While I was prepping this week, I kept coming across stuff on Pinterest and Tumblr about getting thin and working out. And honestly, like 80 percent of the quotes and pics I came across were pretty darn vile. SO I started actively searching for the worst thinspo I could find. You know what thinspo is? It's inspiration to be thin. Not to work out or be healthy mind you... just to get thin. Most of it revolves around just not eating ever. Pinterest no longer allows thinspo on the site and if you search it, you get a warning about eating disorders. So now Pinterest thinks I have an eating disorder, which is fantastic.
I compiled some of the worst of the worst here. Thinspo is super gross. If you need inspiration, try fitspo (fitness inspiration) or I don't know, get off the computer and hit a yoga class or something. Anything but this awfulness.
Look, I'm not anti-thin. Sometimes I think anti-thin is just as bad as anti-overweight in society -- like it's OK to mock skinny girls. But honestly, if you're a size 0 or a size 18 I don't care one bit as long as you're happy, healthy and where you want to be. Not salivating over a cube of cheese or hiding in the house or repeating "Water has 0 calories" all day long. Just be smart and do what you can do. And then throw these mantras in the garbage.
Uh, today's girl is taking a nap too... so...
Whatever. If he can't hold you up, dude probably needs to hit the gym himself. I am an expert on blaming on embarassing things on other people. Watch, I'll do it right now: Jae and manly man walking on the beach. We're kicking in the surf and playfully splashing each other a la The Notebook. He goes to lift me... grunts... and staggers. Instead of feeling bad, my eyes narrow. "Easy there, Hulk Hogan" I say sarcastically. End Scene.
See how easy that was?Moral of the story: If someone says anything about your weight, just turn it back on them. Works every time.
....said the woman who's never eaten cheesecake.
Yeah you should definitely alter your body to fit cheap overpriced lingerie made in China. Great freaking plan.
Apparently you were never "in" an English class amirite? Hows about you stop worrying about being in or out and worry more about your atrocious grammar?
PS There is most definitely life in between. I've been doing it for quite some time.
No, no. It's definitely grumbling. It's saying "Give me a sandwich please." Wow, your stomach is really polite and there you are starving it to death, you jerk.
You should probably see a handyman for that abusive mirror you've got there. Maybe get one with softer edges? Oh an also stop hating yourself because that's not the mirror's fault.
Yeah, because your blog should be a measure of all things socially acceptable. Have you SEEN my blog? I talk nonstop about llamas, nachos and Big Macs. I ate a Twix last night at like 10:30. I have no shame -- if I guaged what I ate based on what I did and didn't post on my blog I'd just nonstop shovel food into my face because honey badger don't care.
PS the people who read your blog don't care that you ate a hot dog relax.
Apparently this person has never hung around me when I'm hungry. I don't get calm. I lose my shiz and get reallllly cranky to the point that my husband knows to ask "When was the last time you ate?" whenever I'm in a bad mood.
Tell that to the Crypt Keeper.
.... so... you want to be a ghost?
I feel much better after word vomiting all my feelings about thispo. This is the real reason to have a blog. Just remember that fitness is a way to enjoy life, not make it miserable or punishing. Don't use this faux inspiration for anything but comedic relief.
You're better than salad and ribcages.