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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Hey guys...

If you've noticed I've been absent this week, I would say "awww, thanks for noticing!" If not, I would say "pshhh."

But really. I must tell you my goings on. I turned 28 a couple weeks ago and apparently my body is falling apart. Last week I went to the doctor's for some antibiotics (stupid strep!) and while I was there I complained about a little bump that had appeared on my nose a couple months before. I thought it was nothing and that my doc would send me to a dermatologist. Instead he took one look at it and told me it was something that concerned him. In fact, the "c" word came up, and I'm not talkin' about chocolate.

So concerned was he that he scheduled a surgical excision right then. On Tuesday I went in to have it done. It sucked hard. HAAAARD. They just used local anesthetic and it was only about 30 to 45 minutes but the nose is ouchie!

When the nurse asked me if I was afraid of needles, I was like "Please, I've had epidurals so I can deal with this."
She said "Yeah, but this one is IN YOUR FACE!" Wow, thanks for that, least-comforting-nurse-of-all-time.

So, after having my "harmless" bump removed, I was all stitched up. You guys, it looks horrific. I was changing the bandage yesterday and my daughter walked in and told me it looked like there was a spider squashed on my face. And I immediately went into soap opera mode, screaming "I'M A MONSTERRRRRRR" at my reflection. My face is swollen and i look like I got in a fight at a closeout sale and lost.

Also, the doc said it'll most likely scar because of the location. I told my husband that's what I get for always being sensitive about my nose -- now I just want my old one back!

So, I'm taking it easy for the next few days. Yesterday I tried to go full-speed into my regular schedule of running ragged and by 3pm and felt like I got hit by a truck. My doctor ordered me to bed with an ice pack to nurse my bandaged-up honker.

Obviously I documented it for posterity. PS My ice pack is an old sock. Luckily, I'm feeling much better today. The cold sock worked!

Anyway, the stitches come out on Wednesday. Until then I plan on hiding from the rest of the human race so as not to scare small children. I'll also receive test results back on Wednesday to see what the dealio is. Did I just say dealio? Ugh, being a shut-in makes me lame. Anyway, it shouldn't be anything too crazy and it was caught early and everything is fine.

Well, except the ick factor.

However, can I make up the lack of posting to you with a couple of giveaways during the next two weeks? They're good ones, I promise!

Until then friends!

Kisses, Jae


Unknown said...

Man, that sucks! Thankfully it was caught early. I'm praying your results come back negative.

BTW - After 2 babies, I thought a needle wouldn't bother me either. That is until I got a shot between my toes. O.M.G! I almost came unglued! That mother hurt!!

Hope you're feeling like your old self soon.

Jae said...

Between the toes?? AHHH that made me start sweating. Yowza!

Unknown said...

Oh dear! I'm so sorry to hear this! I've been waiting for the perfect time to tell you something. Because of your blog - and ONLY because of your blog - while I was on a weekend get-away with my hubby and went shopping! I NEVER go shopping. But you had inspired me and so I went. And I bought FIVE things - including this adorable floral flats. Anyway, I hope that knowing how much you have affected me makes your nose feel a little better.

Unknown said...

I've been the "C" scare before. Tumor in my belly. The part that scared me the most was when my doctor said "Call and make an appointment with your General Surgeon immediately". That was when I realized that I have General Surgeon. And that is what made me cry, lol. (In all fairness, he did perform 2 of my 4 surgeries that year).
I hope you get back test results covered with rainbows and unicorns and good news. It took nearly 2 months to get my test results and I was NOT a happy lady waiting that long.
And btw -- I use old socks for hot and cold packs too ;)

Jae said...

YAY Paige! Seriously, I love hearing that kind of stuff. WHen people hate shopping it makes me sad :( Good shopping experiences all the way!!

Janelly, my doc said that if anything, it would be nonmelanoma and totally fine. It's just that WORD that scares me! No joke, I went home all fine, but a city worker came to my door and was talking to me about something and I just burst into tears. lol. I am not proud of myself. Poor guy!

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better! I'm following you blog from distant Chile.

Deveny said...

I got the 'C' word when I had surgery for my ectopic (they found some 'material' in my uterus that they had no clue what it was). I cried like a little baby because I was alone in a hospital bed when the doc told me. Thankfully it wasn't but it scared the shiz out of me.
I'm sure everything is totally fine & I hope your schnoz recovers beautifully. :)

Melissa said...

Jae, I feel like I know you! I've read your blog for months and love it. Anyway, so glad to hear that your nose experience is not serious but sorry for the pain. That sounds not fun at all. Hope you have a speedy recovery, and just thought you should know that you are totally inspiring me with my wardrobe choices as of late! Thanks for all of your hilarious stories and good advice. I totally need it!

Jae said...

Aw I seriously love you girls!!

Did I tell you guys that I was mostly mad because I ordered a TON of new clothes and since I'm hiding in my house for the next week, I have to wait to wear them until I get my face back?

Talk about first world problems.

Kristy said...

Good luck, Jae! I had to have a bump removed from my ARMPIT a few years ago...that is seriously a place you NEVER want a needle poking! :)

CutiePies said...

I must say, despite all the ice, socks, and spiders, your one eye looks amazing!
Hoping for all the best!

Cynthia in Kansas City said...

Dear Jae,

Sad to hear about the bump on your nose.... But I'm glad to read your blog. Because of your advice (and my teenage daughters loudly agreeing) I've removed all capri's from my wardrobe. Keep up the great posts, I enjoy the outfits you put together, lots of inspiration to look good & be a mom!~ Thanks, Cynthia

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, wish I could give you a hug. Maybe that would make you feel uncomfortable. Deep feelings of empathy over here, anyway.

--Nora B

Jennifer Wells said...

Don't worry, you will be back to your sassy, fashion-advice-dispensing self in no time flat!


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