What I Wore: Blurred Lines

Monday, March 24, 2014

I just had one of those weekends that was so crazy that my Saturday night consisted of me declaring it a "Candy Party" with my kids. I bought every type of candy imaginable (Mini Eggs, natch) and we had a movie night to recoup. It was OK, because the day before, we went to Arches National Park with my brother and his wife and hiked for like, seven hours. My shins STILL hurt from the downhill parts. Yowch.

We also ate a lot of Italian food (crab and pancetta mac and cheese FTW!) and went shopping. And complained about sore legs a lot.

They're off and headed back to Canada, which means it's back to the grind for me (read: pecking away at the computer, hauling kids to carious activities and whining to my friends about working out).

Tank: Gap (here)
Top: Dainty Hooligan (here) (similar) (plus size) I cannot stop buying these wrap tops. I have six and I love love them. 
Jeans: Calvin Klein (here)
Jacket: Guess (similar) (red!) (cheapy cheap)
Earrings: My friend Jami who is adorable and pregnant. 

I love this striped top, but when I wore it solo, it kind of looked like this. Therefore, it was my trusty leather jacket to the rescue to tone it down. With the weather here being crazy gorgeous, my lighter jackets are getting a workout and I will gladly wear them because soon it will be so hot that I'll fantasize about removing my own skin. 

But seriously, these wrap tops are my fave. I like how they're one piece, but still look dressy. Easy stuff right there. Although I wanted to wear a turquoise one that I have yesterday, but when getting in the shower, I accidentally flung it in a puddle of water. And that's my scintillating story for the day. 

You're welcome. 


Jennifer Wells said...

I love this shirt! I always gravitate towards black and white graphic patterns. I think I have a problem. But they always make me feel put-together.

Jae said...

B&W FTW! Same for me.


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