Freaky Friday

Friday, April 13, 2012

Happy Friday friends! I'm finally upgrading to the new Blogger, so if it looks like a five-year-old on crack wrote this post, it's probably because I gave my five-year-old some crack earlier and she got a hold of my computer. HA I kid. But seriously.


Anyway, I've gotta knock this one out because my kids are forcing me to take them to see Alvin and the Chipmunks at the cheap theatre today (oh, I just looove Spring Break).  I would probably rather stub my toe, but whatever, I get popcorn.

Here we go!

Ok, this just in... I officially hate new Blogger.  This has been the most harrowing 10 minutes of my life.

Oh, I was so worried about missing Cinco De Mayo, but luckily, I can bring the party on my feet! Ole! (Aaaand thus ends the extent of my impeccable Spanish)

My adorbs friend Manda sent be this gem from Pinterest. Either this girl is dressed as a sexy urinal for Halloween, or her husband really, REALLY enjoys the smell of urinal pucks.

Steph sent these, worried that they might not be ugly enough for me to feature them. Don't worry Jessica. You did the right thing. Easter hookers should be exposed for what they really are. 

Brings a new meaning to "egg hunt" amiright? 

Hahahaha. Ew. Things just got weird.

Heather sent this with a whole article dedicated to the crack-showing trend. Like, has mankind descended so fully that I have to make a statement on this? This is the BACK of a dress. I guess we should all just be happy it's not the front. 

OMG YES. I was just voted "Queen of the Damned" and had NO idea what to wear to the blood drinking ceremony. Pheeeeew. 

Hey, flip flop/cowboy boots-wearer! I promise the boots can stay at home while you go to the beach. I can guarantee most people know you're a redneck just by looking at your face. (Thanks Rebecca and Stacey!) 

Another reader sent this dress, which had the title "Pretty Cool Tank-Style Summer Dress" Let's break it down:
Pretty: No
Cool: Uh, maybe in Amish country.
Tank-Style: Where??
Summer: Nope.
Dress: Ding ding ding!

Oh, so tree leggings are like, a thing now? I guess they say "I love the planet and talk incessantly about my square foot garden and don't shut up about my sustainable house" in a really subtle way. 

These pants were called "Darn Yankees" I'm sorry, did I miss the part in American history when the Confederate Army fought off a band of  flamboyant ill-fitting pants wearers from Maine?

I guess they're better than these, which are called "Used to Be" pants. I can think of a few things they used to be:
1) A gay pride flag.
2) Table coverings for an ice cream social.
3) An advertisement for candy corn.
4) Anything but actual pants. 

As always, thanks to my awesome readers who keep my inbox and Facebook page packed with bad fashion for each Friday. I love you like I love cake. And I love cake a lot.  

OK, I'm off to get a headache from listening to the Chipmunks for the next two hours. And by "listening the Chipmunks" I mean playing "Draw Something" with my headphones in. Happy weekend! Muah!

Summer Shoe Eye Candy

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Since I was just complaining that I was sick of my flip flops after wearing them all weekend long, how about some alternatives? I've posted full outfits here, so I don't think you need the full lecture. How about some pretty shoes to look at instead? Deal? Deal. Click the pictures to buy and give my apologies to your husband!

2b sandals
I've been obsessing over these wedges fora few weeks now, after I saw them in a local store. I should probably just buy them, but I'm on a shopping diet, you guys! It's like the food equivalent of Mini Eggs and it would just ruin everything. But oh, May 1st THEY WILL BE MINE. I love how bright and happy they are -- adorable with shorts and summer dresses with jean jackets.

I bought these a few weeks ago on my last binge. I found them to be adorably ugly, like a pug or Steve Buscemi. Because of that, I snapped them on at a major discount, I might add. Apparently no one else shared my opinion. But whatevs, I've been wearing them with my cropped skinny jeans and shorts ever since. I'm totally into boat shoes lately and have been on the hunt for some for my kidlets. Ideas? Shhhh ugly shoes. I won't let anyone hurt you anymore.

GUESS flip flops
OK, if you're going to stick with flip flops all summer long, I think you should definitely get at least one "special" pair. I have be bejeweled white ones, but these are adorbs too. They look a little overtly girly in the pic, if you didn't notice, but a bow over your toe? I die. These would be so cute with bermudas or a white summer skirt. OOh! Or with a white maxi skirt with the bows peeking out? Love.

Not Rated pumps

  K, I'm not even American and these make me want to attend a 4th of July party STAT - preferably one not on squishy grass. But seriously. How prep are these? They'd be subtle enough to wear with a super cute red dress or pencil skirt to suggest patriotism, rather than painting your belly with a confederate flag.

TOMS flat
I know we had our difference of opinions with the TOMS post last year (seriously, it got a little heated) but you cannot deny the adorableness of these TOMS flats. They are SO. CUTE. And, while they're pretty pricey, I completely justify the money I spent on mine. They fit like a glove and are uber comfy. In fact, while traipsing all over the desert over the weekend, I was totally wishing for my TOMS.

Hey, casual BBQ goers, pay attention! When you want to look cute but not aerate your neighbor's lawn by sinking into the grass, these are perfect. A miniscule heel means you're not toppling over, and the bright color is perfect to wear with shorts, skirts, dresses, whatever. These would also be super cute on the beach -- any beach wedding goers? 

I love these shoes as a major summer shoe. Like, I;m thinking awesome concert or movie night with your hubs. These, plus a maxi in any colore would make you look like, 10 feet tall. Wear with a leather jacket for instant coolness. I would also totally pair these with a casual khaki skirt to kick it up a notch. Drool.

ASOS pumps 
I am still loving floral shoes for summer. These are so pretty I might die. Wear with a pastel cocktail dress for a formal (indoor) wedding and other than the bride, you're best dressed. These would also be great to summer-ify some wintery staples, like a pencil skirt. Also, if you're kidless, you can wear them with white. But if you have kids, you'll definitely end up with a ketchup stain. Don't say I didn't warn you!

So, do you have sufficient ideas yet? You can totally wear flip flops. I wear them all the time. But don't let that be your only go-to shoes. You'd be surprised at what else you can work in there.

What do you think? Still hate my TOMS and want to send nasty emails to my inbox. Bring it. You can hate on my Steve Buscemi shoes too. I can take it.

What I Wore: Moab Love

Monday, April 9, 2012

OK, so this is going to be the weirdest "What I Wore" ever, mostly because this is how my internal monologue worked last week.

Inner self: Jae, you really need to take pictures of a cute outfit for Monday.
Smug actual self: Relax, inner self. I've got plenty of time.
Inner self: You look cute today! Just get your child-photographer to snap a shot.
Smug actual self: Yes, but Real Housewives of Orange County is on! And Alexis is still pretending that her nose job was for "Sinus issues!" Plus, it's going to be Easter, and I shall wear something floral and lovely.
Inner self: You're a jerk.

I should have listened to inner self, because I put it off all week. When I woke up Saturday morning, my husband rolled over in bed and asked if I wanted to drive down to Moab. Moab is 3.5 hours away and it was the Easter Jeep Safari. The Mr. drives a Jeep, so it was kind of easy to tell his motives. But, we put it to the kids and to be honest, the idea of heading somewhere warm when there was snow on my lawn sounded pretty good. SO we went.

And I wore flipflops all weekend long.

And I did not dress nice for Easter. In fact, I wore day-old shorts on Easter instead.

We hiked up to Gemini Bridges, a place where there are two natural bridges spanning over a massive canyon. Here I am in my not-cool clothes, scared for my life while hanging over the canyon. PS, bringing your hyperactive three year old to a place where ten feet of rock separates you from life and death made me have a minor heart attack. NEVER AGAIN.

Not to mention the trail leading up to the spot is hollow. Here's a teeny me and Hubs demonstrating how quickly we could have tumbled to our deaths. YAY.

We also hit the sand hill, AKA kids paradise. Sand as far as the eye can see and about 150 feet in the air. It was the best workout I've ever had. This rock was a quarter of the way up. I was so tired I wanted to lay down and sleep for three days.

Here was my impeccable strategy for climbing. Crawl on my hands and knee, with my head down like a dog for 10 yards, then lay down and pray for the sweet release of death. PS those are my kids above me, laughing as they climbed up for the third time. Ugh, kids are the worst.

Also, after I slid down the hill, you could see my bum trail from roughly a mile away. You're WELCOME, people of Moab.

So basically, we swam, we ate, we hiked, we Jeep-ed, and then we got home sunburned last night. All without nice shoes. Seriously, if you're local, you should definitely check it out. We used to go when we were kid-free, but this was out first time taking the mini-mes. They slept sooooo well last night.

So, my inner self was right. I should have taken cute pictures earlier. But it was fun and I don't care.

Did anyone else do anything fun over the weekend? Do you shun me for my flip flop wearage? Of course, you could also judge me for skipping out on church on Sunday AND watching Real Housewives of Orange County, but you're going to have to choose one.

Freaky Friday

Friday, April 6, 2012

SO I woke up this morning to see SNOW outside my window. What the what? Luckily, it'll be in the 70s all next week. Way to be, Utah.

Therefore, I am completely hibernating today until the sun comes out again. I shall amuse myself with bad fashion sent by my fave loyal readers. Thanks for the material, guys!

Amy snapped this pic while shopping at Ross. No, that's not her daughter trying on a pair of heels. That's size-7 Amy trying on a pair of size 14 boats. I'm just glad to know that women and drag queens with a size 14 foot can have cute shoes too.

Alexandra posed these on the Facebook page. I don't care who you are, but if your butt is visible, I will contemplate inserting a quarter. I may or may not actually do it, but just we warned. I'm thinking about it.

Lindsay snapped this shot at the zoo with her family. I can only assume that the zoo also features a circus, and this juggler was on her break. Please let that be true.

Meleah sent this pic of Jada Pinkett Smith at the Desperately Trying to Look Younger 2012 Awards. Oh wait, I meant Kids Choice. My bad!

Don't worry Jada, it's not like you're married to one of the most attractive men on the planet or anything. Definitely keep dressing like a deranged 12-year-old with child-bearing hips.

Sara sent me this awesome burger makeup listed on a page called "Looks to Try." I have never once looked at myself in the mirror and wished for more pickles and ketchup.

Deanna and Amy both sent me these picnic pants that open into a for-real table. Yeah, I'm pretty sure God already gave us space to eat off of our pants. It's called a lap. And conveniently enough, you can use it with your legs neatly closed.

Alexandra sent over the world's saddest pirate shirt. Somewhere, Jerry Seinfeld is very worried.

These shoes look like the entire craft section of the dollar store barfed onto a pair of heels. You guys know I love feathers, but not the kind you can buy in a big, multicolor plastic bag. (Thanks Stephanie!)

Just in case these pantaloon-thingies weren't ugly enough on their own, they have a weirdly smooth butt that makes me feel pervy.

Is it me, or does this scream "Unfinished Piece on Project Runway?"

It's almost as good as this:

Whatever you do, DO NOT step away from that wall.

(Thanks Heather!)

OMG you guys, what the duck is up with these shoes Sara sent me?

Bahahahahaha like I actually laughed while typing that. Just so you know. Puns.

Alright, I kind of want to make some hot chocolate and surf the web for cat videos, so my Friday is pretty much all booked up. Maybe I'll do something worthwhile tomorrow. I also need to go to Macy's... I have a gift card. It's not breaking the shopping diet if I have a gift card, right?


All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

One complaint I often hear from moms is that they have nowhere to wear all the cute things posted on fashion blogs. I mean, really! When you're hauling diapers around, the clutch doesn't really have a place in your life. I can totally understand that. My husband bought me a gorgeous little designer handbag right before I had my first baby and I only got to carry it for like, a month before it was honkin' huge bag time.

Now, I'm sure you already know that I don't like this kind of thinking. It's like only eating fish sticks for a week yourself because that's all your picky two-year-old will eat. I think that stepping it up appearance-wise can make a big difference in how you carry yourself and how you feel.

But how can you make trendier, cuter stuff part of your daily repertoire? I'll tell you right now, it's going to freak some people out. When I started wearing dresses casually like, four years ago, people would always ask me why I was "so dressed up." And I'll admit, it annoyed me to death -- like, is anything but jeans considered "dressed up?" But after a while, people got used to it and I don't hear a peep.

Yes, it's hard to transition and it's a little embarrassing when people make a big deal about your wearing flats instead of sneakers, but it's all for a good cause, right?

Instead of sticking with the same old because you don't really have anywhere to wear something new, MAKE UP A REASON.

Check it out:


Seriously, one of the first things I do when I buy a new jacket or pair of shoes is snag a babysitter and tell my hubs we're going out for a night. Yes, I could go to the movies in a hoodie and sneaks, but it's way more fun to bust out the leopard print heels for a date, even if it's just to the cheap theater (which, in most cases for us, it is).


Or how about a girl's night? I love to go for lunch or din-dins with my friends and wear some of my better stuff that doesn't get much play on a daily basis. I wore my yellow skinnies out to a friend's birthday lunch on Monday and I'm telling you now, women can appreciate colored jeans more than a man ever could.


Even hanging out with your kids on a trip to the museum gives you a chance to bust out your new scarf or wear a preppy cardigan instead of the same old stuff.

All I'm saying is that you shouldn't be waiting for an invitation to the Oscars to get a little dressed up every now and again. For one, it's probably not going to happen, and if it does, you'll end up wearing Spanx.


Instead of biting your lip and relegating cute clothes to the back of your closet, bust 'em out and make 'em work for whatever you're doing. I cannot tell you how much of a difference it makes. I'm not even kidding. Yesterday I did laundry and mopped floors in a maxi skirt. I'd be lying if I said I didn't spin around a little and pretend I was Cinderella. I'm only human. Regardless, I didn't have to avoid my own reflection when I cleaned the mirrors, which is totally what happens when I'm hanging around the house in my husband's basketball shorts and that hoodie I have with inexplicable burn marks. I just can't bring myself to throw it out.

Anyway, I give you a challenge to find an "occasion" where you can get dressed up this week. Hey, I'm not talking stilettos and a cocktail dress to your kid's field trip, I'm talking lunch with the girls, an impromptu outing with your kidlets, or to surprise your significant other for lunch at work. Not only will it inspire you to wear some of the more special pieces in your closet, but it's FUN.

Will you promise? Dooooooooo it. Peeeeeer pressure!

What I Wore: Last Binge

Monday, April 2, 2012

I love these white pants. Love them. But white pants are so scary. I wore these to catch "Mirror Mirror" with my 6 year old and a gaggle of kindergarten friends and I spent the two hours worrying that I would get popcorn butter on them. Scary thought. I did OK, though, despite being the most spill-prone person on the planet.

Because it was a gooooorgeous spring day when I wore these, I decided to team up white with some coral and teal. And flip flops, because that's how I roll.

Sweater: Cotton On
Pants: Abercrombie
Scarf worn as belt: GAP
Flip flops: Ummm I've had them since I got married and can't remember. That was 9 years ago.
Earrings: Buckle
Ring: Downeast Basics

Seriously, is there a more summery combo than white, teal and coral? I think not. It made me want to eat peach snow cones and go for a ride in the Jeep with the top off. But alas, it would mess up my hair.


Local girls, have you checked out Cotton On in the University Mall? It's new and it's adorable. I bought a couple of shirts (including this one for cheap) and some home decor stuff. I KNOW. Home decor, who knew?

I will also point out that the beginning of April begins the start of my annual shopping diet. Since I tend to blow my shopping budget in May, I try not to buy anything in April to pad my account. Think I can do it? I bid a bittersweet farewell to the mall on Thursday. It was sad. We hugged. Tears were shed. Money was spent in binge-style. I'm done now.

Anyone wanna shopping starve with me? It'll be fuuuuun!

Freaky Friday: Fun with Keywords

Friday, March 30, 2012

I just got back from yoga, where I'm happy to say I didn't spend the entire time thinking about pastrami burgers. This time I was too busy agonizing over my freakishly small arms. Le sigh.

Anyway, I signed into my stat counter the other day and noticed that the weirdo search queries were piling up yet again. Time for some more fun with keywords, right?

(If you're new to the blog, "Fun with Keywords" is when I check the search queries that people used to find my oh-so-fine website and then try and figure out how to answer them. YAY!)

-"Volleyball nude."

Um, I'm not a huge volleyball player at all. But that's because I'm 5'4' yuk yuk yuk I am so funny. But seriously. There's a lot of jumping. If nude, wouldn't there be a lot of flopping as well? SHUDDER.

-"Sexy woman wearing half-arm latex gloves."

What an incredibly specific fantasy you have.
Wife: Want to role play tonight?
Husband: Do I!?
Wife: Tell me what you want.
Husband: I'd like you to wear half-arm latex gloves. HALF ARM. None of those unsexy wrist-length. Also, I'd like you to wear three-year-old tennis shoes with purple socks. PURPLE. Then, exactly two inches of belly skin showing. I have a ruler to check. Put your hair in a hairnet and draw a heart on your face while singing Coldplay's Viva la Vida.
Wife: I have a headache.

(In case you were wondering, yes, I did miss my calling as an adult film writer.)

-"Bedazzled jean jacket."

-"Fanny pack abs."

I think you and I both know there's no such thing. Fanny packs are almost always worn with a pancake butt and tourist belly, kthanks.

-"Mango fantasy clothes."

That really depends on the type of mango.

Either way, things are gonna get exotic.

-"Pikachu jokes."

Um.. OK. Here goes:

Why did the pokémon trainer hide under your bed?
So he could pikachu in the night!

Ba-dum dum cheeeee. (That was drum.)

-"Women cat exercise clothes."

Sorry. This was all I found. But I think it's infinitely more adorable than a woman wearing a cat leotard, amiright?

-"Freaky bunnies."

Please. There's an entire site dedicated to that.

As always, I want to personally thank the perverts, Internet newbies and people who just took a wrong turn at Google to get here. It means endless entertainment for yours truly and plenty of traffic that I probably shouldn't have gotten. Hooray internet!

Happy Friday guys!


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