Freaky Friday
Friday, March 4, 2011
Hi guys! I am so glad it's finally Friday. I got my hair done yesterday and I'm so excited to show it because it is super cute, but it;ll have to wait till tonight. I'm going to a benefit and get to wear a hot dress so I'll take a pic and you can get the full effect because I'm super vain like that.
I also waxed my eyebrows. It's amazing.
ANYWAY, a bunch of today's pictures were submitted by my super hilarious sister-in-law, Sheriece. She has a knack for finding bad fashion, sending it to me as a .zip file and feeling satisfied.
Honestly, these look like they were made by the Swiss Family Robinson. Like, we're stranded on an island! Quick, fashion some shoes 0ut the sails and my belt! Don't forget a fashionable peeptoe!
Ugh, is there anything worse than drawstrings on shoes? What? You can't tie or buckle? LAZY.
You know it's cold when even your boots need to wear a sweater amiright? AHAHAHAH kill me.
Yes. A gold bubble jacket. For those night that you want to be understated.
I love when Paul Bunyan releases a new line.
The wording on this shirt makes me laugh. First of all, it is the droopiest, most unflattering tank OF LIFE. Then, it's talking about fashion in the 90s. Do I NEED to remind everyone what fashion in the 90s was like??
So... much.....acid wash.....and frontbums....
I can't decide whether this is a shirt or a cape. I think it would be cool if it were a cape for a superhero called "Fat Day!"
Elizabeth experiences that sickening moment when you realize your shirt is on backward... and you've already done your hair.
Hyuk, hyuk! It's Goofy! Say, has anyone seen my spare hat?
Oh! There it is! On a pensive model, no less.
I've been watching WAY too much Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
Welp, I'm off to finish my work so I can spend the rest of the day preening. I miss those days when I was a teenager and "getting ready" with my friends was more of an event than actually going out. These days I spend an hour trying to keep my kids entertained with Diego long enough that I can sneak in a shower and attempt to dry my hair.
Also, my son keeps stealing my makeup brushes. Should I be worried? I should mention that he usually eats them.
You make me laugh everytime! Were the 90's really so bad, I was suprised to see the front bums! hahaha!!
hahah, "front bums." classic. my mom never let me watch that show. true story. PS: come link up here: if you want, you stylin' Mormon mom you! ;)
Just because I know how much you love her, here's a Gaga joke:
How do you wake up Lady Gaga?
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