thirty pound shoes. When I dug them out of the back of my closet (and tried them on and laughed hysterically while my daughter looked on,) and tossed them onto the floor, the thud shook the room.

So there you have it. Not fashion perfect, just fashion seasoned. Your friendly neighborhood Jae.

The Beauty of Online Shopping

Monday, October 20, 2008

So I got a comment on my last post about online shopping, and I thought NEAT! I shall write a post about it.

I am a die-hard online shopper. I really think its because I am a die-hard in real life shopper, but sometimes I just can't get out for whatever reason, and browsing along online is the next best thing. And I am the queen of adding to my cart and not buying things. But I think it's just like real shopping... you grab stuff that you think you'll love, and then five minutes after wandering around the store, you're like "I really don't love this!" And hang it back discreetly on some other rack. At least with online shopping, you don't have to worry about getting in trouble when you put it back where it doesn't belong.

Anyhow, through all my years of online shopping, I've picked up some tips and tricks and stuff to help me along. I HATE HATE HATE sending stuff back, so if I buy something, it's at my house for good. I still have a pair of pants I ordered like, two years ago that never fit and I just gave them to the DI, tags still on. Terrible. So when I order stuff, it's there for good.

First, sizing. I would recommend that for now, if you're a newbie, you try online shopping at stores that you frequent in real life. For instance, lets take Old Navy. I shop at Old Navy allllll the time at the brick and mortar store. So I am super familiar with their sizing. When I order online, I have no guesses on whether or not something looks good.

When you go to a brick and mortar store that you LOVE, take note of your sizing information. I actually keep a little note of all the stores and what size I am in each one. Then you can look online for awesome sales. I like online sales, because whereas the actual brick and mortar store is clearancing out their excess and leftover inventory for that location, the online store is clearancing out a ton of warehouses, and you can get sweet deals.

Also, internet shopping is NOT THE TIME to try new fads and trends. One time, like five years ago when those Kangol hats were in, I convinced myself that I would look awesome in one and ordered one online. It looked teerrrrrrrrible. You don't even know how bad. It was too big for my face or something... whatever. What I'm saying is, internet shopping is not for "trying" stuff out. But things in styles you know you look good in and love, and there is no guess work. I sold the hat on eBay.

Last, there is one department where you can go crazy online shopping, and that's with shoes. Because shoes always look good. Unless it's a pair of boots that you don't know if they'll fit over your calves, buy as many pairs of pumps as humanly possible online. I would say 2/3rds of my collection are online purchases. A word to the wise though, if you are ordering pumps, order a half size up. Just trust me and your tootsies will thank me.

So, that's the rundown. No go! Go my lovelies! Buy things!!!

Shopping Tips

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sometimes I hear people say tings like "I hate shopping!" This. Is. Unacceptable. I'm not saying everyone has to be like me, the die-hard shopper that lives, eats and sleeps it, but it should be a pretty enjoyable experience. After all, you're out there BUYING thins for YOURSELF. How do you not enjoy that? I'm sorry, we probably can't be friends.

I have some ideas that can make shopping a little easier on both the feet and the pocketbook. One day, you shall be a shopping lover, and I will you see you twirling your shopping bags in circles and throwing your hat up in the air Mary Tyler Moore style in the mall. We'll get there, I promise. This is on my mind especially because I am FINALLY going to buy some of those cute academy sweaters today. I can't believe I have put it off this long. Must have one! K, so here we go.

-SHOES! Put some thought into the shoes you wear shopping. I know you're automatically thinking comfort, but please! before you pull out your perfectly white Keds, remember the purpose of trying on these clothes is to make sure they look good. You will not be happy if you go to try on a cute skirt with clunky old running shoes. *shudder* My advice is to shop in flats. They look good with pretty much any type of clothing, and will give you a better idea of how the clothes will look and not leave you frustrated. Trying on jeans? Remember that there are different length inseams. I get longer jeans to wear with my heels and shorter jeans to wear wit flats. When trying on long jeans for heels, do a little tippy toe test (stand on your toes about three inches in the air) and make sure they'll fall correctly....and that your butt looks good. Go ahead, give it a little peek.

- Wear something presentable. Remember that there will be other people shopping, and you'll feel all frumpy and unrepresentable if you head out in sweats and mom jeans.

- Do not bring children if you are serious about shopping for yourself. Don't get me wrong, I nip into stores with my two year old all the time, but I don't do real shopping with her. You'll get too frustrated and then tell me you hate shopping. And that will make me cry.

- STAY OUT OF CHILDREN'S STORES. If you are going shopping for yourself, stay away from the dang Gymboree stuff. I know there might be a sale, but you'll go in, drop a small fortune on weirdly coordinated apple clothing, and then feel guilty when you walk into an adult store because all of your money is gone. This is for you.

- Set a spending limit. It'll stop that awful buyer's remorse I used to get all the time (now I have no remorse. HA! Yes, I'll be here all week. Tip your waitress.) If you only want to spend $20 on a top, weed them out accordingly. Trust me, there are many tops in the proverbial sea. That $35 one does not need to belong to you if it does not belong in the budget. Good deals are to be found!!

- Eat something!! If you're in a mall, grab a pretzel and something with a little bit of protein so you're not all rainy-day-susan. Alot of time we're just rushing around and forget about it. Grab a smoothie and you can sip and shop. You'll have a better time, trust me.

K, that should be it for now. I use shopping as my 'me' time. At least once a month, I pass the duties off to my husband, kiss him and the baby goodbye, and head out on my own for a few hours. Not only is it because I love shopping, but I also love ADULT time, when the old Jae shakes off the dust and comes out to play, umbrella stroller not included. Remember when YOU were an adult? That was fun, wasn't it? Doing big people things! So try it, for yourself, just once, and tell me I totally haven't changed your opinion on the big 'S'. (That's shopping, not smoothie, although I could use a Mango-a-go-go today...)


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