What to Wear: To the Gym

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I know, I know. You're all like "Jae! I don't need to look nice at the gym omg will you lay off the fashion juice for two seconds and LET ME WEAR SWEATS???" and I hear you, I totally do. But I contend that acceptable workout gear will actually make you feel skinnier.

Here's my theory. So when you go to the gym wearing your hubby's sweats and your over-sized shirt from BAND CAMP, you're all sloth-like and hiding under your clothes, right? Like the whole POINT of gym wear is to be comfortable, so why not wear the largest clothes you own, right? WRONG.

See, if there's anything I've learned from my love affair with pilates, is that you get more out of a work out when you keep your abs pulled in and your body tucked...

...which is exactly what will happen anyway when you wear form-fitting gym clothes. You don't want to be the chubby girl, so you suck it in on the treadmill, and VOILA! suddenly your cardio workout is even more effective.


Seriously though, it makes me sad to see sloppy dressers at the gym. When I have cute gym clothes, it motivates me to work out even more, because I've spent money on the dumb stuff, I might as well wear it. What's more, these are clothes that you can run errands in before hitting the gym, so you can multi-task with your five minutes of freedom for the day.

Put some thought into what you wear to workout in. Does it make you feel good? Does it make your body look good? Will you actually wear it?

Choose clothes that are functional, comfortable and dare I say it: pretty. That way you don't have to spend the whole gym session avoiding the 80 foot mirrors lining all the walls.

Hey! Check out my new outfit making tool just for you! Now I can put them together in ensembles so you can see my vision a little more clearly. I'm actually way more excited about this than I should be, and plan on spending countless hours playing around with it. LOVE!!

Black Gym Set
If you don't have the world's hottest body just yet, head to the gym in something fashionable but loose-fitting so you can breath. The top is by Gap, the pants and hoodie by Old Navy, the bag by Nordstrom, while the shoes can be anything you want. I don't care if your gym shoes are ugly .These ones are New Balance.

Pink Gym Set
As you progress in your fitness goals, buy yourself new gym wear to keep yourself motivated. TOTALLY an investment in yourself, and I flipping love this outfit. Bra by Nike, hoodie by Victoria's Secret, pants are Old Navy, the bag is Kipling, and the shoes Nike.


I LOVE Stella McCartney's entire Adidas line... all of these pieces are from it. I own a couple pieces and they are awesome for working up a sweat because of the material. It totally helps that they are distinctive and adorable too, right? Like hey muscular meathead. You can totally ogle my body while I do crunches if you want, no worries.

If you're not sure wear to look for gym clothes and don't want to spend a ton, try Old Navy or a Nike outlet store. Sports stores like Gart or Dick's (tee hee) will also have a ton of good stuff for runners and gymrats, and runner's specialty stores are awesome too.

Try and see if it doesn't make you want to head to the gym in all your hotness and glory.


Kathy said...

Target's C9 by Champion line is awesome. It's cute, functional and inexpensive. Love it.

stephanie said...

So so so agree! Plus, when I'm sweaty and my hair is all icky it makes me want my outfit to be even cuter that way people are like "hey, she's sweating like a pig but at least she's got good taste!" p.s. LOVE the pink outfit. So cute!

New York liposuctions said...

I don't think there should be some dress code in exercise and/or yoga.You should wear in which you feel comfortable to do exercise.

mushbelly said...

I used to meet a friend of mine at the gym every morning - and she would always show up in pajama bottoms and a stained shirt that she had slept in. It was kind-of embarrasing. I really wanted to buy her some cute gym clothes, but I didn't know if she would take that the wrong way.

I never wore anything that cute - just yoga pants and a tank....it was always my goal to buy myself some cute gym clothes when I got to "X" weight - but that number kept changing. And now, well, I don't go to the gym :)

Beth said...

This is motivation to get to the gym.

Jenava said...

I second Target! They seriously had the cutest pants - little cuffed slouchy grey ones with a wide tie waist. They totally are a knock off of a Stella M. style and they are less than $50! But I think they are sold out online now. With all the great workout gear around I think it's a shame that people don't take advantage. It would depress me to look schlumpy at the gym.

Texas breast reduction said...

My gym has a LADIES ONLY section, our own stuff just for ladies and everything else in the main gym for either men or women. In the LADIES ONLY few ladies wear makeup, and if any, very little. The ladies outside in the both sexes area of wear makeup, well some do and some are full faced. I like the LADIES ONLY section, I don’t have to worry about how I look.

Russell Nixon said...

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Gianna Blake said...

Hey I am in love with these stylish workout clothes. Gratitude for featuring this fitness clothing here. Well, recently I bought printed pair of Capri and Tank top for my workouts from Old Navy. It is also very pretty and comfortable.


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