Showing posts with label maternity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label maternity. Show all posts

Maternity Monday - The Perfect Jeans

Monday, March 15, 2010

I'm entering my third trimester this week, which means I'm about to get even more uncomfortable than I already am. All of my pants are way too tight, giving me awesome lovehandles and putting tons of pressure on my bladder. So this week, I finally splurged and bought myself some jeans. I really didn't want to since I only have 3 months left, but it became necessary. And now that I have some great fitting jeans, I wish I would have bought them months ago!

Maternity jeans/pants come in several varieties. The type you pick is completely a personal choice. You have to do what works best with your body. There are two main things to think about.

1. Panel Preference
2. Cut

1. Panel Preference
With my first pregnancy, I wore my normal jeans right up until the end. (I know, I want to punch me, too.) I just used an elastic hair band to hold the jeans together when they got too tight to zip up. Soooo fashion-y. Then with my second pregnancy, I needed comfort and the cheap-o elastic band trick wasn't cutting it. I bought what was, at the time, the perfect pair of demi-panel/under belly panel jeans. They were so comfortable and I wanted to wear them everyday. I hated the feeling of anything touching my belly, so having the panel right under my belly was perfect. And now in pregnancy number 3, I HATE THOSE JEANS. Since I'm carrying ridiculously low this time, the under belly panel makes me feel like I need to pee all. day. long. I took Jenna's advice and checked out full panel jeans, and guess what? I loooove them.

Okay, enough rambling. Here are your options.

No panel. These are meant to go under the belly. They don't have a visible panel, but the waistband is elastic and will stretch with your growing bump.

The Demi-Panel/ Under Belly PanelThis is the type of panel I used to love. It hugs the bottom of your belly. If you carry high, this might be comfortable for you.

The Full Panel

AKA, heaven. I love the full panel! But like I said, in my last pregnancy, I wouldn't have been able to stand the feeling of the elastic panel on my belly. It really is completely a matter of preference. Go by what makes you feel the most comfortable.
2. Cut
For maternity jeans, my favorite cuts are skinny: boot cut:
and straight leg/wide leg/ (wide leg not pictured):Okay, so the boot cut jeans I found look more like a flare, and the straight leg looks boot cut-ish, but I'm too lazy to go look for more. It's late and I spent the past two days remodeling two bedrooms. Sorry.
Whatever panel and cut you pick, just make sure they have a lot of stretch in them. Strrrretchy pants = comfort.
Now another thing to think about is what to pair those jeans with. My general preggo fashion rule is this: If you're going to wear something loose fitting on top, pair it with something tight fitting on the bottom. And vice versa. If you wear something loose on top and bottom, you're going to make yourself look bigger than you are. And if you wear tight on tight, you'll probably be showing more curvage than anyone wants to see. Unless you're a skinny terd and have supermodel pregnancies.
So if you're going to wear a straight leg, wide leg, or trouser leg jean, I suggest you pair it with a form fitting top. A top like this one is super snug, but also has ruching on the side to hide imperfections. I want it.If you're going to go with a skinny jean or boot cut jean, you can handle more volume up top like so: (All jeans from Gap and all tops from Motherhood Maternity)

Now I want to go get some cute tops.

Maternity Monday - Cardigans

Monday, March 8, 2010

Last week, I talked about showing off the baby bump. This week, I'm going to totally contradict myself. Yes, sometimes you feel cute and want to show off the basketball you're hiding under your shirt, but other times, not so much. You feel like a big swollen blob and just want to throw on a muumuu or giant shapeless t-shirt and crawl into bed with an entire box of Girl Scout Cookies.

The best thing to do when you're having a fat day is to still try to look cute! Just because you want to hide under your clothes doesn't mean you have to look like a fashion train wreck. There are perfectly acceptable ways to hide your body without compromising on cuteness.

Enter the cascading cardigan. Last winter I bought a bunch of cascading cardigans in different colors. And for way cheap because that's how I roll. They're non-maternity, but work great while pregnant. The cardigans in the picture below are from a maternity store, but there is absolutely no need to spend money on a maternity cardigan when you can just buy a regluar one pretty much anywhere. (Seriously, mine are all from good old Ross.) These things provide plenty of room.
Motherhood Maternity

The key to pulling off this look is to make sure the rest of your outfit is somewhat form fitting. Don't pair a cascading cardigan with baggy jeans or a loose fitting skirt. If you're going to have volume on your top half, you need something tight on your lower half. This look works with skinny jeans, boot cut jeans, or even a pencil skirt.
Remember the cinchy belts we talked about last week? Well, one day, I walked by a store that had a mannequin in the window that was wearing a cascading/drape cardigan with a cinchy belt over it. I thought...hmmm, I'll try it. I wish I could have found a picture to show you, but I couldn't, so you'll just have to use your imagination. Mmkay?
Start with a drapy cardigan like this one. Make sure it doesn't have a ton of extra volume. Then pair it with a belt like this, right under the bustline. I know, it's kind of hard to imagine. Just trust me.
Another way to semi-hide your baby bump is with a scarf. Obviously, it won't really hide it. BUT, what it will do is draw attention elsewhere. Throw on a plain white tee, preferably one that fits snuggly, and accessorize with a cute scarf.
Forever 21

Voila! People will be admiring your cute scarf instead of your expanding waistline. Just make sure you read Jae's post about scarves before you go for this look. Otherwise you might end up looking like a lost cowgirl like I once did.

Maternity Monday: Silhouettes

Monday, March 1, 2010

Hi everyone! My name is Nathaly and I'm the new preggo. In case you're wondering, that's Natalie, not NaTHaly. My Colombian parents threw in a silent H just to mess with me. I'm about 26 weeks pregnant with my third child (a girl), and have two hyper boys ages 4 and 2. I've got a degree in Radio and Television Communications (yeah, super useful) and am currently a stay at home mom and wannabe photographer. I know. Who isn't? I'm so excited to be doing Maternity Monday!

For me, looking cute while preggo is all about the silhouette and showing off the baby bump. Right now I'm at the phase where nothing fits anymore, but maternity tops are still too big. I wear a lot of non-maternity clothes that are a size or two bigger, but sometimes they just don't fall right. Take this dress for example:

It stretches all weird over the belly and doesn't look flattering. The solution? A well-placed belt.
Much better silhouette.

The belt is just one of those cinchy belts I used to wear on the smallest part of my waist when I still had one. Now I just wear it right up under the bust line. I do this with shirts that have no shape, dresses that are little too big, or just to jazz up an outfit. Obviously, this won't work for everyone. I can still do this because 1) I'm still early enough in my pregnancy that I have some room under my bust line, and 2) I carry low. If I carried higher, a belt would probably drive me crazy.

The belt in the pics above came from WetSeal. I couldn't find it online, but they have the same one in black at Forever21.
Anything wider would get uncomfortable, so look for belts that are more narrow and don't have a huge buckle.

Like I said, this tip also works for loose fitting shirts. Here are a couple of shirts that could be belted to show off that baby bump silhouette.

I love the color of this shirt from Old Navy. But in my current stage of pregnancy, this shirt would look like a tent on me. So I'd pair it with jeans and belt it with something like this:Love the two buckles. (Charlotte Russe) I own one similar to this in brown that has 4 buckles. It's quite pirate-y. I wouldn't recommend that. This stretchy belt from Charlotte Russe would also work with the shirt above. It's completely elastic which equals comfort.

Here's another Old Navy shirt that would be cute jazzed up with a belt.

I'd pair it with a pop of color like so:Cute! Another favorite color of mine. (Forever21)

If you carry high and the belt thing won't work for you, worry not. Just look for shirts with a seam under the bustline.

The seam will give your curves a more flattering shape. (Old Navy)

I also love the idea of a cute sash that can be tied in a bow.

(Both from Motherhood Maternity.) I love this last one. If my black pencil skirt still fit, I'd be buying this and wearing it to church on Sunday with some red heels. But if I try to squeeze into it, I'll surely bust a seam. Time to get a maternity pencil skirt! Hmmm, I'm off to talk to the hubster about arranging a little "me time" for some shopping.

Maternity Monday: Winter Wedding

Monday, January 4, 2010

So sorry for the hiatus, guys! Between buying a house, becoming enormously pregnant and eating my weight in holiday goodies, I've been so busy. Blogging has kind of taken a back seat.

But alas, I am back.

Last week, my little sis took the plunge and got hitched. Yay! But, I admit I was a little stressed about my hugely pregnant self being in all those wedding pictures. And furthermore, I didn't want to be "the pregnant sister who wore her only denim skirt, Coleman tent top and Birks" to the wedding. No. I wanted to be "the pregnant sister who looked smokin'." So, I knew I had to put a totally bangin' outfit together and then, I'd feel awesome about myself the entire day. And folks, that is precisely what I did.


(click to enlarge)

Headband: Icing, $5.99
Rosette flower clip: boutique, $8.00
Pearls: Forever 21, $3.80
3/4 Sleeve Dress: Motherhood Maternity, $29.98
Patterned tights: Wet Seal, $7.50
My favorite black Mary Janes in the world: Payless (American Eagle), $22.99 (Disclaimer --I got them last season so I'm not sure if they're still around. But they are the most comfortable AND cute heeled Mary Jane shoe ever. My feet didn't hurt until about 10 pm!)

See? It IS possible to look cute for a wedding while pregnant, AND to be comfortable.

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday!

Maternity Monday: It's all in the face.

Monday, December 7, 2009

In high school, I had perfect skin. We're talking maybe one small zit every few months. I didn't own concealer because I had nothing to conceal. It was awesome.

Then, I got pregnant. And my pores obviously hated me for it, because they exploded into raging, red pustules.

You know, acne is one of the great ironies of pregnancy. The fact you are "with child" should mean you've finally reached full-blown womanhood, yet your face looks like you're enduring the throes of puberty. Frustrating as all get-out, if you ask me.

Add the teenage pizza face phenomenon to the dark circles you've now got under your eyes from getting up nine times a night to pee, wrinkles from worrying, and a host of other skin problems that may have crept up on you (ruddiness, dryness, blackheads): it's pretty much a fool-proof recipe for low self-esteem. Which is the last thing you need as a pregnant woman.

So, what do you do about your complexion issues? Here are some tips that will help you achieve that elusive "maternal glow" everyone is always talking about (which I am convinced doesn't really exist without effort):

1) Start with good hygiene. You need to cleanse your face regularly to remove oil, dirt and build-up. Look for a cleanser that's non-drying and non-irritating. I use Aveeno Positively Radiant cleanser and I really love it. It contains natural ingredients and it's soap-free, oil-free, hypoallergenic and noncomedogenic (which means it won't irritate acne). Plus it smells great.

Also, avoid anything with scrubbing beads in it. You should exfoliate once in a while (perhaps weekly), but every time you wash your face is too often. It's going to cause more irritation and dryness than you had before. Your daily cleanser should be smooth and gentle.

For dryness, use a non-irritating moisturizer. If your face is super-dry and flaky, you'll want to use a heavier moisturizer. Otherwise, find something a little lighter. I use Lancome Primordiale Optimum, which even has SPF 15. So that's awesome, too. Some people swear by Mary Kay or Neutrogena.

If your acne is severe, you probably need to use a medicated face wash or ointment. Talk to a dermatologist about what is best. You don't have to suffer through pizza face just because you're pregnant.

2) Use concealer. Most of us grown women have wrinkles, bags under our eyes or ruddy areas on our faces. And that's OK. A good concealer can take care of them. It's amazing how a little concealer under your eyes will wake you right up. Like Botox, without the needle and weird paralysis. I also use concealer around my nose because I tend to get a little red there.

This article has a lot of good tips about using concealer.

Be careful not to use it on your blemishes, though. I know it's tempting to hide them, but they aren't going to get better if you cake them with make-up. Be patient while they heal.

3) Mascara is a must. Unless you have naturally dark, full lashes (lucky), you ought to use mascara. If applied correctly, it will enhance your beautiful eyes, making you look and feel amazing. I happen to own both waterproof and regular mascara. I use the waterproof one if I know I am going to be out and about all day, but I use regular mascara if I'm only going out in the evening. That way, I don't have to spend a ton of time and effort removing mascara I only wore for a few hours, since regular mascara is a lot easier than waterproof to take off.

4. Lip gloss. I know Jae loves a good lip gloss, and I do, too. Lip gloss is your secret weapon to looking hot even when you feel horrible. I heart Lancome's Juicy Tubes because they are super-shiny, stay on all day and come in a variety of fun colors. I have a more neutral one from Smashbox that I like as well. Neutrogena has some good ones that double as lip moisturizers, too. You don't have to spend a ton on lip gloss and you'll still reap the benefits of it. Pucker up!

5. Put some color into it! If your face seems pale and lifeless, liven it up with a little pink blush on the apples of your cheeks. Not too much, though, or you might look like an overdone news anchor. And trust me, I've seen my share of overdone news anchors (male and female alike).

Bronzer is fabulous if you want a more sun-kissed look -- just be careful not to apply too much or you'll look like a freaky victim of tanorexia. You're going for subtle glow, not radioactive.

So, that's it! Try these simple tips and see if you don't feel better about yourself. I guarantee you'll feel more confident.

Oh, also ... if you think there's no way you can do any of this make-up stuff on your own, find a friend or family member whose make-up looks great and ask them to help you. I am sure they'd be more than happy to! Or, if you're more of the anonymous type, head to the cosmetic section of your favorite department store. Most will do free make-overs and they'll show you how to achieve good results when you're applying your own make-up.

Maternity Monday: The Power of a Good Haircut

Monday, November 23, 2009

Senior picture, circa 2004

Until I had my first baby in 2007, I always had long hair. In high school, I was known for my bodacious blonde locks which were normally styled to perfection (see above picture). I kept up my adored 'do after getting married, but then pregnancy came along and WHAM! I didn't want to fix my hair anymore. Nausea and fatigue tend to alter one's priorities, unfortunately.

So my hair looked like this almost every day:


That's right -- pulled back into an effortless, messy, unflattering bun-thing. Bye bye, beautiful Victoria's Secret model waviness.

No wonder I felt horrible about myself when I was pregnant! My hair, which was once beautiful, became a lifeless blob on my head and it did nothing for me. Well, except make me look as miserable as I felt.

A flattering hairstyle is crucial to good fashion. You can put on the cutest outfit in the entire world, but if you have an '80's mullet, it will mean nothing. Not to mention, cute hair does wonders for a girl's self-esteem, which is commonly a pretty rare commodity during pregnancy.

This time around, I decided I wasn't going to fall into the lazy hair trap. So, about six months ago, right before I got pregnant for the second time, I got myself a totally chic and manageable pixie cut and some highlights. And this is me now:

Frumpy mom, be gone!

I must say, I feel about a million times better than I did last time and it's mostly because of my haircut. It makes me feel good about myself, so I want to wear fun clothes, I want to do my make-up, and I want to look cute! And my husband loves my confidence.

Just think: it all started with a good haircut.

Here are some tips to getting a great style that will boost your self-esteem:

1) Figure out what your face shape is. Here is a good site that will help you determine the shape of your face, thus allowing you to pick the right haircut for you. This site tells you what cuts to avoid and what cuts will flatter you, so you can get a general idea of what to look for.

2) Start Googling. Find pictures of hairstyles that work with your face's shape and also appeal to you personally. I used Elisha Cuthbert's pixie cut as my inspiration. Once you get several pictures you like, print them out and bring them to your stylist.

3) Find a good stylist. This is a MUST. The person with the scissors needs to be able to execute the style you want, or you will likely end up looking worse than you did before! Be willing to pay for a good haircut. For most women, low-end chains just won't cut it (haha, punny). Do you have a friend with totally cute hair? Ask her where she goes to get it done. Feel free to stop the girl in front of you in line at the grocery store and ask her who does her hair if you love it. That's where you need to go for your life-changing 'do. A good stylist can replicate the style you want and even tailor it to better fit your needs. The chick at Dollar Cuts most likely can't.

4) Be prepared to maintain your new style. I can tell you right now if I wasn't willing to style my pixie cut the way the stylist intended, it wouldn't be so cute or hip. I have really thick, wavy hair and it needs to be styled daily or I look like Anthony Michael Hall during his Brat Pack days. Which is so. Not. Cool. Here's the thing -- when the stylist is giving you your rockin' hair cut, ask him or her to show you how to style it. Ask them what brushes and products you'll need. They are happy to explain it to you because they WANT you to look awesome. Then, go home and practice. Spend some time playing with it in the mirror, figuring out what you like.

So, do you feel frumpy? Maybe it's time for a new hair do! Just because you're a mom doesn't mean you have to have a lifeless mom 'do. You deserve to look hot!

Maternity Monday: What to Wear Everyday

Monday, November 16, 2009

If you're anything like me ... you know what you'd loooove to wear every day when you're pregnant -- your softest, most broken-in pair of flannel pajama pants, one of your husband's T-shirts, and a pair of slippers. And no bra, probably.

Well, that's all fine and dandy if you're suffering from swine flu or another debilitating illness (like I am today -- yay for bronchitis!). Or if you're under house arrest. But, do yourself and the general public a favor if you're planning to go out: get dressed! It's good for your self-esteem.

I can't think of a store that isn't good enough for a decent outfit. Yes, even Wal-Mart deserves it. After all, do you want to end up on this site? Didn't think so.

It's not a bad idea to start off with a pair of everyday jeans. Remember, at this point, you already have a pair of dark-wash, more tailored jeans for date night. Those are fine to wear on your daily errands if you want. But hey, if I can make an excuse to buy a pair of jeans, I'll do it! So. Feel free to get some everyday jeans. They need not be too expensive. Look for a medium to dark wash. And please, make sure they support your bum and don't bag in the crotch.

Secret Fit Belly boot cut jeans, 7 For All Mankind

These jeans are HOT! I want. Santa ...?

**Edited to add: You need not spend $210 on jeans, folks. These are merely a good example of what you should look for in an everyday maternity jean. Why? Because they look amazing. And even though you're incubating a human, you deserve to feel good about yourself. So, use these fab jeans as a guide in your shopping.

Anyhoo. Once you've got your go-to jeans, you need a cute top. One that looks put-together without trying too hard. By all appearances, this is just what you wear every day, remember? (Even though you know as soon as you get home, you'll be back in the flannels.)

Here are some options:

P.S.~ I heart you, embellished cardigan. Let's be friends.

Now, for shoes. I'm thinking, not too casual, but not too dressy.

If you have small children, they'll likely be in tow on your everyday shopping trips, so you'll need a handbag big enough to hold the essentials (namely diapers, wipes and Cheerios. I will not leave the house without a bag of Cheerios. My daughter wouldn't last 10 minutes).

Try to avoid the "THIS IS MY DIAPER BAG!" look. You can find big purses that have pockets/compartments inside but don't have infantile graphics plastered all over them. And they won't cost a fortune like most diaper bags do, anyway. Affordable and cute.

Esther studded tote, F. 21

Everyday jewelry and accessories are versatile and easy. No need to go overboard. Pick one or two pieces to liven things up:

And there you have it. People of Walmart's got nothing on you. Unless you manage to add a hot pink mohawk with matching bandana and gloves.

Maternity Monday: DON'TS -- Celebrity Edition

Monday, November 9, 2009

Due to the fact that I am potty training my 2-year-old this week and my brain is literally fried from exhaustion, I thought I'd post something a little fun for all you expecting ladies out there.

Whatever you do when you're pregnant, DON'T dress like any of these pregnant celebrities!

Britney Spears

Poor Britney. I really do feel sorry for her. Clearly, she was nothing short of a train wreck during her K-Fed days. But these ensembles ... uncalled for! Especially the shrug tied over her already-ginormous-before-pregnancy décolletage. That, um, top (if you can call it one) goes perfectly with that grungy, tie-dyed skirt and those cowboy boots (which she obviously loved).

Heidi Klum

Heidi, I adore you. If I could siphon your cuteness into a glass bottle and sell it, I'd be a billionaire. But this dress is hideous! There's no denying it. For one, it's huge, and you're not. Second, it looks like it's been through a hurricane or some other detrimental natural disaster. And another thing: it's sheer in random places, which just looks, well ... random! You did so much better this time.


This outfit simply begs the question: WHAT was she thinking? Or was she? There is nothing redeeming about this ensemble. Nada. Epic fail. She would have been better off "missing in action" that night. Ah, I crack myself up sometimes.

Kourtney Kardashian

This dress isn't really THAT bad, but the sleeves are incredibly strange. It looks like she's smuggling some hideous late 90's drapes under her armpits. Or maybe like she is going to spread her wings and take flight at any moment. And the length of the dress leaves little to be desired ... literally. I don't care how nice your legs are ... if you can't sit without revealing your gender to the world, your dress too short.


I realize when this photograph was taken, Jennifer Lopez was trying to hide her pregnancy. Well, she failed, because this picture pretty much screams, "The Rumors Are True!"

Note to self: If you want your pregnancy to remain a mystery to the general public, don't wear too-tight, outrageously high-waisted electric blue disco pants.

And truthfully, too-tight, outrageously high-waisted electric blue disco apparel is probably never a good idea (unless it's Halloween).


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