Freaky Friday
Friday, October 5, 2012
We have a mixed bag for Freaky Friday, which is great because I Have a mixed bag kinda day going on. You know one of those days where you just have a little bit of everything? My fam-fam is coming to visit on Tuesday so I should probably remove the camping gear from the guest room and clean July's leftovers out of the fridge. Ugh, pretending to be civilized for guests is the worst.
K, so jumpsuits are the bane of my existence, but I've learned that certain things can make it worse. Like cable knit camel toe, for example.
Haven't you ever wished that your foot could look like a giant vat of melting Creamsicles? If I had a nickel for every time...
Oh good! Instead of throwing out my broken DVD player, I can glue it to my head instead. So environmentally conscious of me!
This is probably my favorite thing of all time. It's like who wouldn't want to spend their time dressing up as a vending machine and pranking unsuspecting Coke drinkers? It's like "ahahaha I really got you that time sweet mother I'm so lonely."
Brenda sent me this hairband, noting that it made it look like the model's head is on fire. Besides heartily agreeing, I'd like to point out how shamed she looks in this picture. Shame on you, model. Shame for your firehead!
Unless you add cat ears and are crazy. Then, be my guest.
Speaking of maternity shirts, how about an iPhone charger that looks like a fetus? Also, I can only assume you also enjoy cat mutiliation and serial killing in your spare time.
A few different people sent me this shoe, including Stephanie, Rachel and Lindsay. First, I took at as a personal offense: I have ridiculously short arms and wondered if all of these people were telling me that I look like a T-rex. After calming myself down I realized that it was really sent to me because it's a plastic DINOSAUR on a SHOE.
Also, thanks for sending in the costumes for the contest! Keep 'em coming. There have been some doozies this year... I have actually LOLed at a bunch. Oh human race, you so silly!
Now it's off to the races. Time to shed the hoodie for something more wearable in public. Boo.