Freaky Friday
Friday, November 30, 2012
Alright, I'm off to gift shop. I love to gift shop. It gives me the warm fuzzies. Much like Bearded '70s Gigalo in his sassy white playsuit. Meow!
Or, at the very least, no more mom jeans.
Posted by
9:23 AM
Can I point out that this is my 501st post? I feel like I should do something special. Umm. I got nothin'.
That aside, I did want to take some time out of my busy schedule posting posed pictures of myself to talk about winter coats. Is it starting to get cold where you are? It's actually really warm here in Utah still. I'm mad because I just bought a new winter jacket and boots and they are in no way appropriate for wear yet. Darn. But! I'll be in Canada next week and they know how to do winter there, so I'm looking forward to some snow bunnyness.
Now, the main mistake I see in winter jacket wear is shapeless-ness. Puffy coats are warm, but they also make me question your gender, you know? I'm all for staying toasty warm during the cold months. I'm from a place where your nostrils froze together on the way to school. I get that. Just make sure you buy with warmth and style in mind and we should be good. Warm nostrils, pretty fashion -- what more could you ask for?
Posted by
8:22 AM
Blaaaaaaah this day! I went to bed last night with an actual game plan and to-do list for getting back on track after the holidays. Umm guess what didn't happen. Instead, my neighbor's dog barked for like, three straight hours and then my son was up at 6 am. THEN! I got started on my work and my hubs woke up with stomach pains so I took him to the doc (he's fine but on good drugs yay!) So I'm just sitting down to take care of business and writing a blog post was at the top of the list. I obey the list.
How was everyone's holiday? Did you go shopping? Please tell me you went, just not on Thanksgiving. There's something ungodly about spending Thanksgiving fighting with strangers for legos, amiright? I did go out way early on Friday and then again on Saturday and I feel pretty dark good about my scores. My favorites might have been two things for me -- a new winter jacket and boots for waaaay cheap. I'll show you them another day. Don't worry, I shopped for my kids too. I'm heading up to the Great White North next week (is it me or does it seems like I'm NEVER home lately?) and still have to shop for my mumsy and whatnot. But still. Making headway here.
Another thing I bought for myself? This awesome-sauce leopard print sweater. I swear, there is something wrong with me. I won't say no to leopard. EVER.
what I wore
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11:54 AM
So I usually have an outfit post on Mondays, but when I did take an outfit picture on Saturday it was too dark and I'm not actually sad -- I was wearing something cute and I want to wear it to Thanksgiving so it'll be like I never wore it at alllllll mua ha ha.
But, I did want to tell you about my favorite pair of jeans du jour. See, a town near mine opened a Costco. I don't have a Costco membership because my family is teeny and I just never ever go. But I have crazy friends who wanted to go over and so I met them there to poke around and eat free samples because I'm a classy lady. Anyway, I'm SO glad I went because it was there I found my favorite jeans ever. I KNOW! Costco, who knew? I loved them so much that me and my friend both bought a pair and then she went back the next day and got us both a pair in black. Now literally all of my friends have them and we're all different sizes and all in love. One of my friends even bought them for her daughters.
Posted by
10:54 AM
Is it me or have we not done a Freaky Friday lately? All of that Halloween and vacation stuff threw me off. And I had a folder full of good material just begging to be made fun of. I shall not let it down.
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9:41 AM
I am still holding strong on my "No shopping until the day after Thanksgiving" rule, which has been hard, let me tell you. I'm in the market for these boots and it's killing me to wait, but what if they're on saaaaale? So instead of going on a stage five spending spree, I thought I'd make up my Holiday Wear Wish List so I can keep an eye out on stuff while I shop.
Because, you know what's coming? Holiday parties. And your husband's work party. And hanging out with your weird extended family that you don't like but want to feel superior to. You know what I mean. So it's time to start searching out holiday-appropriate pieces so you look dressy without looking crazy... and without spending a ton.
Posted by
9:29 AM
Ola, friends! I'm back from our family vacation in San Diego. It was crazy gorgeous and I ate everything in sight and spent time by the pool and enjoying captive animals at Sea World, but my favorite part was coming home to a foot of snow at my house. No, seriously. We got home at 1 a.m. and just sat stupidly in front of our driveway. We had rented a teeny car that in no way could get over the snow and me and the kids were all wearing flip flops. I sent my husband into the house for boots and we trekked the kids in from the street. That was also when I realized I had shut the heat off when we left. Genius. It was a really fantastic homecoming.
And, because of the snow, I didn't get to wear my new shoes. First world problems, I know. So, I had to retool for the usage of boots.
what I wore
Posted by
8:49 AM
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9:01 PM
Is it me or is the cardigan part of the official mom uniform? I own like, 900 because they're so easy to put on and look polished. I don't know why, but the addition of a good cardigan takes anything from sloppy to "Oh, well look who decided to shower today." Still, sometimes I feel like they're a bit stuffy, which is why I love a) buying cardigans with patterns and 2) Mixing them up. Makes them a little less PTA.
what I wore
Posted by
8:06 AM
... Maggie, with her sexy Pac Man costume!! Maggie, be a dear and shoot me an email at nomoremomjeans at gmail dot com and we'll get you all set.
And, since all week has been just one big Freaky Friday, I'm going to sign off for the day and clean my house (aka who am I kidding. I'm going to watch wedding shows on TV while eating Halloween candy). Thanks to everyone for being such ah-mazing sports for Halloween week.
Posted by
10:58 AM
what I wore
Posted by
9:09 AM