Freaky Friday: Jae vs. Thinspo

Friday, May 24, 2013

While I was prepping this week, I kept coming across stuff on Pinterest and Tumblr about getting thin and working out. And honestly, like 80 percent of the quotes and pics I came across were pretty darn vile. SO I started actively searching for the worst thinspo I could find. You know what thinspo is? It's inspiration to be thin. Not to work out or be healthy mind you... just to get thin. Most of it revolves around just not eating ever. Pinterest no longer allows thinspo on the site and if you search it, you get a warning about eating disorders. So now Pinterest thinks I have an eating disorder, which is fantastic.

I compiled some of the worst of the worst here. Thinspo is super gross. If you need inspiration, try fitspo (fitness inspiration) or I don't know, get off the computer and hit a yoga class or something. Anything but this awfulness.

Look, I'm not anti-thin. Sometimes I think anti-thin is just as bad as anti-overweight in society -- like it's OK to mock skinny girls. But honestly, if you're a size 0 or a size 18 I don't care one bit as long as you're happy, healthy and where you want to be. Not salivating over a cube of cheese or hiding in the house or repeating "Water has 0 calories" all day long. Just be smart and do what you can do. And then throw these mantras in the garbage.

Uh, today's girl is taking a nap too... so...
 Whatever. If he can't hold you up, dude probably needs to hit the gym himself. I am an expert on blaming on embarassing things on other people. Watch, I'll do it right now: Jae and manly man walking on the beach. We're kicking in the surf and playfully splashing each other a la The Notebook. He goes to lift me... grunts... and staggers. Instead of feeling bad, my eyes narrow. "Easy there, Hulk Hogan" I say sarcastically. End Scene.

See how easy that was?Moral of the story: If someone says anything about your weight, just turn it back on them. Works every time.

 ....said the woman who's never eaten cheesecake. 

 Yeah you should definitely alter your body to fit cheap overpriced lingerie made in China. Great freaking plan.

 Apparently you were never "in" an English class amirite? Hows about you stop worrying about being in or out and worry more about your atrocious grammar? 

PS There is most definitely life in between. I've been doing it for quite some time.

 No, no. It's definitely grumbling. It's saying "Give me a sandwich please." Wow, your stomach is really polite and there you are starving it to death, you jerk.

 You should probably see a handyman for that abusive mirror you've got there. Maybe get one with softer edges? Oh an also stop hating yourself because that's not the mirror's fault.

 Yeah, because your blog should be a measure of all things socially acceptable. Have you SEEN my blog? I talk nonstop about llamas, nachos and Big Macs. I ate a Twix last night at like 10:30. I have no shame -- if I guaged what I ate based on what I did and didn't post on my blog I'd just nonstop shovel food into my face because honey badger don't care. 

PS the people who read your blog don't care that you ate a hot dog relax. 

 Apparently this person has never hung around me when I'm hungry. I don't get calm. I lose my shiz and get reallllly cranky to the point that my husband knows to ask "When was the last time you ate?" whenever I'm in a bad mood.

 Tell that to the Crypt Keeper. 

.... so... you want to be a ghost?

I feel much better after word vomiting all my feelings about thispo. This is the real reason to have a blog. Just remember that fitness is a way to enjoy life, not make it miserable or punishing. Don't use this faux inspiration for anything but comedic relief. 

You're better than salad and ribcages.

10 Reasons to Invest in Cute Workout Clothes

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bonus post today before I head out to -- you guessed it! -- a workout! I've got kickboxing today and then I have big plans to gut my house, which I'm bummed about. But summer officially starts tomorrow and I refuse to start it with a messy house overflowing with toys. So I have to do one of those cleanups where it gets way worse before it gets better. Awesome.

But first, workout. Can we talk about the cuteness level of your workout clothes? No, a cute pair of capri-length leggings won't make you lose weight faster, but it definitely makes it way more pleasant. And less jiggly! And, as the ever-multitasking mom, my workout clothes have to do a lot more than make me look good whilst doing lunges.

Therefore, I present to you: 10 Reasons to Invest in Cute Workout Clothes

1. Because there's a good chance that you'll have to run to the grocery store afterward. I swear, 4 out of 5 times after I'm all sweated up, I end up having to run somewhere else before I can officially hit the showers and get ready for the day. And looking sweaty is one thing. Looking sweaty and super frumpy in your husband's sweatpants? Something else entirely. DO NOT WANT.

2. Because it motivates you to get moving. Look, if your pajamas and your workout clothes are one and the same, you're gonna have a bad time. I notice a 180 turnaround once I change out of my sloppy clothes and into actual workout clothes. They make me want to do wall sits rather than watch wedding shows on TLC. Mind over matter, people.

3. Because thumb holes. Thumb holes are amazing. Albion Fit sent me this amazing top (shown below) and it has thumb holes and that automatically makes me love it more. Good for cold workouts or just looking like a pro even when you have no idea what you're doing in yoga class. And to be honest, when doing yoga, I put the thumb holes on and then roll down the sleeves under my palms for a little extra padding when doing wrist-heavy poses, too.

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(My fave workout outfit for Piyo and weight days -- leggings, flowy, wicky top from Albion Fit and my ever-present headband and Nikes)

4. Because you're sweaty. And sweaty shows through normal clothes. And while that's totally like "I am woman hear me roar" it's not particularly comfortable. I like mesh-based clothes that don't show every sweaty crevice, thanks.

5. Because your regular bra is not a sports bra. And we've talked about jiggling before. Also, I can't stand clasps and metal stuff when I'm trying to get my zen on.

6. Because different workouts call for different clothes. Not every piece of workout wear is appropriate for every type of fitness. And if you have workout ADD like me, you do more than just one thing. So stocking up on different options for different types of fitness makes sense. I don't wear yoga clothes to do cardio because I want my clothes to function in different ways for each activity.

7. Because they aren't that huge of an investment. I've gotten amazing deals on super cute workout clothes that made them uber cheap. Okay, if you're a hardcore marathon runner, you might want to spend more on high performance stuff. For the rest of us mere mortals, a $15 of shorts is fine. Some places where I find killer deals on clothes include Ross and TJ Maxx, GAP, JC Penney (the leggings above are from there) and even F21 for easy yoga stuff and sports bras. I have little boobs, don't judge.

8. Because you should feel good about working out. Most gyms have lots of mirrors. If you don't know where they are, just look for the muscle head guys -- they'll be checking themselves out and taking selfies. I don't know about you, but I want to see myself in the mirror and be like "Oh heyyyy" and not "AVERT THE EYES!" Cute workout clothes can make you feel a little more confident when you're still working on your fitness goals.

9. Because form is important. When doing workouts that include weight lifting, body weight exercise, Pilates, yoga -- basically anything -- you'll need to check your form or risk getting hurt. It's really, really hard to check your form when you're exercising in that oversized T that your husband's work gave him. Your clothes don't need to be skin tight, but they should be form fitting enough that you can check your core, see your posture and allow your instructor to critique your form.

10. Because you're grateful that we no longer work out like this. For one, it's weaksauce and for two, was no one concerned about wedgies? No one?

Although I will admit that the music is so 80-tastic and I love it.

Now, all this being said, it's time for me to suit up and get man-sweaty in like 10 minutes. And I just did laundry so I have infinite clean workout clothes possibilities YAY.

Fitness Tips from a Semi-Fit Mom

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Before I write this post, you should know that I am NOT a fitness guru. And I love Big Macs. And it is with that love of Big Macs in mind that I exercise. Because I like to consider myself a moderate kind of gal. Sure, I'll eat the french fries, but I'll also do an hour of strength training. But it wasn't always like this.

... let's go back in time. Back when I was a teenager. And hadn't had the BLESSING of body-ruining children. And just naturally had six-pack abs despite the fact that one of my friends worked at Burger King and got me free Whoppers. And then I'd go for a 5-mile run with my friends who were both named Katy/Katie and it was nothing. Ah yes, those were the days. I want to go back in time and tell teenage Jae "Enjoy that bod, Jae. enjoy those 5-mile runs where you barely broke a sweat and enjoy those Fluff on cookies binges! For meeeeeeeeeee."

Then came baby numero uno. I remember seeing my post-baby body literally five minutes after giving birth and being like "I'm a MONSTERRRRRRR" because obviously, I still looked pregnant. Luckily, the baby weight went away quick, but I had to actually exercise for the first time. And by exercise I mean I'd walk my baby around in a stroller a couple of times a week and do some crunches while she was playing on the floor.

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 (Someone notify the authorities I think this woman ate a baby!!!!) 

Then, second pregnancy and six weeks bedrest. While I had a physical therapist come and work with me to keep some semblance of muscle tone -- I was only allowed out of bed for showers, to use the washroom and for one daily wheelchair ride -- my body was WRECKED after that. For real, it took forever to get back into pre-preg stuff. And even then, I could tell that my body had completely changes.

 (This was when I finally realized that the baby weight wouldn't magically disappear again.Also, I gain weight in my face first. Why can't I gain it in my boobs? WHY?)

This is when I started thinking more seriously about getting into better shape. But honestly, I didn't know where to start and I felt stupid and then I'd get all gung-ho about something and stop two days later. I joined a commercial gym. Hated it. I took some classes there. Not a fan. I paid a lot of money to feel guilty every time I looked a treadmill.

Finally, something clicked when my son was about 2 and I've been a regular exerciser ever since. I wanted to give you some of my fave workout tips that have contributed to me being in semi good shape. Am I a Victoria's Secret model? Nope. Am I happy with my body anyway? Yup.

Post-workout grossness and I don't caaare!

1. Get Social

Easily the most effective way for me to get my tush moving was to get some friends in on the action. I'm a hyper-social person in general and working out solo wasn't doing it for me. Not only does working out with friends get me the downlow on all of  the gossip I can handle, but it also brings out my competitive side. I'm much less likely to stop a workout and start eating Cookie Butter when I'm gauging my performance against my friends. I mean, I still eat Cookie Butter... just after I'm done.

2. Be Accountable

I'm SUPER easy on myself. When I'm not accountable, I won't work out, period. Like, ever. And then I start feeling like crap. And I know that not everyone has a group of friends who happen to like to exercise together, but that's where online friends come in handy. Blog about it. Get a Facebook page going. Use MyFitnessPal on your smartphone. Anything to put it out there that you have a goal and that you really, really want to reach it.

3. Make it Quick

When I work out with friends, it's usually an hour. And I'll admit that sometimes, an hour seems like a HUGE chunk out of an already super busy day. But when I work out alone, it's much faster. Because guess what? Exercising for 15 minutes is pretty much 100 times better than sitting there justifying to yourself that you don't have time to exercise. Two tools I love? Skimble, a workout app where you can plug in your time limit, equipment and type of workout you want and you can choose from like a zillion quick workouts. I also love's DailyHiit website, where they do high-intensity workouts that are never longer than 12 minutes. Awesome.

4. Trick Yourself

For me, working out is definitely mind over matter. Most of my battle is talking myself into actually doing it and then looking for the results. One of my favorite tricks is to get into workout clothes the second I get out of bed in the morning (tomorrow I'll show you some of my faves). Once I'm in workout clothes, it only makes sense that I would actually ... you know... work out. It takes away excuses.

Another trick I use is that I don't weigh myself. Ever. Last time was 6 weeks after my son was born and he's 4. I know that I would obsess over a number that doesn't present a clear picture of my effort and progress. Instead, I use clothes and performance to gauge how I'm doing. I want my clothes to fit and I want to get stronger. I'm proud to announce that yesterday I did 16 "bro" pushups, where you do a regular pushup and then hit your shoulder with the opposite hand each time you come back up. I felt like a champ, especially because a few weeks before I was doing them on my knees.

Screw the scale. You have bigger fish to fry.

Mmmm fish.

5. Give Yourself a Break

One of the things that derailed my progress was before was the idea that I either had to be the most amazing fitness enthusiast in the history of time, or nothing. Look, there are two types of people out there. 1) The live-to-exerciser who wants to spend all her time at the gym and take gym selfies and eat a crapton of quinoa. 2) People like me, where exercise is kind of a drag and something that I don't love to do, but I do it because I want to give my body a little credit and look good in a T-shirt.

Psst: You don't have to be all GO HARD EAT PROTEIN WEAR SWEATBANDS type to get your workout on. Give yourself a little break here. If you can't exercise today, whatever. Do it tomorrow. Missing one day doesn't give you permission to never exercise again. It does give you permission to rest up, spend a day eating chips and watching Real Housewives and then getting back at it again tomorrow. I think that was one of my biggest downfalls before -- I felt like if I couldn't give fitness 100 percent, 100 percent of the time, that I shouldn't bother. But giving like, 60 percent, 75 percent of the time still burns calories and makes you stronger than 0 percent, 0 percent of the time, right?

Right now I'm mixing up Turbo Kick, Piyo, which is a Pilates-yoga mix and HIITs for when I'm short on time. Now, spill -- what are your tricks for sneaking in a workout? Or did I just make you start craving a Big Mac?


What I Wore: Double Duty

Monday, May 20, 2013

I had a ca-razy weekend running around. I spent all day Saturday putting together my "Jae's Favorite Things" basket for the Team Katrina fundraiser and it was so much fun! Plus, look how cute it turned out!

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It's packed with stuff like a gift card for shoes, sunnies, a super cute summer scarf in leopard print, natch, tons of my favorite makeup, bracelets, you name it. So come to the fundraiser and buy it, k? That would be swell.

Because the end of the school year is so miserably busy, I find that everything I wear has to pull double duty. There's a good chance I'll have to go to the school for something or grab some lunch with friends or hit the grocery store because I'm in charge of soccer snack and oh yeah, look semi-put together in case I have to FaceTime a client at some point. It's cold and rainy today, but when it's warm out, I'm all about the summer dress.

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Dress: Old Navy (this year's version)
Chambray: Papaya (cheap one here)
Boots: Breckelles (here)
Belt: Aldo (similar)
Earrings: Buckle -- they're just plain hoops so I really doubt you need a link for that.
Ring: Inspired Silver (similar)

This is the easiest, peasiest alternative to wearing the same old tee and jeans that you're already sick of and awesome for hot weather. If it was really scorching, I'd ditch the chambray for a lighter shirt and skip the boots and do wedges or sandals instead. Endless possibilitiesssssss and just as easy as pants.

After all the running around, Saturday night was dedicated to The Great Gatsby and per my Facebook post, I totally wore yoga pants. It was two and a half hours long people! And I ate nachos! I need yoga pants for that. And I loved the movie -- it totally brought me back to Romeo + Juliet days and my husband was happy because it included classic cars.

Alright, I'm off for the day. Stay tuned this week because after my nacho binge, I'm ready to talk fitness + fashion together, including what I do when I totally don't feel like working out, some of my new fave workout clothes and some awesome accountability tools. Deal? Deal! 

Aaaaand now I'm craving nachos.

Asking Favors (or Favours if You're Canadian)

Friday, May 17, 2013

Interrupting regular scheduled programming to tell you guys about something that's uber-important.

As you guys know, I volunteer at my local hospital as a parent support worker. And it's fulfilling and lovely and was the best possible way for me to deal with my issues surrounding my super traumatic pregnancy last time around. I do a lot of work in the antepartum ward, which is where I spent six weeks of my last pregnancy before giving birth to a preemie and hanging out in the NICU for four weeks. Mostly I just pop by to chat and bring treats to the mamas who are staying on long-term bedrest.

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to spend some time with a beautiful bedrest mom -- Katrina. We chatted for a while about mom stuff and I was surprised to hear that she was pregnant with her sixth baby -- she looked so young! I gave her some deets about NICU life, as her son would most likely spend time there and I promised to come visit her the week after.

Tragically, I received a message on Saturday that this gorgeous mom had passed away from serious complications in childbirth. Her son was fine -- he's a tough little fighter -- but her heart had simply stopped. When I was at the hospital this past Tuesday I learned a little more of the circumstances and felt sick and helpless, especially when thinking of this mom's family. That's the worst part about working at the hospital -- sometimes really sad things happen and you feel like you can't really do anything to help.

Which is why I was so happy when I was contacted through my blog by a group putting together a fundraiser for Katrina's family. They actually didn't know I had previously met Katrina, but asked if I would be willing to donate something to the fundraiser as a local blogger. We came up with the idea of a "Jae's Favorite Things" basket to be auctioned off during a silent auction at the fundraiser. I'm excited to get involved and so glad that this group thought of me.

Now, here's where I'm going to ask for a favor... or favour. Local girls, the fundraiser is at Viking Crossfit in Orem next Saturday. Here are the details:

If you can make it, that would be superb. I've seen some of the auction items  and door prizes and it looks like a lot of fun and I'm planning on stopping by as well. If you're not local and still want to help, there's an account set up at Wells Fargo under "Team Katrina" and also an indiegogo campaign, which you can access here.You can also score more info about the fundraiser and ways to help on the Team Katrina Facebook page.

Money definitely doesn't heal broken hearts, but I hope that through financial support, Katrina's sweet family will be able to take the time they need to grieve the loss of their mother and wife. Medical costs for a NICU baby can also be baffling. I also want them to know that even people like me -- who only knew Katrina for a short while -- were still touched by her life.

I know that usually my blog is light and peppered (and by peppered I mean doused) with sarcasm, but I wanted to take a time out to remember Katrina. Now, I'm off to shop for my basket - I'm thinking shoe gift cards and lots of beauty products and fun accessories. Pop by next Saturday and help support Katrina's fam, pretty please?

Thanks for putting up with the change in posting -- I'll be back to normal next week. You guys are peaches and the best readers a mom/fashion/llama blogger could have.

Summer Shoe Candy!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

 ** This post has been sponsored by All opinions are my own. **

Remember on Monday where I said that if you didn't get a good MD present, you can go buy shoes instead? Well, I'm gonna help you with that. asked if I would check out some of their Spring and Summer offerings and since I spend most of my time looking at shoes anyway, I was happy to oblige. I went online and took a fun fashion quiz about which styles I liked and what types of shoes I wanted to see. Once you're done answering the questions, a stylist then puts together your own showroom with options you'd like the most. Of course, you can also browse around for other shoes too, which is exactly what I did. Now I'm excited for summer and *might* be ordering some wedges. Because I really need them.

 These are my picks for face summer shoes. Even if you don't buy them, you can see how pretty they are, right? Drooooool.And, can you help me decide which ones to get?

I finally found a pair of camo skinnies, praise the heavens. Can't wait to show you. But in the meantime (they're being shipped) I love these adorable flats. Can you imagine these with a khaki skirt and bright T-shirt? I die. Or colored skinnies! OK I'll stop now I'm sorry. 

I'm debating these as one of the pairs I want to buy. There's just something about a white shoe in summer time and that button is bringing out the 5-year-old in me. Large wooden buttons are just one of the joys in life. Screw raindrops on roses.

Please, a red canvas peeptoe wedge? Shut up about it. It's adorable. These with a pair of bermies on a summer date night? Your legs will look a mile long and your feet won't want to fall off like every time I wear heels on a date. I really want these too. UGH.  What is it with red shoes? I have 7 pairs already and I need moooore.

These sandals are boss. Like, I know that flip flops have their place in the world, but after wearing them for a while I kind of want to set them on fire. I love the ankle detail on these. Would they not be amazing with a maxi dress? The answer is yes. Yes they would. 

I love the "match everything" color of these wedges. They would seriously go with pretty much every piece of clothing I own. I'm also loving the way the leather wraps around the cork. And straps make me happy, especially when they hit under the ankle bone. Hellooooo tiny ankles.

Oh, excuse me cutest nautical espadrilles of all time. Would you like to belong to me? I would wear you on my boat with my swimsuit and be the cutest mom on the dock and everyone would be jealous oh please? 

These are another pair I am seriously considering. White and camel makes sweet, sweet love together and I can appreciate that. I have too many shorter summer dresses that are practically begging me to buy these.

Or I could go polka dot with these wedges. Because polka dot makes me so happy. Can you imagine these with a pair of cuffed skinnies, white tee and aqua belt? Instant make-people-jealousness.

Alright, what's your vote? I am in shoe overload and seriously can't choose! Let me know in the comments and I'll totally yield to peer pressure, I just know it!

And, if you're in the mood for shoes too, follow this link to -- it'll score you 25 percent off and free shipping, which puts the majority of these shoes around the $30 mark. And that's my happy place for shoes.

That reminds me... I really need a pedicure.

What I Wore: Mother's Day

Monday, May 13, 2013

So how was everyone's MD? I just met up with some of my friends for a workout and we all had mixed results. Mine went over well! I got a new Morali flat iron and my new favorite toy in the whole world -- a Keurig! I am a big tea drinker so my husband bought me like, the biggest, baddest Keurig they make. That thing is so cool... and it does cold drinks too. Brilliant! I them promptly went online and bought literally 100 k-cups for the thing. I enjoy excess. I've brewed like 900 cups of peppermint tea in the last 24 hours.

Of course, I also got the cute prezzies from the kids. My daughter gave me a book all about me in which she refers to her brother as "the devil." And my son gave me a dead plant that he potted at school, but then hid in our closed-off, dark guest room for a week without water. Classic, right?

Also, I got my nap. After wearing this and then changing into stretchy pants for the day.

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 Dress: Dorothy Perkins - sold out (similar)
Blazer: F21 (here)
Belt: ASOS (similar)
Shoes: G by Guess (with ankle strap)
Earrings: I have no idea I bought them at TJ Maxx lol!
Cuff: F21 (here)

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 I'm totally doing the bend and snap here but you must see the gold on these heels LOVE.

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 Accessory pic! Love me some gold and black accents.

This dress is a bit big for me so I belted it, but like, five minutes into wearing this I ended up ditching the belt. It was hot and there is nothing worse than belt sweat amiright? 

So yes, I felt pretty good about Mother's Day. However, if you're one of the moms who felt totally passed over yesterday, you have my permission to buy a pair of shoes. With your husband's credit card. 


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