Guest Post: 5 Trendy Travel Tips for Moms On-the-Go

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Today's post is coming to you from Kendra Thornton, expert traveler and former Orbitz Director of Communication. Check out this info before you start packing for your summer vay-cay, will you?

It’s summertime and nothing says quality time with the family like a family vacation. As I make the necessary preparations, packing everything from sanitation wipes and sunscreen to sunglasses and sandals, I think of how nice (or potentially disastrous) it will be to get away and spend time together as a family. As a travel expert turned full-time mom, I cannot stress enough how important it is to be prepared in order to make the trip at least slightly enjoyable for parents. So, I’m offering 5 trendy travel tips for moms on the go to travel with convenience and style. Just because you’re a mom, doesn’t mean you can’t look good.

The first item on any packing list should be the baggage; after all, that is how all of the other items are going to get around. Forget clunky suitcases and giant duffle bags. Don't you dare pack a fanny-pack.  A tote is an excellent day-to-day bag that can carry all the essentials of a diaper bag without reminding everyone of, well, diapers. A great straw bag or a black and white striped tote are excellent choices for your beach trip this summer and won’t embarrass you or your children.

Another must have for traveling with kids is a wet bathing suit bag. There is nothing worse than packing a wet bathing suit or towel with clothing and having all the items smell funky by the end of the trip. Trust me on that one.  A bag like those from Henri Bendel will keep the wet and dry items separate so your children can swim right until departure without forcing you to wash every item in your suitcase upon return. They’re also a lot cuter than a plastic grocery bag.

As a mom, I know keeping track of everyone’s luggage (and everyone) can be a real challenge. I have enough trouble keeping track of my own purse and carry-on baggage let alone all of my kids’ stuff. Sometimes, bags get lost in transit. To avoid your own meltdown, look into GPS luggage tags.  These are a great way to reunite you with your lost luggage should the unthinkable happen. 

No matter where the journey leads, your bag should include sunscreen. I suggest Tocca Sunscreen & Moisturizing wipes for on the go. Not only do the wipes provide protection against the sun but they moisturize the skin at the same time, leaving kids feeling fresh, not sticky like other sunscreen products (because we really needed another thing to make them sticky). Another plus is that they take up less space and don’t run the risk of getting slime all over your new tote. Less mess = less stress.

Besides looking good on vacation, you’re going to want to choose a destination that fits the bill.  Picking a destination that caters to families while simultaneously avoiding any resemblance of Chuck E. Cheese can seem a like a challenge.  I promise you with some research these places do exist. One of my favorite sites for finding kid friendly hotels and resorts, Gogobot, recently released their list of Top 25 Summer Destinations.  With destinations from Vancouver to Cape Cod, you’ll be able to find something for everyone and therefore, hopefully decrease whining. Their reviews helped my family find an excellent Honolulu hotel for our last family trip that provided a host of kid friendly amenities without skimping on luxury.  Looking good is great; looking good on a tropical island is better.

As you are packing your bags for your family vacation, keep these 5 trendy travel tips in mind to ensure that your trip is as convenient and fashionable as possible. And please, leave the mom jeans at home. 

Kendra Thornton: Travel advocate, TV spokesperson, PR businesswoman, proud wife and mama of 3. I am a long time travel expert who has been packing my bags and traveling the world since I was 3 months old! I've found my utmost desire in life is right here in my own home. I have taken my excitement for travel and brought it to you with some of my favorite travel tips and tricks.

What I Wore: Au Naturel

Monday, June 10, 2013

How was everyone's weekend? Mine pretty much sucked. My husband had to go into the office on Saturday, so I decided to gut my house while we was gone and do things like vacuum under my couch. Ew. It was lovely. On the bright side, I now have a gunk-free couch and my house is clean for this week. I'm going camping next week so I'm hoping I can coast and not clean for like 14 straight days. Challenge accepted!

I wore this yesterday. When I'm running late -- which is always -- I let my hair air dry. I was late for a meeting so I went with wet hair because I am classy with a K. Luckily it dried alright and I called it good for the rest of the day. In the summer I just look for excuses to embrace my natural hair texture because the idea of hot flat irons and hot blow dryers makes me want to toss myself into a vat of ice cubes.

Also, no shopping links today because I could NOT find anything even close. Siiiiigh.
Dress: Downeast Basics
Slip extender: Local boutique (My Sister's Closet)
Heels: Charlotte Russe
Pearls: Nordstrom
Ring and hair clip: F21

And, as long as I'm divulging secrets about my gunky couch and my natural hair texture, I should let you know that these heels did not last the day. I changed into flats a few minutes later because I just was not feelin' it. Some days I can walk a mile in them, some days I don't make it past my porch because I had to tie my kid's shoelaces and almost fell over. C'est la via, my friends!

Also, check out my mini-me. We totally matched except for the fact that she lost like, three teeth in the last two days and has nothing left in her mouth. Thankfully, I still have my teeth. 

Welp, swimming lessons are checked off for the morning. I have big dreams of reading a book today to make up for my craptastic weekend. Pleaseohpleaseohplease let it happen.

Freaky Friday

Friday, June 7, 2013

Why does it feel like it's been like, 100 years since I did a Freaky Friday WHY? Probably because it has, which is amazing because I'm only 28 -- 29 after my birthaversary next month! But, until I become a mature 29-year-old, I can still make fun of ugly clothes and receive hate mail for it. My favorite!

 It's a crocheted prom dress! Because you have no friends and don't care who knows it.
 S. sent me this top and said it would be good for someone who wanted to get a little Friskies and I laughed and laughed because it's a cat. Oh S., you punny minx you. 

 You know how much I love subtle sexuality. Nipple cherries are one way to get there. 

 So remember those fairy dolls from when we were kids? And you'd pull the zip cord and they flew up in the air while spinning? Well, before my brothers ripped off her head and buried her in the backyard, I totally had one that looked just like this. Sweet childhood memories. 

 Aaaaaand this is why I hate capris. Look at those stumpy legs. LOOK AT THEM. Homegirl is like two-thirds torso. 

 Heather sent me these pants which might be the freakin' twee-est thing I've ever laid eyes on. Like, really collared milkmaid shirt, suspenders, mom jeans AND buttons? Heading off for our first day of 1978 kindergarten, are we?

 I am so glad that Andie was able to cut up that dress and go to the prom with Blaine aren't you? 

 Whoops wrong dress. 

Creepy dog sweater is watching you from around the corner.

I know every fashion blogger and their mother is like, vomiting rainbows over these culottes but 1) THEY'RE CULOTTES and 2) They look like a loincloth. 

BTDT Tarzan. 

Now that I've gotten that out of my system, I'm off to go test my kids' swimming lessons by taking them to the pool. I'm sure they're pretty much Michael Phelps by now. Happy Friday, guys!


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