
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hey guys --- I'm off and running on my two-week long adventure of tearing my hair out, but since I'll be squeezing into a swimsuit this weekend, I thought this was a good reminder for all of us!


Have I ever told you guys that I'm terrified of birds? No? OK, I'm telling you now. I hate them. There's something about the way they dart around erratically that makes me nervous. I hate any type of insect or animal that is erratic. Moths make me dry heave.

But do you know what's scarier than birds? Trying on swimsuits, amiright? And it's not like I'm the only one. I think the idea of baring your body to the general public makes nearly every woman break into a cold sweat. Want to know why?


Remember when Jessica Biel did this spread for GQ or Maxim or whatever it was, and everyone was like OMG SHE HAS THE PERFECT BODY!?

I do. I believe she started dating Justin Timberlake shortly after this. Considering her claim to fame was "7th Heaven," it's proof that a magazine spread can do amazing things for your career.

ANYWAY. That picture is exactly what's wrong with every other woman on the planet come June. We have to go to stores with terrible lighting and squeeze into swimsuits made for supermodels and then NOT look like supermodels and then contemplate a liquid diet. It's pretty much the worst ever.

So the other day I finally decided to man up and go swimsuit shopping. I took my kids, loaded my iPhone with movies and took a deep breath. I've been at the gym at least three or four times a week for the past month, so I figured I wouldn't be too horrified with the results. I headed to the store and surveyed the goods. I chose six and disappeared into the fitting rooms. I put "Megamind" on my phone for the kids and started the process.

And wouldn't you know it? I DIDN'T LOOK LIKE JESSICA BIEL.

Now, let's get something straight. Even Jessica Biel doesn't look like Jessica Biel. That is called Photoshop. But I didn't even look like unphotoshopped Jessica. You know who I looked like? Myself.

Me who has carried and delivered three babies. Me who struggles out of bed at 6:30 am every morning to get to the gym to be tortured during Pilates. Me who never says no to butter on her popcorn. Me who can still do cartwheels on the front lawn, much to my husband's chagrin.

So while I stood there in an ill-lit fitting room with two kids and an armful of swimsuits that would not make me look like a supermodel, I felt my attitude soften toward my body in general. It's never going to look like Jessica Biel's. Ever. She has never had kids and therefore has hours per day to work with a personal trainer. And that's totally fine for her. More power to her! But it doesn't mean that I can mope around and feel sorry for myself because I can only squeeze in an hour per day. (However, I do feel sorry for myself that I'm not dating Justin Timberlake. It's a hard knock life, my friend.)

In fact, it put me in an annoyed mindset. I'm annoyed that women have to constantly feel apologetic that they look like THEMSELVES. "Um, sorry for my big thighs and my weird calves and belly pooch." Yesterday I caught myself complaining to my friend about my ribs. MY RIBS. WHO complains about that? It's so "Mean Girls."

I propose that we all get over our crazy swimsuit phobias. I know it's scary to put on very small pieces of stretchy fabric and not look like a Victoria's Secret model, but who cares? Everyone at the beach/pool/lake is so worried about ensuring that the light hits their abs so you can't see their stretch marks that they don't even notice what you're wearing. Unless you're shlubbing around a pool in a T-shirt and shorts. I always notice that. It's like a lighted sign that says "I HATE MY BODY." With a frowny face. Instead, find a suit that you love and that makes you feel good about yourself and stop apologizing. You look fine and maybe even a little confident. My swimsuit-buying advice? Suck it up and stop sucking it in.

You want to know what I bought? A swimsuit with a ruffled top and gold buttons and hardware. I totally wore it boating, despite the fact that my ribs are weird.


rydberg said...

Long time reader first time commenter :), but I had to say Amen! Also, I almost died laughing when you mentioned your ribs, I was just complaining that mine stick out further than a couple near by body parts, bwahahahaha!

bequi said...

My husband has a harder time than me with going out in a awimsuit. I just keep telling myself, "You're not the biggest person here. You're not the biggest person here." Basically, I have accepted the fact that NO ONE is attractive at the public pool. NO ONE. So I got over it. My husband, however, is convinced everyone is staring at him.

Jae said...

rydberg - hahah that's what I'm sayin!! My ribs detract from what little I have! lol

bequi, my hubs is usually just worried about his insane farmer's tan. He drives a jeep with the top off all summer long and it is wicked. But you're right. Mere mortals generally look mediocre at the pool... just get in the water and no one will see!

Morgan Hagey said...

My ribs are weird too. My dad used to call me "Big Ribs" because I complained about them constantly! (Not because he thinks my ribs are big!) So, I hear ya. And I absolutely refuse to wear shorts or something that covers up the swimsuit I spent money on. I done made four babies. I look like me. I will never look like anyone else. I own it. You know I do because you can see my dashing around in my swimsuit trying to keep my kids alive. No shame, none whatsoever.

Beth said...


My extended family goes to Hawaii once a year (I know, lucky me!) and last year I was sick of feeling crappy about myself in a swimming suit for a week straight. So I spent more money than I ever thought I should and bought a few suits that I LOVE! I had the best time ever, I did not care for a moment what I looked like. My husband even commented on how much more fun I was than the year before.
(By the way I got a few Hapari suits, they are AMAZING and worth the money!)

Great post, I want to see pictures of your awesome suit!

Alicia said...

Thank you. I needed this. I had baby #3 5 weeks ago and was feeling the pressure that comes with june, warm weather and little kids that want to go swimming... and I've been DREADING swimsuit shopping... now I feel silly for worrying. You are SO RIGHT! Thank you.

Jae said...

Alicia, you have plenty of time! I remember being horrified when my body didn't promptly bounce back after my second pregnancy. I had to take a deep breath and remember all the crazy stuff my bod had been through in the past nine months!

Who knew that ribs were such a common complaint!? lol. I love all of the confident, self love comments. IN YOUR FACE JESSICA BIEL!

Anonymous said...

Ok, first of all I have to say that this article is spot on brillance !! Love it ! I have 4 children, and even before I had my children, I was still conscious of my flat stomach and size 8-10 frame ! Ha...now I really feel pathetic ! We should love ourselves for who we are. I am proud to be a mum of 4 beautiful babies and to be a size 12 (pushing 14) ! Let's hope that your gorgeous post allows other women to really feel great about themselves for who they are x

Nicole Benitez said...

Love this post!! I also complain about my ribs!! :)

Jae said...

My readers are the best! Seriously you girls are all awesome (and super smokin' hot)

Anonymous said...

I just wish I could still see my ribs! Ya'll enjoy your ribs...they are so much better than fat! I literally just went shopping for swimsuits yesterday...took 30 into the dressing room and didn't find one. Poo...I'm gonna check out Hapari suits now...never heard of them before...

Jenna said...

I hear you. I used to be freaked out about how pale I was, especially in high school. I felt like I could not go swimming until I'd achieved a certain level of tanness. Then my husband got skin cancer at 26 and you know, I love my white skin now. Better that than being covered in scars from surgery to remove your carcinoma, right? Or worse: dead. And hello, Nicole Kidman's skin is practically see-through and she's the most beautiful person ever. So whatever. I don't lay out, I don't do tanning beds. But I do pale really well.

As for stretch marks, I'm working on it. Boardshorts save my life.

Jessica said...

No one has worse ribs than me! On the lower left side (only the left side) my ribs are sharply pointed. I was a very skinny kid and I got teased about it in cruel ways.

I don't wear bathing suits to the pool, I am the person in the shorts and T-shirt. I'm not overweight, but there are just too many things about my body that make me want to have a panic attack. If I wasn't there in shorts and a t-shirt I wouldn't be there at all, and my kids would miss out.

Tori said...

I'm overweight and HATE swimsuits. I'm also pretty frugal, and swimsuits aren't the cheapest thing. Last summer I went on a quest to make myself a bathing suit (oh yeah, I also sew pretty darn well), and I did a lot of research in my quest to make myself the most flattering swimsuit possible that was also modest. For the first time in my life, I actually feel good about myself when I go swimming. Yes, I still curse my large thighs, but at least I know my swimsuit is cut in the most flattering way so that they don't look even worse! Having a swimsuit that is flattering really makes all the difference.

Also, am I the only one that hates modest swimsuit websites? I swear, they only use 18-year-old girls and younger as models. How is any woman supposed to judge how the swimsuit will look on them when they have to look at an adolescent wearing it?

jen bryner said...

thank you for this post!! it's so true. so so so true. and i'll admit, i even teared up a little. that could just be hormones...or me realizing that i need to be more positive about my appearance :)

so, i got a new job and i've been totally MIA and I'VE MISSED YOUR BLOG! i never have time for anything anymore it seems. anyway, just saying hey! i'm glad i caught this post today.

Unknown said...

All of your posts are perfect.
ESPECIALLY this one.
Could not agree more.

"There's something about the way they dart around erratically that makes me nervous. I hate any type of insect or animal that is erratic. Moths make me dry heave."

Died. So true it hurts.

Thank you for the continuous laughter you provide.

Jennifer Wells said...

I'd like to mention that Ms. Biel, while she has a smashing figure, is also posing in the most flattering way possible--her stomach is stretched out, her thighs aren't squished in a cellulite-y way, etc.

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