Pinterest Barf

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

That could be the worst blog title I've ever come up with. But I'm just doing a pic dump and I feel like barf was the only way to describe what's about to go down.

But seriously, I love Pinterest. I don't actually DO anything that I pin, but I respect that it's there. For a blogger, Pinterest is a wealth of outfit ideas when all we want to do is wear yoga pants to the grocery store. I'm constantly pinning outfit ideas all the live-long day. Are we friends yet? We should be.

I was paging through my Pinterest boards when I should have been asleep last night and realized that I Had a bunch of ideas that I could share with you.

Now, caution. Not everything is a winner on Pinterest. These shorts make me want to strangle a My Little Pony.

And yesterday I saw watermelon painted nails and they were gross. But there are good ideas to be had. Since I'm the laziest DIYer of life, I've handpicked some fun stuff that you can do that won't require that you own something called a "craft room" in your home.

Check it out and click the pic for the original pin.

This mani looks surprisingly doable, which is more than I can say for some of the stuff out there. I have a black nail pen that would make this uber-easy, but I'd have to goad my husband into doing it. And then there's the whole awkward moment where I explain to my friends that my husband helped me with my manicure. He's an architect, OK!? He has steady hands for this kind of thing!!

I could totally do this with the thrifty heels I got when I felt flustered in a secondhand store and just grabbed the nearest item and purchased them on the spot. I don't know why I'm so stressed while thriving. Just talking about it makes me hyperventilate. But these could bring me back from the brink!

Just no cat fabric, k?

Hair chalking! You guys, I totally do this all the time and it's super easy. I just grabbed a box of pastels from the art supply store. Run the pastel over your hair in a downward motion and when you get the color you want, set it with hairspray. It lasts all day and comes out in the wash. I love do add a little red and pink when I'm feeling old and want people to mistake me for a 15-year-old Hot Topic shopper... with two kids.

LOVE LOVE this idea just for its pure brilliance. You know those heels and flats you have that have scuffed toes? Tape off the toes and add another color and BAM you're fashion-forward and thrifty! I seriously need to try this. Off to dig out some shoes from my collection!

The lazy DIYer in me respects a no-sew project. My daughter wanted to make Barbie beds out of shoeboxes on Saturday and I used an inordinate amount of fabric glue. This scarf would be sooo easy to make and it's enough to make your tee and jeans look like something more than just throwing on whatever was clean.

My makeup brushes are always stuck at the bottom of my makeup drawer. But I love this for keeping them clean and not covered in eyeshadow dust! I have a hankering to go to the dollar store for organizational material. This could be bad.

OK, so a singular bow on top of your head is really weird and Gaga-ish, but I can totally handle this laid-back boho version. It's adorableness consumes me. Consuuuuuuuuumes.

So what do you think? Any of these worth trying? Now it's your turn... what's your fave style pin on Pinterest? Anything you wish would disappear immediately? (Ie: "Thinspirational" quotes about eating dust so you can look like Gwyneth Paltrow gag me please)


Arienette said...

You know I love me a good pinfest. I love The Beauty Department for hair ideas and nail ideas. I was busy being snarky and drinking in parks when Lauren Conrad first hit TV so I have always had this idea that I hate her, but actually, I really don't.
Probably my favourite pin of all time was the one that taught me to do a fishtail braid. Invaluable.
What needs to disappear? Just the thinspo quotes, really. Although right now someone is FLOODING my pinterest main page with Grey's Anatomy quotes and I'm not loving it. All things in moderation, pinbitches.

Jae said...

Grey's Anatomy quotes? For real? I didn't know it was think-y enough to have legit quotes. I HATE getting flooded with 50 pins of the same thing.
Also, I girl crush on L.C. hard.

Jenna said...

Ok, you know how I despise the thinspo CRAP on Pinterest. Anyhow, my fave one from lately is this:

I need.

Fashion Territory said...

Such a lovely dress and such epic pictures! Simply beautiful!Thank you for all the wonderful ideas! I’m learning a lot from you!

Vogue Sky said...

Love what you are wearing! And the color of the nail polish is amaizng!

Fashion Allure said...

such a beautiful outfit love those shoes with it so gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

For some of these, I was screaming "WHAAATT??" which is actually a positive reaction. More like, "How did you do that??"

The hair chalking never occurred to me. I will do so promptly. And by that I mean when I drag my lazy self to the art supply store.

Thank you!


Kelly said...

I love your ideas of doing all these. It inspires me to do with my own. :)

vogue-sky said...

stunning,love it,love it…the fashion is just so awesome,love the images…love your blog xo


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