Face Your Fears

Monday, November 29, 2010

Face Your Fears and Do The Thing You Think You Cannot Do!

Let's face it, when it comes to routine we do the same thing over and over because we are comfortable with it. We like knowing that our day is running smoothly, we like it when we get the same coffee through the drive thru everyday (probably with a donut, bagel or danish), we have our favourite snacks when we get stressed or angry, more often than not our comfort foods (which is almost never healthy), we like routine. It's comfortable.

When I was in Brussels this past summer we went to this very cool park. It had some of the most amazing and in my mind dangerous things for kids to do. I couldn't believe how high the climbing structures were, the slides went so high and on forever and there was never any enclosures on anything!

I watched in horror as many 4 and 5 year olds climbed to the very top of these ridiculously high rope structures. I was sticking out like a sore thumb. I was nervous and it showed. To these kids, they were having a great time at the park.

In this video, I am at the top of a ridiculously high metal slide. It feels like it goes straight down. Take a look:

Believe it or not, it really did make me nervous. It was very tall and skinny. But I did it! I really had no choice, I had a 5 year old waiting behind me, getting impatient as I sat convincing myself I shouldn't do it. And voila, after (about a few minutes) it didn't seem so bad.

You must do the things you think you cannot do. You must face your fears. If you do not, you will never change. If you are comfortable wearing a size 12, or 16 or 32, you will always wear that size. Doing something that is different is often uncomfortable and challenging.

It's this discomfort and challenge that will push and move you forward. If you are afraid of running in a race, or something non-fitness related like public speaking, you really need to get out there and conquer your fears. When you do, you will feel such a feeling of accomplishment, a feeling of pride and know that you were strong enough to do it.

A lot of people are afraid to try new things regarding their health and fitness routine. When going outside of your comfort zone, I have had many people experience things they now love and have made it part of their routine.

With nutrition, you must definitely do the thing you think you can't. This is so important when wanting good health. Everyone has the food they turn to when they need to feel good. To be healthy you need to try foods that are healthier and encourage yourself to not eat the things that you know won't take you to your goals.

So face your fears. Face the unknown. You will become stronger, you will move forward and you will probably find new things that you will love and enjoy.

Committed to your fitness success,

Kelly Parker



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